Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 1295: The Fierce Sun Shows His Power!

There is absolutely no comparison between the mid-level Tiange and the peak of the Divine Dao.Even a hundred mid-level Tiange may not be able to reach the peak of the divine way.Mu Hao and the others only had 20 people, but they were able to kill the peak of the Divine Dao. They were indeed something to be proud of.

Especially in the great world of Taoism, they have always only paid attention to individual combat power, and never bothered to cooperate with others. It is not only their glory, but also the success of the entire Mu family that Mu Hao and others can perform like this!

With a glance, Wan Dong could tell that Mu Hao and the others had definitely practiced the same kind of fairy art, the same kind of martial art, and they had gone through thousands of tempers and countless times of tempering, otherwise they would definitely not have such a tacit understanding.Without the full support of the Mu family, this would have been almost impossible.

Although doing so may slow down the cultivation speed of the individuals among them, once the integration is successful, the combat power that will explode is definitely not as simple as one plus one.This divine machine guard team, when its cultivation base was only at the mid-level of Tiange, was able to encircle and kill the peak of the divine way, which can be seen from this.

The birth of Shenjiwei is definitely the cleverness of the Mu family!

In comparison, Luo Xiao and the others had a certain degree of chance!Even Wan Dong did not expect that after going through so many battles, Luo Xiao and the others could reach such a tacit understanding.Even if everyone's cultivation level is different, they can cooperate seamlessly like this.

Luo Xiao's spontaneity and Shenjiwei's deliberate pursuit of success are obviously another level higher!

"Eh? The cooperation of these little blood skeletons is so tacit, it's really not easy!" Mo Taichang finally noticed the performance of Luo Xiao and others, and his expression suddenly became dignified.

Wan Dong frowned, turned to look at Mo Taichang, and said, "How do you know they are blood skeletons?"

"Do you need to ask? Who else dares to break ground on our Mu family, except the blood skeleton?"

Mo Taichang's self-righteousness has almost reached the state of "fresh and refined", which makes Wan Dong a little dumbfounded.

"Can't it be a misunderstanding?"

"What misunderstanding? If it's really a misunderstanding, they should give up resistance, let go of their hands, and follow me back to Mu's house obediently, and everything will be cleared up when we arrive at Mu's house. You go and ask, when did my Mu family wrong someone?" Mrs. Mo stared and said harshly.

Wan Dong was really speechless when he heard this, Mo Taichang is simply a strange thing!

"Wait, these little beasts are not from your group, are they?" Mo Taichang suddenly reacted and asked Wan Dong with a stare.

Wan Dong narrowed his eyes, glanced at him coldly and said, "You'd better keep your mouth clean, they are not small beasts, they are my brothers who live and die with me!"

"Ha! I'll just say it! Mu Hao! What are you dawdling about, kid, be quick!"

Mrs. Mo was so angry with Wan Dong, and finally found a chance to vent at this time, raised her eyebrows, and roared sharply.

Na Muhao is indeed a handsome talent, among the twenty divine machine guards, he is wearing a white shirt, which is very eye-catching!As soon as Mo Taichang finished speaking, his sword edge swept away, bringing up a forceful sword aura, as if blowing a horn, and the other nineteen divine machine guards immediately launched at the same time.Dozens of attack waves converged into one, the radiance soared into the sky, and the power was extremely powerful.

This is definitely a super offensive that can kill even the peak of the divine way!

If Luo Xiao and the others hadn't just been promoted and took Constellation Pill, this level of offensive would be enough to make them collapse.But now, everything is different.

Luo Xiao yelled urgently, and Ding Shanwei Qunying started to move at the same time.A burst of dazzling movement of body shape, at first glance seems to be out of order, but in fact contains law, infinite mystery.When Mo Taichang understood, Dingshanwei Qunying escaped from the attack range of Shenjiwei unscathed.

Once again, he exerted his full strength, but failed to complete an inch. Mu Hao frowned tightly, and there was a hint of impatience in his eyes.Luo Xiao and the others were like a slippery fish, they could never catch it, it was beyond his imagination.

Back then, when Mu Hao and the others besieged the pinnacle of the divine way, they never worked so hard.

Although Luo Xiao and the others avoided the attack of the Divine Machine Guard, their expressions were not very good-looking.It's not their style to always be beaten like this!

"Capture the thief first and capture the king first! Luo Xiao, you all cooperate with me!" Xiao Lang swept his eyes and locked on Mu Hao directly.

Luo Xiao also had the same intention, nodded heavily, and said, "It's time to show them some strength, our Dingshan Guard is not a vegetarian! Besides, the boss can watch from the sidelines!"

Luo Xiao really understood the crowd, as soon as these words came out, it was as if they had given blood to the crowd, and a high-spirited fighting spirit immediately shot up like a raging fire.

"Are you going to keep dodging like this, like a turtle, it's ridiculous!"

Mu Hao was obviously in a hurry after failing to make meritorious deeds several times, and said with a sarcasm all over his face.

"Shrinking the head!? I'm bah! Move the spark to kill!" Luo Xiao and others' fighting spirit was already raging, and Mu Hao's words were like adding fuel to the fire!Luo Xiao and the others were immediately detonated, and with Luo Xiao's stern shout, Ding Shanwei Qunying washed and started, all of them gathered their bodies to the extreme.

Although the cooperation of the Shenji Guard team led by Mu Hao is tacit, it is limited to the transition of offense and defense. Compared with Luo Xiao and the others, the cooperation of integrating formations into one is undoubtedly much simpler.

Luo Xiao and the others mobilized together, and Mu Hao felt a little dizzy immediately. He had no other choice but to strictly order the team members to stand still, so as not to respond to all changes!

Relying on the fact that the overall cultivation base is much higher than Luo Xiao and the others, Mu Hao's move is also wise. The previous offensives launched by Luo Xiao and others were disintegrated in this way. Can't help anyone's situation.

But this time it seemed to be different from before. With the rapid movement of Luo Xiao and others, a threat that made Mu Hao more and more uneasy quickly gathered and expanded infinitely.Gradually, this threat turned into pressure, a huge pressure, as if a huge boulder of ten thousand catties was pressed on the back of every divine machine guard.

"What the hell are they doing?" Not only Mu Hao, Mo Taichang also clearly felt something unusual, his eyes widened suddenly.

Mo Taichang and Mu Hao didn't understand formations, so naturally they didn't know that the Xingxinghuo killing formation that Luo Xiao and others used at this time was one of the three most powerful killing formations in the Jiuqu Jiugong formation!Once launched, the aggression is like fire!

"Stop them!"

Seeing that the power and power erupted by Luo Xiao and the others became more and more domineering, Mo Taichang finally couldn't sit still, and let out a sharp howl that resounded through the clouds.

Mu Hao and the others also went to the extreme. Before Mo Taichang's shout fell to the ground, they shook their swords one after another. Thousands of sword glows immediately covered the sky, like a meteor shower, brilliant and dazzling, and the sword glow brought The whistling that came out was even more creepy and trembling!

Mu Hao wanted to strike first and cover Luo Xiao and the others. Although his idea was good, it was naive!

With the help of the profound meaning of Yi Xinghuo killing array, Luo Xiao and others fully took advantage of the momentum, and the Dao Qi was infinitely superimposed and overlapped, and the power of each martial skill was increased by more than several times.Straight in the sky, it was intertwined into a gorgeous and lively scene, like colorful flames with wisdom, sweeping unrestrainedly.


The loud noise shook the sky, and the vigor of the two sides quickly collided in the air.It's like two armies of iron cavalry fighting with all their strength, you are fighting for each other, struggling to entangle each other.

The violent energy splashed countless turbulent streams, flew all over the sky, roared and rolled, and the forest trees in a radius of tens of miles were wiped out, and no one was spared.Thanks to the fact that Wan Dong and Mo Taichang are not ordinary people, otherwise they would have turned into ashes under this situation!

In the dark, where is this a competition between two waves of young monks?It is clearly the ultimate collision of two powerhouses at the peak of the divine way!

Mo Taichang couldn't believe that Luo Xiao and the others could unleash such terrifying combat power. Their eyes almost popped out of their sockets, their lips trembled, and they wanted to say something, but they couldn't say a word. come out.


Just when Mrs. Mo watched with horror, there was a roar like a dragon's chant, and it suddenly exploded.Seeing a figure like a thunderbolt, Huo Di pulled up from the group of Dingshan guards, holding a sharp sword that seemed to be burning, across time and space in an instant, and pointed directly at Mu Hao.

"not good!"

Mo Taichang instinctively let out an exclamation, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.That magical weapon that seemed to be on fire was so powerful that it completely exceeded his imagination!

Based on his understanding of Mu Hao, it was simply not enough to block this sword!Sure enough, Mu Hao, who was startled, hurriedly swung his sword to block, but before his sword light could spread out, he was swept away by the fiery sword light of Lieyang Sword.Immediately afterwards, there was a choking sound, and the sharp sword in Mu Hao's hand turned into crumbs on the spot.

"No reason!"

Seeing that Mu Hao was in danger, Mo Taichang couldn't hold back immediately, let out a snarl, jumped up, turned his right palm into a claw, and raised the claw's strength and light like a mad dragon, as if he wanted to tear Xiao Lang alive.

How could Wan Dong let him succeed?As soon as Mo Taichang made a move, Wan Dong's figure stood in front of him like an iron tower, and his right palm struck out like electricity, with extremely fierce palm strength, without saying a word, he directly smashed Mo Taichang's body. Claw strength collapsed!

"How dare you stop me!? If Mu Hao dies, you all have to be buried with him!"

Mo Taichang was so enraged that his roar shook the sky!Seeing that his eyes are tearing apart, he attaches great importance to Mu Haoding.

Suppressing Mo Taichang's offensive, Wan Dong sneered, and curled his lips and said, "Do you think everyone is you, regardless of indiscriminate, you will put people to death at every turn!"


While speaking, there was another series of jingling sounds, and Mo Taichang looked back, only to see several divine machine guards around Mu Hao who were injured at the same time, each holding a half-broken sword, staggering back.

And Xiao Lang and the Lieyang Sword seemed to be integrated into one body, turning into a fiery red light, and inserted into the formation of the Divine Machine Guard. On Mu Hao's neck, as long as he moves a little, Mu Hao's blood will be splashed for five steps immediately!

[Author's digression]: I'm sorry everyone, the outbreak will start tomorrow!At least five chapters!


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