Puzzled and upset, Tang Xinyi forgot to express her attitude at the first moment. Instead, she looked at Wan Dong with full of curiosity and doubts. Thinking, "What are you, is it your turn not to do this?"

If it was Xu Yaoting's job instead, that kid would be so happy that his mouth would turn crooked, of course he wouldn't quit.But now that Xu Yaoting is replaced by Wan Dong, things are different.In Wan Dong's heart, there is only Mu Lian, and now Mu Lian is in a difficult situation. When Wan Dong thinks about it, Wan Dong is on fire. How could he marry Tang Xinyi?Of course not.

Tang Xinyi was puzzled, Xu Wenchuan was also confused, and asked, "Yao Ting, didn't you always like this Tang girl, otherwise, why did you go to peek at her?"

"I..." Wan Dong really didn't know how to explain it for a while, so he couldn't tell the truth.

Maybe he was forced by Xu Wenchuan's eyes, Wan Dong blurted out, "If you don't do it, you just don't do it. What's the explanation for this kind of thing? Anyway, I've peeked at it, and it doesn't seem to be a big deal..."

Wan Dong was startled when he said this, and felt that something was wrong, but the words he said were like water poured out, how could it be so easy to take them back?

When Tang Xinyi heard it, she exploded like a dynamite bag.

What do you mean nothing special?Doesn't this just mean that Tang Xinyi's figure is unexpected!

Criticizing and slandering a woman's figure is comparable to slandering a woman's appearance, and it can drive a woman crazy, especially a woman like Tang Xinyi who has always been extremely confident in her figure is even more unacceptable.

"Xu, if you have the guts to repeat the words to me!" Tang Xinyi was really angry, and she glared at Wan Dong fiercely at this moment, like an irritated bulldog, fierce yet cute , especially the pair of silver and white canine teeth, biting the bright red lips tightly, which is enough to drive a man crazy.

Ning Shan couldn't help but shake her head, feeling annoyed and helpless towards her son.

Xu Wenchuan couldn't help but widen his eyes and open his mouth, like that, he didn't know what to say.

Wan Dongman coughed a few times in embarrassment, and hurriedly raised his hands and said, "Miss Tang, don't get me wrong, I... I didn't mean that..."

"Then what do you mean? If you don't explain clearly to me today, even if I die, I will drag you with me!"

Wan Dong couldn't help but gasped, thankfully Tang Xinyi was tied up, otherwise she would have jumped on her and bit her right now.After all, this woman's mind is like a needle in the sea, unfathomable.It's just that because someone said a wrong sentence, they have to work hard and die together, which is really unimaginable.

"Okay, okay, you are very promising, okay? I said something wrong, I'm sorry, I apologize, can I apologize?" Wan Dong said repeatedly as if he was afraid of Tang Xinyi.

When Mu Lian and Wan Dong were together, they were always submissive and gentle, but when did they ever get mad at Wan Dong like this?Therefore, Wan Dong's experience in dealing with crazy women is not ordinary.This directly led to Wan Dong's sincere apology, which turned into a naked provocation when it came to Tang Xinyi.Especially the helpless tone of Wan Dong's apology was understood by Tang Xinyi as impatience, and it was still that kind of extreme impatience.

It was like pouring another pot of oil on a raging fire. Tang Xinyi let out a snarl, flew up her leg, and kicked Wan Dong viciously.The strength contained in this leg is no weaker than the palm that struck Xu Yaoting.

If Wan Dong really got kicked like this, he might have to die again.Fortunately, Xu Wenchuan reacted very quickly and pulled Wan Dong over. Tang Xinyi's kick didn't come true.However, the buzzing wind brought by Tang Xinyi's leg still made Wan Dong gasp.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!" Tang Xinyi kept roaring, like a lioness with mad hair.

Xu Wenchuan couldn't help shaking his head. It seemed that this time, his precious grandson had offended Tang Xinyi so badly. If he wanted to bring them together again, it would be completely hopeless.

"How unreasonable!" At this moment, Wan Dong also became angry.

Why, you, Tang Xinyi, are all covered with diamonds, so you are the only one in the world who is precious?Someone peeked at you and said a few words that didn't suit you, and you're going to take his life?Who is not raised by parents, why are you so domineering?

With a loud shout, Wan Dong ran up to Tang Xinyi in a few steps, and while she was still yelling, he waved his hand and slapped her heavily on the face.

Wan Dong's slap really didn't mean much to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, it was crunchy and loud, and Tang Xinyi's pink and snow-white half cheek was red and swollen at that time.

With this slap, Xu Wenchuan, Ning Shan were dumbfounded, and Tang Xinyi was almost stunned by the slap. She didn't yell or yell anymore, but just stared blankly at Wan Dong, wondering what was going on before she realized what was going on. .

"Yao Ting, you are too much, how can you hit a woman?" Still Ning Shan couldn't stand it, and blamed Wan Dong first.

Ning Shan's accusation made Tang Xinyi wake up, her tears rolling out like broken beads.This was probably the first time in her Tang Xinyi's life that she had been slapped in the face. Of course, a girl with a strong sense of self-esteem couldn't stand it.

Wan Dong ignored Tang Xinyi's tears, but said to Ning Shan with an indignant face, "Mother, look at her, she is so rude, how does she look like a woman? I just crawled back from the gate of hell, and I almost fell asleep again." She sent her back. I just slapped her, which was already cheap for him. "

"You..." She didn't expect Wan Dong to be so eloquent after hitting herself, Tang Xinyi was so angry that she wanted to take it easy.In the past, she just thought that this person in front of her was dirty and wretched, but now she realized that this guy is simply shameless!He has lived for so many years without being hacked to death by the gods, his luck is simply against the sky.

However, Wan Dong's life still made Tang Xinyi calm down a lot.Thinking about it carefully, her kick just now was indeed a bit ruthless.But of course Tang Xinyi wouldn't apologize to Wan Dong, and she didn't even look at Wan Dong in the slightest.It looked like that, if she did it all over again, she would still kick that leg.

"Father?" When things got to this point, Ning Shan had no choice but to turn her head to look at Xu Wenchuan.

Xu Wenchuan originally wanted to bring the two of them together, and King Dingshan really admired Tang Xinyi, but now... Xu Wenchuan sighed softly, and said, "No matter what, Miss Tang, you must make compensation to Yao Ting. How about this, I will punish you and serve as Yao Ting's personal bodyguard for one year. During this year, if Yao Ting makes any mistake, I will blame you!"

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