"I admit that you are very special. There are few opponents in the initial stage of the divine way, or even in the middle level. However, you want to challenge me to the peak of the divine way just because of the elementary level of the divine way. Even the sky will not agree! Today is you On the day of his fall, this seat is following the will of the heavens!"

Under the power of the Black Dragon Sword Formation, the peak of the Divine Dao had flying hair and fluttering clothes. Looking at it from a distance, it really looked like a god!

Having said that, in front of the elementary level of the divine way, isn't the peak of the divine way a god?Once angry, it is Tianwei!

"Strong... This is too strong! What should he do, what can he do?..." At this time, Li Bin seemed to be carrying a mountain on his body, and the heavy feeling coming from the depths of his heart almost It was a little difficult for him to stand up, and his figure was precarious.A pair of eyes were frequent and eager, constantly looking at Wan Dong.Before he knew it, his whole heart turned towards Wan Dong.This has nothing to do with love or hate, perhaps it comes from the instinct of the weak to move closer to each other and resist the strong under the domination of the unyielding soul.

"Playing with swords? Coincidentally! I'm also good at swords!"

Li Bin was trembling, and when it was difficult to hold on, Wan Dong suddenly uttered such a sentence, which made Li Bin stunned and stunned.In front of this infinitely murderous black dragon sword formation, there are still people who dare to claim to be good at using swords?This made it hard for Li Bin not to wonder if Wan Dong's brain was broken.

"Hahaha..." Upon hearing that, the peak of the Divine Dao, even after being taken aback for a moment, looked up to the sky and laughed wildly as if he had heard a big joke.

"You know, you young man, it's really fun. If we didn't belong to different camps, I would be reluctant to kill you. You have bad luck in this life, and I hope you will be lucky in your next life!"

"Is it fun?"

Wan Dong smiled coldly, and the storage ring in his hand suddenly rose in brilliance, and with the soaring brilliance, there was a murderous aura soaring into the sky, flying up and filling the air.Before the peak of the divine way could see clearly what flew out of Wandong's storage ring, he was startled by this terrifying momentum, and his expression changed several times in an instant!

And when the humming sound of the Samsara Sword resounded throughout, the mind of the peak of the Divine Dao was even more shaken.A pair of eyes stared as if they were about to burst open, and the shock in them reached its peak in an instant.

"This sword..." The voice of the pinnacle of the divine way visibly trembled.

"This sword reincarnation, send you reincarnation!"

Accompanied by Wan Dong's icy cold words, the brilliance of the Samsara Sword suddenly soared again, reaching ten thousand feet.The blood massacres for thousands of miles, and the smoke disappears into the air. The two strange moves, under Wan Dong's supernatural power of fusion of truth, cleverly merged, combined into one, turned into a dazzling thunderbolt of thousands of feet, crossing half of the sky.

Under this sword light, the gloomy and evil black dragon sword array, as if being oppressed by something, roared from time to time, as if it was about to burst at any time.

"You... who the hell are you kid?"

The face of the peak of the Divine Dao had already changed dramatically, and his voice began to tremble. The killing intent transmitted from the ten thousand zhang sword glow was as vast as a galaxy. Not only could his Black Dragon Sword Formation be unable to withstand it, even he himself showed signs of being unstable. .This is a complete threat to life, no, even using the word 'crushing' is not an exaggeration.

"You are not a beginner in the divine way at all, you...you liar!"

The power that burst out from Wan Dong's Samsara Sword overwhelmed the Black Dragon Sword Formation in an instant, but this is not the end. The sword power of the Samsara Sword is still rising sharply, and its power continues to increase. , with both anger and grievance on his face, he yelled at Wan Dong.That look was like a woman who was cheated out of her virginity. In Li Bin's eyes, it was both ridiculous and sad.

"What black dragon sword array, it's a shame to the black dragon's life! Get lost!"

Wan Dong didn't say a word about this peak of the divine way. When the Samsara sword glow reached its peak, his right hand suddenly slashed down, and the sword fell from his hand. As soon as the hand fell, it was infused with the true meaning of the sword.The sword glow, which had already reached ten thousand feet, doubled in an instant, reaching twenty thousand feet.

Under such a majestic sword light, the black dragon sword array immediately became extremely small. From the perspective of bystanders, they couldn't help feeling like killing a chicken with a bull's knife.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Li Bin wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.It's just that he has no time to think about these things at this time, his whole body is completely filled with shock,

Of course, in addition to the shock, there is also a fear that grows like weeds.Especially recalling his previous challenges to Wan Dong, Li Bin felt as if he was walking a tightrope on a cliff, and he broke out in a cold sweat involuntarily.

The reincarnation sword glow danced wildly in the air, let alone a small sword array named after the black dragon, even if the real black dragon is here, so what?Amidst the howling sound like landslides and ground cracks, the [-]-foot sword light slammed fiercely on the black dragon sword array.Before even taking a single breath, half of the hundreds of long swords that formed the Black Dragon Sword Formation had already burst on the spot.The remaining half, of course, are still struggling, but anyone can see that the complete collapse is only a matter of time.

As if struck by lightning, the peak of the divine way trembled violently, and spewed out five or six bloody arrows one after another!

His complexion was as pale as paper, but his eyes were red.Apart from horror, there is resentment and unwillingness.

"No! I won't just lose like this, no!"

Amidst the roar, the peak of the divine way danced wildly with both palms, and the Dao Qi in his body gushed out as if he didn't need money, and turned into streams of light in the air, gathering in the remaining long sword like rivers returning to the sea .This is the last struggle and resistance of a peak of the divine way. If the theory of good and evil is abandoned, then the behavior of the peak of the divine way at this time is indeed tragic.

"How can I be defeated at the peak of the divine way by you? I won't admit defeat!"

At this point, at the peak of the divine way, it is not only a battle for life, but also a battle for honor, disgrace and dignity!

Under its release regardless of cost, the half-collapsed Black Dragon Sword Formation finally shone again, but in Li Bin's eyes, this light may be brilliant, but in Wan Dong's place, it is still just the light of rice grains!

Without giving the peak of the divine way any chance to breathe, Wan Dong's arm suddenly reached out, and the reincarnation sword immediately exploded with sky-shattering power.The sound of the sword chanting, arousing the true sound of the Dao, as if the whole world was affected by the sword light, the Xiongshan was trembling, the space was distorting, even the invisible air was guided by it, turning into invisible big mouths, wanting to Devour the peak of the divine way.

The remaining half of the long swords could no longer support them, and burst into pieces with bang bang muffled noises.Until the last handle was turned into crumbs, the peak of Shendao was like a baseball that had been slapped away, flying tens of feet away.

When it landed, it was no exaggeration to say that it was like a different person, with a sluggish and tired expression, ragged clothes, blood stains, and the power that a strong person at the peak of the divine way had disappeared.At first glance, he is just an ordinary old man who is dying alone.

"Is...is that the end?"

He stared blankly at Wan Dong retracting the reincarnation sword, and his spirit slowly drifting down. In Li Bin's mind, it was as if a series of thunderclaps sounded, blowing him into a daze.Such an ending, even if he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe it.

Wan Dongsheng was so relaxed that he didn't even mess up his hair.Could it be that the so-called pinnacle of the divine way is not even comparable to a chicken in his place?If so, how high should Wan Dong's cultivation be?

All kinds of thoughts in his mind were complicated. When his eyes glanced over Wan Dong inadvertently, Li Bin suddenly had an illusion in his heart. The person standing in front of him was not a person at all, but an unattainable and majestic majesty. The peak is clearly an unfathomable vast ocean!

"Can you tell me now, the purpose of your coming to the Seventh Peak?"

Although both are at the peak of the divine way, compared with Mo Taichang, the peak of the divine way in front of him is much inferior.It is expected that he has just been promoted.Wan Dong was no longer happy about defeating such a guy, as usual.

Accompanied by Wan Dong's words, the scattered gaze of the peak of the Shinto finally refocused, stared at Wan Dong for a while, and said word by word, "I didn't expect that I would really lose to you! I admit, you are Wan Dong! There is no such thing as a genius, if you don't die young, your future will be limitless. It's a pity that you chose the wrong camp, even if you are a genius, you will still be able to escape the end!"

"It's too early to discuss who chose the wrong camp now!"

"Hahaha... The blood god has awakened, and there are tens of thousands of blood spirits sacrificed. The destruction of the Taoist sect is a foregone conclusion. Why is it too early? You people in the Taoist sect are always so stupid and self-righteous!"

"You talk too much nonsense, answer my questions obediently, otherwise you will suffer!"

Wan Dong's expression turned cold, and he waved his hand, strangling the neck of the peak of the divine way, and lifted him up like a chicken.

It was good that the peak of the divine way didn't struggle, but when he struggled, Wan Dong's five fingers tightened a little, and within a short while, there was a creaking sound from the throat bone of the peak of the divine way, as if it would break at any moment.

"He... what is he doing? Is he extorting a confession by torture?"

Li Bin was stunned by this situation.The peak of the divine way, in Li Bin's eyes, has always existed like a god. He never even dreamed that the peak of the divine way can be so embarrassed and be played around in the applause.

For a while, Li Bin's fear of the pinnacle of the Divine Dao decreased a bit, but correspondingly, his awe of Wan Dong skyrocketed to the point where it was almost bursting.

What kind of terrifying existence is it that can play with the peak of the divine way between applause?But he is still so young... The more Li Bin thought about it, the more frightened he became, and in the end, he didn't dare to think about it anymore...


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