Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 1312 The Light in the Yuan Mansion!

"No problem!" Ping Wuniang shook her head weakly, and said slowly, "You just need to inject Dao Qi into my body, and leave the rest to me."

If that's the only way, then it's easy, Wan Dong nodded heavily.

Ping Wuniang turned her eyes and landed on Mu Xuansheng, and said with a sneer on her face, "Mu Xuansheng, after all, you are a hero in your life, so you shouldn't do shameless things like taking advantage of others' dangers, right?"

Mu Xuansheng was not motivated, and with an expression eager to try, he sneered and said, "Is it necessary to deal with a traitor like you? Seems to be able to heal your wounds and deal with this seat at the same time!"

"Shameless!" Ping Wuniang scolded bitterly, with a hint of annoyance in her expression.This place was originally the hinterland of the Mu family, and there were experts from the Mu family everywhere, and Mu Xuansheng was so completely disregarding morality, asking Wan Dong to heal her injuries here and now, it would be tantamount to harming him.

"Senior Ping, you don't need to worry, a little Mu Xuansheng can't make any waves, so I don't think you need to pay attention to it!" Wan Dong's eyebrows condensed, and he said to Ping Wuniang.

"Stinky boy, you will definitely pay a heavy price for your ignorance!" After being underestimated by a young man like Wan Dong, Mu Xuansheng felt better, that's strange, and opened his mouth to curse bitterly.

Wan Dong ignored him at all, and put his hand on Ping Wuniang's back.As Dao Qi poured into Ping Wuniang's body, the anger in Wan Dong's heart became more and more intense, and he could hardly suppress it.

Ping Wuniang's internal injuries were far more serious than external injuries!The nine bone-locking needles tightly suppressed the dao qi in her body, making it impossible for the dao qi to flow freely, and it also caused serious trauma to Ping Wuniang's vital points and meridians.In addition, Ping Wuniang's bones were also deeply injured, and many of them were broken and shattered.Such obvious injuries and hidden injuries overlap each other, making Ping Wuniang's physical condition extremely serious.If it were an ordinary person, he would have already been lying down by now.

"Huh? What's going on?"

When Wan Dong's palm was walking on Ping Wuniang's back, he suddenly felt something was wrong.Looking at it intently, the pair of sword eyebrows were once again condensed into pimples.What he saw turned out to be whip wounds.That's right, only the whip can form the long and thin bloodstains.For monks, especially those who have reached the level of Ping Wuniang, a few whip wounds are not painful, let alone fatal, but this is a serious trampling on a monk's personal dignity. ** Naked humiliation!

"They...they whipped you?"

Wan Dong's pupils turned red, and his whole expression seemed to be eating people.An elder who is respected and loved by him is whipped by others. I think this kind of feeling will not be good no matter who it is placed on.

Ping Wuniang is indeed strong enough, but when Wan Dong talked about these whips, his eyes still couldn't help being filled with mist.Biting her lips hard until her lips turned white, Ping Wuniang shook her head and said in a low voice, "It doesn't matter, as long as Zhenwei is fine, I can bear anything."

"Bastard, how could they treat you like this?! Is this something a first-rank family can do? Senior Ping, you believe me, no matter how difficult it is, I will definitely seek justice for you! Especially that Anyone who dares to whip you, I will definitely chop off his paw!"

Wan Dong was out of anger, and kept roaring!

"You are so loud! I'm afraid you will be wiped out before you get close to our Elder Mu Ao's body!"

Mu Xuansheng listened with disdain, and couldn't help opening his mouth to say something.

The overwhelming anger in Wan Dong's chest, Zhengchou had no place to vent, Mu Xuansheng's move was like hitting himself on the muzzle of a gun, before his words fell, Wan Dong's sharp knife-like eyes fell on him .

Under such a gaze, Mu Xuansheng couldn't remain indifferent, and couldn't help but shudder a few times, and his heart was raised in his throat, and it was blocked in his throat, and his ears kept ringing. Humming, the brain turned into a blank.

"If you want to die, I can fulfill you now! If you still want to save your dog's life, before I get angry, go as far as you can!"

"You..." Faced with Wan Dong's dominance, Mu Xuansheng really wanted to say a few words back, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't even utter a single word.

Ignoring Mu Xuansheng any more, Wan Dong placed the palm on Ping Wuniang's heart, and continued to inject Dao Qi into her body.At this time, Ping Wuniang's body seemed to Wan Dong to be broken and fragile.Even if Dao Qi was injected into his body, he did not dare to overdo it, being very gentle.

Ping Wuniang turned her head to look at him, and said with a smile, "Yao Ting, don't worry about me, I'm not as fragile as you imagined, just come here!"

Wan Dong was a little hesitant at first, but after seeing the confidence and strength in Ping Wuniang's eyes, Wan Dong stopped thinking about it. The original speed was only [-]%, but now it suddenly increased to [-]%.

It was as if the gate of the dam had been opened, and the vast Dao Qi, like a torrent, poured madly into Ping Wuniang's body from Wan Dong's palm.Ping Wuniang's body was shocked immediately, her face was filled with astonishment.

Seeing this, Wan Dong hurriedly asked, "Senior Ping, is there any question?"

Ping Wuniang couldn't help asking in surprise, "Yao Ting, when Zhu Yun Xiaozhu parted, I remembered that your cultivation base had just reached the initial stage of Tiange, why has your Dao Qi cultivation base become so low now?" Strong, it seems that it is not much better than the peak of the Shinto!"

Wan Dong shook his head with a smile, and said, "This junior has encountered some opportunities, but it's inconvenient to tell seniors in detail at this time. If seniors feel that it's too much, then this junior can slow down."

"Don't, don't!" Ping Wuniang hurriedly shook her head and smiled, "I'm still worried that your cultivation level is not enough to help me take out the nine white bone lock needles completely. Now I have nothing to worry about. You just try your best. Come on, I am already a half-step holy soul, I can bear this level!"

Ping Wuniang's expression fluttered for a while, her palms faced each other, and they were fixed on her chest, and the Supreme Immortal Art followed. His will is at work in his body.

"Ping Wuniang, stop doing useless work! How could Elder Mu Ao's Bone Locking Needle be taken out so easily?"

Wan Dong put his attention back on Ping Wuniang, and Mu Xuansheng was able to catch his breath and said loudly.

Ping Wuniang didn't pay any attention, and suddenly let out a cold snort from her nose, and then her body trembled, and the Dao Qi in her body rushed straight towards one of the bone needles like a torrent, and only heard a whoosh, and the bone needle directly She was forced to fly out of Ping Wuniang's body.

He was clean and neat, without any sloppiness at all, no doubt he slapped Mu Xuansheng hard, and at that time he 'slapped' Mu Xuansheng's eyes.

Wan Dong felt relieved.Although this half-step holy soul and the peak of the divine way are only half a step away, there is a qualitative difference between the two.

Ping Wuniang's injury was so severe, if it was an ordinary peak of the divine way, she would not be able to withstand the impact of Wan Dong's vigorous Dao Qi.Not to mention using his power to take out the Bone Locking Needle, maybe Wan Dong's body would explode and die directly from Dao Qi.

But Ping Wuniang's half-step holy soul was different. When Wan Dong's Dao Qi poured into his dilapidated body, a peaceful but warm light shone in Ping Wuniang's Yuan Mansion. .

Although this light is peaceful, it is full of sacred aura and cannot be contradicted.Wan Dong's majestic Dao Qi rushed into Ping Wuniang's body, and as soon as she was illuminated by this light, she immediately surrendered and let it drive her.

With Wan Dong's current state, he still can't understand what this light is, but Wan Dong can vaguely guess that this light must be the biggest difference between the half-step holy soul and the peak. The seed of the soul state, that is, the Tao seed!

As Wandong's Dao Qi injected more and more into Ping Wuniang's body, the light became brighter and stronger.It can not only illuminate Wan Dong's Dao Qi, but also seems to illuminate every corner of Ping Wuniang's body.And no matter where the light shines, the injuries there will recover at an astonishing speed.The whole process was full of mystery, which really opened Wan Dong's horizons.

Wan Dong couldn't see through the light, and couldn't capture the essence of the Dao Seed, but it didn't matter, the power of law and the true meaning of the Dao revealed in the light alone were enough to make him obsessed.

Wan Dong has now mastered the wind, cloud, and sword, fused the four truths, and has a deep understanding and feeling of Tao.But Wan Dong's all these perceptions added together are not as grand and profound as the true meaning of the Dao revealed by this light.

Wandong can be sure that the power of law emanating from the holy soul seed is more original and stronger!If the power of the law before Wan Dong was just a trickle, now it is a torrent!

Wan Dong never thought that healing Ping Wuniang would bring him such a great opportunity, but since the opportunity has arrived, Wan Dong will never let it go.Even if he can't understand its true meaning yet, as long as he keeps this feeling in his heart, one day, it will become his ladder to climb over the wall and help him climb to a higher level.


While speaking, Ping Wuniang forcefully forced two bone-locking needles out of her body.Mu Xuansheng could clearly see that Ping Wuniang's pale complexion was recovering rosy at an astonishing speed, and the strong aura emanating from Ping Wuniang was like being on a rocket. , rapid improvement!

"We can't go on like this!" Mu Xuansheng gritted his teeth suddenly, a flash of hostility flashed in his eyes.

One Wandong is enough to give him a headache, if Ping Wuniang regains his combat power, then the third peak will have to be tossed around.Taking advantage of Wan Dong's healing for Ping Wuniang at the most critical time, this is his only excellent opportunity to eradicate the two together.Although it was not frank enough, at this moment, Mu Xuansheng couldn't care less about that much...


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