With the improvement of Wan Dong's cultivation base and his continuous comprehension of the Dao, his understanding of the true meaning of wind became more and more thorough. Naturally, the power of his true wind steps became stronger and stronger.Although Mu Ao is a half-step Saint Soul Realm, he is still not a Saint Soul Realm after all, and it is not easy to break through for a while!

Seeing the howling wind all over the sky, even though Mu Ao raised his spiritual consciousness to the extreme, he still couldn't catch Wan Dong's figure, let alone lock it.

More than a dozen Miehun fingers were fierce and domineering, but in the end, they could only be helplessly annihilated in the wind one by one.

"Hahaha... old man Mu Ao, aren't you crazy, why are you so incompetent now, you can't even deal with a young man?"

Seeing that Mu Ao missed several times and was completely helpless, Xiao Zhenwei was relieved a little, and at the same time couldn't help but sneered at Mu Ao loudly.

Mu Ao's old face couldn't help but blush, and he let out a muffled snort from his nose, "This kid is just relying on his skillful movements to hide and hide, it's not really a skill!"

Xiao Zhenwei shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "Mu Ao, Mu Ao, I think you can't change your self-righteousness in this life! No wonder you are far inferior to Mu Tiannan in terms of cultivation and character. Elder!"

"What did you say!?"

Xiao Zhenwei's exclamation seemed to hit the sore spot in Mu Ao's heart, his complexion suddenly changed to a bit ferocious, and his roar was even louder.

Xiao Zhenwei sneered and said, "You don't need to yell at me, this is a recognized fact! Why, don't you admit it?"

"Accepted facts? Good... good!"

When Xiao Zhenwei said this, Mu Ao's anger was even more uncontrollable. Amidst the roar, the scorching sun exploded into splendor, layer upon layer, like a huge wave washing away the sand, carrying an aura that was almost crazy , ruthlessly smashed towards the phantom of the giant tripod, together with the two divine swords.

Every impact has tens of millions of force, every collision is like a comet hitting the earth, the giant cauldron roars, the divine sword trembles, countless vigor is mixed with the true meaning of the avenue, splashing and flying around, rendering the whole world like a foreign world !

Mu Ao was completely enraged, and the offensive launched at this time was simply regardless of the cost.Both Xiao Zhenwei and Wu Niang knew that they must not fight head-on with Mu Ao at this time.But in the face of Mu Ao's crazy offensive, how can the two of them have room to turn around?It didn't take a moment for the complexions of the two of them to change, and the corners of their mouths began to ooze blood.

"Senior Mu Ao, please stop!"

Seeing this situation, Wan Dong was also anxious.If this continues, both sides will suffer a loss, or even die as a result.

"Go away! You don't have a place to talk here!"

Mu Ao seemed to be red-eyed, and ignored Wan Dong's dissuasion at all, and the movements of his hands never stopped for a moment.

"In that case, the junior is offended!"

Wan Dong frowned, and with a flick of his wrist, the Samsara Sword shot out through the air.After all, it is the unworldly magic weapon, the moment the reincarnation sword appears, a wave of fighting spirit has been pervasive.Mu Ao felt something right away, and he still couldn't help looking back in his rage.

"This sword is absolutely extraordinary. How could it lower its value and be driven by you, a brat?"

"You brat? Hehe...Mu Ao, if one day you stop being so arrogant, I think you will be able to become a holy soul!"

Xiao Zhenwei was so oppressed by Mu Ao's power, his complexion turned gray at this moment, but the smile on his face came from the heart!

"Nonsense! This kid is not worthy to be the master of this sword at all, only the old man is qualified to control it!"

Mu Ao fell in love with the Samsara Sword, shouted loudly, raised his right hand suddenly, and grabbed the Samsara Sword suspended in the air with an invisible force.

Mu Ao originally thought that it would be an easy task to imprison the Samsara Sword and then forcibly erase the connection between Wan Dong and the Samsara Sword with his own cultivation.But when his strength really wrapped the Samsara Sword, he realized that what he thought was too simple!

An extremely strong and ferocious force burst out from the sword body of the Samsara Sword almost as soon as his strength touched the sword body of the Samsara Sword, filled with a kind of thick hostility.And just when his heart was shaken by this, another more vigorous energy flew towards him at an astonishing speed.He bumped his head against his invisible strength.

Mu Ao's mind trembled suddenly, the invisible strength he released was almost collapsed on the spot by the impact.

The former is the power of the Samsara Sword itself, and the latter...

Mu Ao looked back subconsciously, and saw Wan Dong floating in mid-air, with long hair blowing in the wind, his face solemn and gloomy, his eyes bursting with divine light, the whole person looked like he was out of his scabbard The magic weapon!

"How is it possible? This... this kid's cultivation is so strong!"

Mu Ao's mind has never jumped so fast before, it feels like a heart is about to jump out of his throat anytime, anywhere.

However, all of this has just begun. Although the power from Wan Dong did not annihilate his invisible energy in an instant, it penetrated directly and merged into the Samsara Sword.And when Wan Dong's power merged with the Samsara Sword's own power, an extremely terrifying aura that made Mu Ao's holy soul and dao seed tremble suddenly burst out.

Under this aura, he vainly tried to control the invisible energy released by the Samsara Sword, which was completely wiped out on the spot.The radiance of the Samsara Sword skyrocketed accordingly, and countless profound and incomparably sword intents, together with the true meaning of the Great Dao, were fully revealed and stirred up one after another!

Facing Mu Ao, No. 1 under the holy soul, Wan Dong didn't dare to have the slightest carelessness. The blood slaughtered thousands of miles, disappeared, and merged with the true meaning of the sword in an instant. Rising and rising, at the end, it seems that even the light of heaven and earth will be covered together.

Seeing this situation, Mu Ao couldn't help but hold his breath, and his eyes couldn't be wider, the shock in him was beyond words.

At this moment, one word even flashed through Mu Ao's mind - escape!

"It's impossible...it's impossible..."

At this time, apart from this sentence, Mu Ao seemed to have no other words, and kept murmuring and repeating.

"Senior, this junior has offended you!"

Once the sword was in full swing, Wan Dong let out a shout, and suddenly pressed down with his right hand, the monstrous sword light of the Samsara Sword immediately turned into a streak of light, carrying a blinding light, unstoppable straight Slash towards Mu Ao.


Mu Ao couldn't help but let out a strange cry, and struck out with both palms at the same time, the "scorching sun" in the sky was instantly aroused to the extreme, countless Dao sounds were made out of thin air, countless brilliant lights flickered endlessly, and countless phantoms like dragons and snakes Vigorous, soaring, even Mu Ao's silver hair is standing upside down, coupled with the veins bursting out of his face, making him look like a god of war!

At this moment, even a blind person can see that Mu Ao has used all his strength!Can force Mu Ao to such a situation, among all the talents in the world, besides Wan Dong, who else can do it?

Wan Dong's practiced sword light directly struck the 'scorching sun', even if it hit the earth with a comet, it would not be enough to describe the situation.The direct result of the collision of the two overwhelming forces was that the area of ​​dozens of miles was directly turned into a mess.Not even a stone the size of a fist could be found.

As for the trees and the like, they were all instantly turned into dust, and then scattered in the wind, as if they had never existed before.


Mu Ao raised his head to the sky and shot out a mouthful of blood arrows, and his figure retreated more than ten steps in a row.Not only did the giant golden spear that suppressed the giant cauldron and the Excalibur collapse on the spot, even cracks appeared in the magic weapon "Scorching Sun" he cultivated, and the light dimmed seven to eight points, and it was no longer the same as before Eye-catching.

Wan Dong was not much better, his body was flying upside down by tens of feet, blood was sprayed out countless times, and his complexion was even paler.If Xiao Zhenwei and Wu Niang hadn't restrained most of Mu Ao's cultivation, Wan Dong's sword would never have achieved such a glorious Warring States, and his injuries would have been even more serious!

But no matter what, Wan Dong won in the end.At this time, Mu Ao, even if he hadn't completely lost his combat power, he was no longer Xiao Zhenwei and Wu Niang's opponent.

"Senior, this junior has offended you!"

Wan Dong didn't care about recuperating his injury, so he flew to Mu Ao's side and said sincerely.

"You and I are enemies, what are you talking about offending?"

Mu Ao coughed heavily and vomited out another mouthful of blood. He raised his head and looked at Wan Dong, his gaze was obviously much more complicated than before.

There was resentment, but there was also admiration, and even mixed with some regrets, some pity, just like his mood at this time.

"No! The junior will never be the enemy of the Mu family!"

Wan Dong suddenly said loudly, his eyes were clear and his expression was firm, which made Mu Ao's mind startled.He has lived for such a long time, so he has seen countless people, how could he fail to see that what Wan Dong said was all from the bottom of his heart.Moreover, from the depths of Wan Dong's eyes, he saw a trace of his deep affection for the Mu family.Although he didn't understand where Wan Dong's love for the Mu family came from, he was confident that he was right!

Not to mention Mu Ao, even Ping Wuniang and Xiao Zhenwei discovered this, making them look at each other for a while.

"Yao Ting, why do you have to tell him so much, he is just a stubborn old man, he won't listen to what you say." Xiao Zhenwei said with a snort.

"Xiao Zhenwei, who do you say is stubborn?" Mu Ao glared at Xiao Zhenwei angrily.

Xiao Zhenwei snorted coldly, and said, "Isn't it? You know very well that Wu Niang and Ping Sihai were at odds a long time ago, and they belonged to the same family in name, but in fact they have long been in harmony! Ping Sihai betrayed the Taoist sect and took refuge in blood How could he tell Wu Niang about such a big matter, let alone take her with him! Such a simple truth, but you turn a deaf ear to it, what is it if you are not stubborn?"


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