It seems that Xin Biantian doesn't have a good opinion of Wan Dong either, the way he looks at Wan Dong is almost the same as that of Wen Xiong, even if there is, he is only more dissatisfied with Wan Dong.

After pondering for a moment, Xin Biantian opened his mouth and said, "Throw him outside Taoyuan Valley!"

"Okay!" Wen Xiong was waiting for these words, and he was about to walk out of the valley with Wan Dong in his hand.

"Wen Xiong, you put him down!"

Xin Zhixuan became anxious when she saw it, she opened her arms and directly blocked Wen Xiong's face, the annoyance on her face was so strong that Wen Xiong felt a little scared.He had to stop and looked at Xin Biantian for help.

"Zhixuan! He is an outsider, he shouldn't appear in Taoyuan Valley! I can't let him threaten your safety!" Although Xin Biantian loves this sister very much, he will not let it go. His face was very serious.

"What happened just now was just an accident. How can you blame Mr. Xu? If you want to blame, you can only blame Wen Xiong for not tying up the furious giant bear and letting it escape!"

"This..." Wen Xiong is not good at words, when Xin Zhixuan said this, his face flushed a little, and he couldn't answer for a while.

Xin Biantian frowned, and said in a concentrated voice, "You should be clear, I'm not just referring to the incident just now!"

" wasn't what happened just now?" Xin Zhixuan couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, but soon she came to her senses, her voice was a little uneasy, and she asked a little uncertainly, "Brother, are you worried about the Holy Water Sect?"

"What am I worried about, you know it in your heart! Sending him out of Taoyuan Valley, to a certain extent, is also for his own good. Don't forget, the deadline given by Bao is approaching."

When Xin Biantian said this, Xin Zhixuan's complexion suddenly became serious, full of deep worry.Wan Dong had never heard of the Holy Water Sect, and he didn't know who Bao was, but he could tell from Xin Zhixuan's face that this must have brought her great trouble.

Originally, Wan Dong didn't care whether to stay or leave, but now, he insisted on staying.Otherwise, how to repay Zhixuan's concern for him?

"Brother Xin, I am a useless person right now. If you send me out of Taoyuan Valley, there is only a dead end. Why don't you just leave me in Taoyuan Valley, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and it is also an excellent geomantic treasure land anyway. I can bury my bones So, it’s a beautiful thing.”

"Ha! You still want to die in Taoyuan Valley, you are so beautiful!"

Wen Xiong scolded lightly, and was about to leave with Wan Dong in his hand. Xin Zhixuan suddenly said softly, "He's right, the fairy beasts are rampant outside the Taoyuan Valley, and with Mr. Xu's current situation, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to move. Brother, you just leave him behind." Bar!"

"No!" Xin Biantian's attitude was extremely firm, and there was no room for negotiation.After a short drink, he raised his head and gave Wen Xiong a wink, telling Wen Xiong to take Wan Dong out of the valley immediately.

"Brother, if this is the case, you can also send me out of Taoyuan Valley!" Zhixuan, who seemed weak and weak, unexpectedly had such a strong side, which was beyond Wan Dong's expectations.

Seeing that the two sisters were fighting each other, Wen Xiong hurriedly persuaded Xin Zhixuan, "Zhixuan, in fact, Brother Tian has a plan, if you keep this guy..."

"Wen Xiong!"

Before Wen Xiong finished speaking, Xin Biantian sternly stopped him.Wen Xiong also reacted at this time, looked back at the other people in Taoyuan Valley, and quickly covered his mouth, for fear of missing something.

Xin Zhixuan didn't care about that much, and still refused to let her go. In the end, Xin Biantian simply turned his heart away and knocked her unconscious with a knife.

Holding Xin Zhixuan in his arms, Xin Biantian looked at Wan Dong, and said in a deep voice, "Don't blame me, I only have this younger sister, and I won't let her have any trouble no matter what! Although the Taoyuan Valley is dangerous, there is still a chance of life. I just I wish you luck!"

Although Wan Dong really wanted to stay, but at this time, he was helpless.Chong Xin Biantian let out a wry smile, and was taken away by Wen Xiong like a chicken.

When he came to the entrance of Taoyuan Valley, Wen Xiong threw Wan Dong out casually.

"Boy, don't step into Taoyuan Valley again, or your bones will be broken!" Throwing Wan Dong out of Taoyuan Valley, Wen Xiong said viciously.

Who would have imagined that a master who had fought against a strong man in the Holy Soul Realm would be in such a mess at this time.Wan Dong stood up and patted the dust off his body, not angry at Wen Xiong's rudeness, but opened his mouth to ask, "What is the Holy Water Sect? Who is the surname Bao? What do they want to do to Taoyuan Valley?" "

"Hmph! It's not your turn to worry about these things! Remember my warning, otherwise you will cry!" He didn't even bother to talk to Wan Dongduo. After leaving this sentence, Wen Xiong walked back Taoyuan Valley.

Wan Dong let out a wry smile helplessly, turned his head and looked around, it was a barren landscape, where everything he saw was desolate and lonely.It's as if all the aura has been sucked away by Taoyuan Valley. Compared with Taoyuan Valley, it's just two heavens!

Fortunately, Wan Dong was not afraid of suffering, so he reluctantly found a cave and settled down temporarily.As a matter of urgency, Wan Dong must first recover his cultivation.Even if the safety of the Three Realms can be temporarily put aside, the danger of Taoyuan Valley is imminent.All this made Wan Dong eager to recover his cultivation.

Taking a long breath, Wan Dong tried his best to calm down.I kept thinking about the breath of law of the light of Dao Seed in my mind.

Although Xin Biantian and Wen Xiong's special body structure gave him great inspiration, Wan Dong is still not sure whether he can really simulate the power of law simply by feeling.You must know that the reason why Wan Dong was able to simulate the light of the Dao seed when he was fighting against Jiuwu Huikong back then, the remaining Dao Qi in his body played a big role.But now, Wan Dong's body is empty, not even a trace of Dao Qi.

Since there is no assistance from Dao Qi, what Wan Dong can do is to constantly think back and think back, so that there is no slight mistake in the trajectory and breath of Dao Seed Light.

Half an hour... An hour passed, and there was still no movement in Wan Dong's body, let alone a trace of Dao Qi.However, Wan Dong did not feel depressed because of this. As the trajectory of the light of the Dao Seed became clearer and clearer in Wan Dong's mind, Wan Dong's feeling became more and more mysterious.

Although there is no Dao Qi, Wan Dong can be sure that the feeling he feels at this time is the feeling of being immersed in the Dao realm.

This is a great place to start!

In Wan Dong's mind, everything in the world has long since escaped, disappeared without form, only countless seemingly chaotic and disordered air mechanisms are constantly rotating and changing.At first glance, it looks like the stars in the sky, which seem to have no rules to follow, but secretly there is a wonderful trajectory that connects every star.What Wan Dong has to do now is to find out this trajectory!

Immersed in the Dao realm, time passed so quickly that Wan Dong even forgot the time.It's just that I can feel that the trajectory connecting countless stars is becoming more and more clear.

All the complexity and chaos disappeared at an astonishing speed, like a fog that was illuminated by the scorching sun and quickly dissipated.

One day... two days... On the third day, Wan Dong's Lingtai suddenly jumped, and a faint, almost undetectable light suddenly lit up from Wan Dong's Yuan Mansion.

"Light of Dao Seed!"

An uncontrollable excitement swept Wan Dong's heart in an instant.Fortunately, Wan Dong still maintained a sliver of sanity and didn't let the excitement flood into disasters. He calmed down again in just one breath, and carefully cared for that glimmer of light. At this moment, for Wan Dong, I'm afraid There is nothing more important than this rice-like light.

This is the light of Dao Seed, and even more so, the light of hope!

With the appearance of this gleam of light, Wan Dong's meridians finally ushered in the first ray of Dao Qi, and at this moment, Wan Dong can also clearly feel that there are hundreds of miles around, or even farther away. The aura of heaven and earth is converging towards him at an astonishing speed.

Just as Wan Dong's mind was lifted up and he was about to go all out to fully recover his cultivation in one go, something unexpected happened to him.

The ray of Dao Qi flowing in the meridians smoothly merged into the Yuan Mansion, but after entering the Yuan Mansion, this ray of Dao Qi disappeared strangely under Wan Dong's gaze.

At first Wan Dong thought he was dazzled, but when the second and third rays of Dao Qi disappeared one after another, Wan Dong's heart was immediately wrapped in a bone-piercing icy cold.

Without the golden elixir, his Yuan Mansion seemed to have no ability to store Dao Qi.If this is the case, then even if the light of the Dao Seed condenses more Dao Qi, what is the use?

Wan Dong knew that Jindan was important, but he didn't expect that Jindan was so important!

"No! Never give up like this, never!"

Wan Dong can achieve such a great achievement at such a young age. His talent and fortune are certainly important reasons, but his indomitable character cannot be ignored.No matter how difficult or dangerous it was, Wan Dong survived it, as if he didn't know what giving up was at all!

It still is!

Even if this Dao Qi will disappear when it enters the Yuan Mansion, Wan Dong has to figure out why these Dao Qi disappear!

Wan Dong simply didn't care about the Dao Qi in his body, and just focused on strengthening the light of the Dao seed.

The law of the Dao Seed of Light was running in Wan Dong's mind at a crazy speed.In order to make his senses more accurate and sharp, Wan Dong's mind was almost condensed to the extreme.Fortunately, the light of the Dao Seed did not disappoint him. In Wandong's Yuan Mansion, it surged and flickered at an astonishing speed.In a short while, the entire Yuan Mansion was illuminated, and it further extended to other parts of Wan Dong's body.

The light of other people's Dao Seed can only be condensed in Yuan Mansion, but Wan Dong wants to let the light of Dao Seed shine on his whole body.

Wan Dong's method is crazy, and the effect is even more crazy!As the Dao Seed Light became more and more prosperous in Wan Dong's body, the generation speed of Dao Qi in Wan Dong's body also became faster and faster.At first it was just a wisp, but now it has turned into a series of great rivers, surging in Wandong's meridians.

But so much Dao Qi gathered in Wandong's Yuan Mansion, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.It's as if there is an invisible monster hiding in Wandong's Yuan Mansion, devouring all Dao Qi...


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