Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 1348 Taoyuan Valley Cultivators!

The great world of Daoism is [-] miles from east to west, and [-] miles from north to south, how vast it is. In vertex novels, there are always some people who don't want to be fettered, and live alone and at ease.They are called Loose Cultivators, a group of monks who are unwilling to cling and have free will.

Such people are often arrogant and rebellious, and it is common for them to offend major families and sects.Taoyuan Valley is not a paradise in the true sense, but it also gives these people shelter.

Even those who like to wander will hope to have such a harbor where they can dock when they are tired.

For Xin Biantian, Wen Xiong, and the cultivators of Taoyuan Valley, Taoyuan Valley is such a place that is not home, but has the warmth of home, so they can't let go of it.There is no strict hierarchy here, no pressure from superiors, no intrigues, and it is a rare pure land in the great world of Taoism.

They are willing to guard this place, if they can't, then they are willing to sprinkle their blood here, and stay with this piece of pure land forever!

There is a sense of solemnity and stirring in the sky of Taoyuan Valley, but there is also a sense of determination!In order to protect the homeland, life can be abandoned!


There was a rapid and fearful beast roar, and there was another commotion in Taoyuan Valley's fairy beast defense line.Wen Xiong rushed over in a hurry, uttering incomprehensible shouts incessantly, and the turbulent fairy beast defense line gradually calmed down.

Among the rushing beasts, birds are the fastest. In a short while, hundreds of birds of all kinds flew towards them.

The immortal beasts that Wen Xiong tamed were all beasts, facing this bird, Kong has all the abilities, but there is nothing he can do.Fortunately, Xin Biantian was well prepared, and with a wave of his right hand, countless powerful crossbows were fired immediately, only to hear a chaotic bang bang bang bang, a rain of arrows, disrupting the flock of birds.

"Wen Xiong, the ground will be handed over to you first, be sure to hold on!"

"Don't worry, Brother Tian, ​​I will never let these beasts dirty our place!"

Xin Biantian nodded slightly, pulled out his long sword, pointed at the sky, and shouted, "Everyone, join me and kill these flat-haired beasts!"

Before the roar fell, Xin Biantian was the first to stand up, and the three-foot cold front in his hand turned into a rain of thousands of swords, stabbing a golden-billed falcon into a sieve on the spot.

Inspired by this, all the monks in Taoyuan Valley jumped up in groups, shouting and killing, and the sound of killing shook the sky, and they were killed with the flock of birds in an instant.

The cultivators in Taoyuan Valley, although their cultivation level is not high, have already put life and death aside, after a charge, more than half of the hundreds of birds and beasts fell.But Taoyuan Valley cultivators also paid the price, five people died and dozens were injured.

The blood of the cultivators mixed with the blood of the birds and beasts and fell, forming a blood rain.

"There is a ghost! These flat-haired beasts, why do they look crazy?" Xin Biantian frowned, and his face became more serious.

Most of the fairy beasts have spiritual intelligence, and they will not fight desperately easily. Once they find that they are invincible, they will immediately choose to escape.But the birds and beasts in front of them have red eyes, and they don't care about life and death.Once entangled with the cultivators of Taoyuan Valley, they will never die.

This is the case with the blue bird that Xin Biantian is facing at this time.Even if one wing was cut off by Xin Biantian's sharp sword, he still controlled his figure and slammed towards Xin Biantian.Xin Biantian was almost caught off guard, and was hit by him.Relying on the talent of the Chasing Wind Clan, he was able to avoid it, but he broke out in a cold sweat.

After killing the blue bird, Xin Biantian looked back, similar situations were not uncommon, and they were happening everywhere around him.The casualties of Taoyuan Valley cultivators were obviously much more serious than he expected.

"Brother Tian, ​​something is wrong! These flat-haired beasts are completely crazy!"

Xin Biantian was puzzled when Wen Xiong's roar came over.Since the arrival of these birds and beasts, Wen Xiong has been using a strange language to communicate with them.But the result was beyond Wen Xiong's expectations, these birds and beasts completely ignored him, this was the first time this happened to Wen Xiong.

"Crazy? How could a fairy be crazy?" Xin Biantian felt that Wen Xiong's words were absurd.

Wen Xiong also frowned thickly, and said, "This kind of situation is indeed very rare, but if the fairy beast is particularly stimulated by something, or based on the instinct to survive, it is indeed possible to be so crazy!"

"Stimulation? Instinct?" Xin Biantian's expression shook, he subconsciously looked out of Taoyuan Valley, and murmured in his heart, "My God, what happened?"

"Is there a way?" Xin Biantian has no way to do this, and can only rely on Wen Xiong.

Unexpectedly, Wen Xiong shook his head, and said in a bitter voice, "There is no way! The crazy beast is ten times more terrifying than usual. Brother Tian, ​​this is a tough battle, everyone must be careful!"

After saying that, Wen Xiong stopped talking to Xin Biantian, but rushed into the Taoyuan Valley's defense line of immortal beasts, both shouting and shouting, with an extremely serious expression.

Wen Xiong sensed the danger, birds and beasts can go crazy, so can animals.The courage on his shoulders suddenly became several times heavier!

Although the speed of the beasts was slower than that of the birds, it was not much slower. Not long after, the huge herd of beasts swept towards them like roaring sea water.

Wen Xiong stared closely at the few high-ranking beasts rushing forward in the herd, his mind sank.His worry was indeed right, these beasts were even crazier than the birds!

A roaring horned beast usually takes a step forward, at most three feet away, but now it is a full six feet away!When the huge feet fell on the ground, it was a deep pit.That kind of bravery, it seems that there is nothing in the world that can stop his footsteps.

Xin Biantian was in mid-air, so he could see it, and felt pain in his heart. He wanted to kill the birds before the beasts arrived, but now, there are still more than a dozen raptors, showing off their viciousness.

Just when Xin Biantian was thinking of a solution, Wen Xiong let out a snarl, and led the fairy beast he surrendered, and ran into the herd of beasts head-on.

No time to think about it!Xin Biantian's face darkened, the long sword in his hand buzzed again, and when the sword was thrust out, thousands of sword shadows spewed towards the remaining dozen or so birds.

The rest of the monks also realized that the situation was critical, and they used all the tricks of pressing the bottom of the box.But the remaining dozen or so raptors are high-level fairy beasts, and they are in a state of madness at this time. How can they be so easy to deal with?

One of the Sky-Defying Eagles, ignoring the shoulder pierced by Xin Biantian, jumped suddenly and bit the arm of a cultivator in Taoyuan Valley.The Taoyuan Valley cultivator didn't even have time to resist, an arm was torn off by him.

"Bastard!" Xin Biantian was furious, his talent developed rapidly, and he flew like the wind, and in an instant he reached the sky above the Sky-Defying Eagle, and slashed down the long sword in his hand in anger, directly chopping off the head of the Sky-Defying Eagle. down.

But before Xin Biantian heaved a sigh of relief, there was a gust of wind galloping from the slanting stab at an astonishing speed, and the hostility it carried made Xin Biantian feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"Brother Tian, ​​be careful!" Before Xin Biantian could react, a roar exploded, followed by a figure, which went straight to Xin Biantian's side, and was hit by the evil wind.

Blood spurted wildly like rain, and Xin Biantian finally saw clearly that the evil wind blowing out from the slanting stabs was actually a stork flying into the clouds!


Xin Biantian didn't care about dealing with the Stork into the Cloud, and hastily reached out his hand to catch the figure flying upside down.It's just that the collision of the Stork into the Cloud was too fierce. When Xin Biantian grabbed Junwu's hand, he clearly felt that the vitality in his body disappeared like flowing water.

"younger brother!"

There was another mournful roar, and a figure staggered towards him.He hugged Junwu in his arms, tears streaming down his face.

"Junwen, Junwu is here to save me, I..." Xin Biantian wanted to say something, but not only his mouth, but even his chest seemed to be blocked by something.No words could come out, only a surge of grief and anger swirling in his chest.

When Na Junwen saw his younger brother's death, he was extremely saddened, his black hair turned half white in an instant, and Xin Biantian's eyes were bloodshot as he looked directly at him, wanting to turn into tears of blood.

"Damn it! Die with me!"

Xin Biantian hadn't decided what to say to Junwen when Wen Xiong suddenly shouted from below him.Xin Biantian looked down, and saw that Wen Xiong had rushed into the herd of beasts, facing back to back with the furious giant bear, and kept punching the fairy beasts rushing in front of them away.

Wen Xiong's body is different from that of ordinary human beings, it is extraordinarily strong and rough, not like flesh and blood, but like iron and stone.Xin Biantian knew that Wen Xiong's body was strong, but at this moment, Wen Xiong was covered in blood, he looked like a man of blood, and he didn't know how many injuries he had suffered!

The furious giant bear is also uncomfortable, with a snake-like jackal, extremely cunning, circling around it like a mandala.From time to time, wounds would be added to the furious giant bear's body. Although the furious giant bear was powerful, it was not flexible enough, and was entangled by the beasts, so it could only scream helplessly.

The other immortal beasts subdued by Wen Xiong were not much better.They were all trapped in the sea of ​​beasts, and nearly half of them had turned into corpses!

"Could it be... Could it be that the sky is really going to destroy Taoyuan Valley?"

Looking at all this, Xin Biantian felt sad from his heart, and the blood and tears overflowing in his eyes finally gurgled down.

"Change the sky, leave ten people for me to deal with the remaining flat-haired bastards, you hurry to help Wen Xiong!"

Junwen, who was hugging his younger brother's body and refused to let go, suddenly stood up. Although his face was full of grief, his tone was unprecedentedly firm and unquestionable!

"Junwen, you..."

Before Xin Biantian finished speaking, Junwen paused and said, "Junwen is willing to die for the sake of Taoyuan Valley. As an older brother, am I not as good as him? If we can't keep Taoyuan Valley, how can we comfort Junwu's soul?"

"But if there are only ten people..." Looking back, Xin Biantian's face was full of worry, seven or eight birds that were still full of fierce flames.

Seeing that Xin Biantian was hesitant, Junwen suddenly raised his voice and shouted, "I want ten people to fight with me to the death with these flat-haired beasts, who wants to stay!"

When Junwen spoke, he used Dao Qi, so that his voice was rolling and shaking people's hearts!

The Taoyuan Valley cultivators paused for a moment, and then let out a series of roars that shook the sky!

"I am willing!"

"Let me stay!"

"Fight to the death!"


At this moment, all the cultivators in Taoyuan Valley completely forgot about life and death!

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