Such a strong combat power, no matter where it is used to fight, just looking at it is enough to make the Taoyuan Valley cultivators terrified. ∈♀ Vertex Fiction,

"But how did this giant dragon get involved with the herd of beasts?" Xin Biantian asked Wen Xiong with doubts and excited anticipation seeing the white dragon sweeping all the way over, and countless fairy beasts scrambling to collapse.

Wen Xiong's face was still dignified, and he said in a deep voice, "Dragon is the most arrogant and domineering among beasts. In their eyes, except for the dragon race, the rest of the race are all ants. Maybe this dragon is not targeting us. Yes, but since we appeared in front of him, it can only be our bad luck!"

"You mean, this giant dragon is going to take the fairy beast and us together?"

"It must be so! But Brother Tian, ​​is it more honorable to die in the hands of a dragon than to die in the hands of these beasts?"

Xin Biantian didn't answer, death is death, and in his opinion, it doesn't make that much difference who dies.The Beast Taming Clan is different, they have been with the Immortals and Beasts since they were young, and the Dragon Clan has a totem-like meaning to them.

"No!" After observing carefully for a while, Xin Biantian finally found something wrong.The giant dragon swept it all the way, killing and injuring countless immortal beasts, but none of the Taoyuan Valley cultivators fell under the dragon's claws.

At first Xin Biantian thought it was a coincidence, but after paying attention, he found that it was not a coincidence at all, but that the giant dragon deliberately avoided the monks of Taoyuan Valley.

"Huh? Then...there seems to be a person standing on the dragon head!" Wen Xiong also found something strange, his voice was louder than Xin Biantian's.

"On the dragon's head? No!" Xin Biantian was taken aback by Wen Xiong's words, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the dragon's head.Sure enough, under the shadows of white light, there was indeed a human figure.Just because of the distance and the hazy white light, Xin Biantian could not see the other party's face clearly.

Xin Biantian couldn't help being stunned. Even if he had heard of such a thing as riding a dragon before, he didn't think it was true. He just thought it was a legend.Now that it appeared alive before his eyes, how could he accept it all of a sudden?

"Axiong, your beast taming clan should have a description of the dragon clan? In your impression, do you have the power to ride a dragon?"

When it comes to shock, Wen Xiong is even more shocked than Xin Biantian. Xin Biantian asked three times in a row, and then Wen Xiong recovered from the huge shock, shaking his head like a rattle and saying, " Just kidding, how is this possible! Dragons are the proudest race, how could they let people ride on their heads? In the annals of our clan, there are indeed many seniors who want to train dragons and use dragons as rides But in the end, without exception, they all failed! They have great powers and are capable of killing dragons, but they cannot let the dragons lower their noble heads and let them trample on them."

In the shocked eyes of Xin Biantian, Wen Xiong, and Taoyuan Valley cultivators, the white dragon kept flying and roaring.The scorching dragon's breath, like a dragon's tail sweeping non-stop with a giant whip, showed off its might among the herd of beasts one after another.The herd of beasts that almost drove the cultivators of Taoyuan Valley to a dead end collapsed in an instant.

Those fairy beasts were not crazy anymore, they all fled wildly in all directions, howling.Those who moved quickly were burned off by the giant dragon, and those who moved slower were either swept into meat by the dragon's tail, or turned into ashes in the white flames.

Looking at this scene, Xin Biantian firmly believed in Wen Xiong's words.The dragon is not only the king of beasts, but also the god of beasts!

"My God! What kind of power is it that can ride a dragon! Brother Tian, ​​I must worship him as my teacher!"

Wen Xiong scratched his hair excitedly, if it wasn't for the terrifying power of Bailong, he might have rushed forward long ago.

"No matter what kind of power it is, he is the savior of our Taoyuan Valley, benefactor!"

"The herd has retreated! The herd has retreated!!"

Since the appearance of the white dragon, it took only half a moment for the fairy beasts that were densely packed and almost filled the Taoyuan Valley to disappear without a trace.The Taoyuan Valley cultivators came to their senses at this moment, and the cheers continued one after another, forming a continuous film.

People who survived the desperation embraced each other and wept, sat silently and wept, or roared loudly, all indulged themselves to the fullest and celebrated the hard-won rest of their lives.

But Xin Biantian and Wen Xiong didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, they straightened their appearance in a panic while standing upright.Because the white giant dragon was slowly flying towards them at this time.

"Ah Xiong, follow me for a while, and you will salute when I salute. You can't be rude in the slightest. If you irritate them, our entire Taoyuan Valley will be in trouble!"

"Yes, yes!" Wen Xiong's gaze was always focused on the slowly approaching giant dragon and the hazy figure on the dragon's head, he didn't listen to Xin Biantian's exhortations at all, and responded casually.

Xin Biantian shook his head, slapped him hard on the shoulder, and lowered his head halfway, reprimanded in a low voice, "Don't stare at him like that, it's impolite!"

Xin Biantian used a lot of strength, Wen Xiong bared his teeth for a while, but he listened to Xin Biantian's words, and hurriedly imitated Xin Biantian and lowered his head.

When the giant dragon came to stand three feet in front of the two of them, Xin Biantian hurriedly winked at Wen Xiong, and then greeted him repeatedly, "Xin Biantian, on behalf of the cultivators of Taoyuan Valley, thank you senior for saving your life!"

"Uh, I'm Wen Xiong, thank you senior!" Wen Xiong's reaction was obviously half a beat slower than Xin Biantian's, which made Xin Biantian frown slightly.

At this time, both Xin Biantian and Wen Xiong lowered their heads, just waiting for the other senior to speak.Unexpectedly, the surrounding area was very quiet, and there was no reply for a long time.

Xin Biantian's mind sank, and he thought to himself, could it be that he did something wrong and offended others?At this moment, cold sweat flowed down Xin Biantian's forehead.At this time, he was even more nervous and stressed than when he was facing the siege of the beasts!

"Cough...Senior, did I do something wrong that caused senior to be unhappy? If so, please forgive me. No matter what kind of punishment, this junior is willing to accept it!"

"Is this true?" The senior finally had a reaction this time and opened his mouth to say something.The voice was a bit weird, but Xin Biantian was so nervous that he didn't notice it at all.

"It seems that I really offended him!" Xin Biantian felt as if he swallowed two catties of Coptis chinensis in one go.I and this Taoyuan Valley really have a lot of fate.Just escaped from the wolves, but fell into the tiger's mouth when he turned around.

"'s true, how dare the junior deceive the senior?"

"That's good! I don't like this stupid big guy, so kick him hard for me!"

"Ah!?" As soon as this remark came out, Wen Xiong shouted in shock, all the aggrieved ones crowded together.

Xin Biantian was not surprised at all, his face was clear, it must be that Wen Xiong reacted slowly just now, which offended his senior.Fortunately, the way of punishment was just three kicks, which was nothing.

"Senior, I...why do I make you dislike me? You see how brave and powerful I am. I don't know how many little girls are crying to marry me, but I didn't agree...Alas!"

Before Wen Xiong finished speaking, Xin Biantian kicked his ass in the air, kicking him impartially.The force of this kick was not small, Wen Xiong flew straight and horizontally a zhang away, and then landed heavily.

"My mother, I'm afraid my butt is going to be four petals! Brother Tian, ​​are you really kicking?" Wen Xiong rubbed his butt, while staring at Xin Biantian, tears were about to flow down.

"Wen Xiong, shouldn't you kick your tongue in front of senior?" Xin Bian walked towards Wen Xiong again in a whimper.

Wen Xiong jumped up hastily, and stepped back while clutching his buttocks.Just as he was about to beg Xin Biantian to stop kicking him, Xin Biantian winked at him for a while, and said in a lower voice, "You idiot, if I don't kick these three feet, the old man will kick them himself! Do you think it's better for me to kick, or Is the senior kicking well?"

Xin Biantian's words immediately choked Wen Xiong.Can Xin Biantian's leg strength be compared with that of Da Neng who can control a dragon?

Wen Xiong is not stupid, he soon came to his senses, and he stopped running, and simply pouted his butt.


Two feet again, this time Wen Xiong couldn't hold it back, tears and snot flew side by side, even if the ass didn't split into four, it was enough for him to bear it for a while.

"Senior, are you satisfied with this?" Xin Biantian carefully looked at the figure on the dragon's head and asked.

"Hehe... Satisfied! Satisfied! This time I can be regarded as the anger in my heart!"

Just when Xin Biantian and Wen Xiong were uneasy, there was a burst of clear and pleasant laughter from the dragon head.I don't know if it's because of the giant dragon playing off the background, this laughter sounds like the sound of nature, not like ordinary sound at all!

"Is it a woman?" Wen Xiong looked back at Xin Biantian and blurted out involuntarily.

Xin Biantian hurriedly gave him a hard look, and the reckless man spoke nonsense again.

"What's wrong with women? You seem to look down on women?"

Just when Wen Xiong was feeling uneasy because he said he was bald, the thing that worried him the most happened. A cold voice came faintly from the faucet.The voice was not loud, and it didn't mean to scold, but it made Wen Xiong break out in a cold sweat.

"I think just kicking you three feet is not enough, you have to slap your mouth!"

"Slap your mouth!?"

When Wen Xiong heard this, he rolled his eyes and almost passed out on the spot.The buttocks are fleshy and the pain is limited, but the palming of the mouth is much more severe.If a few more teeth are knocked out, how will he, Wen Xiong, see people in the future?

When Wen Xiong was frightened, Xin Biantian's eyes turned to him.There was a bit of helplessness in his expression, as if he was saying, "You asked for this, don't blame me!"

"Brother Tian, ​​no...don't!" Wen Xiong covered his mouth desperately, his voice was almost crying.

"Senior, do you slap your mouth three times?" Xin Biantian asked while rolling up his sleeves.

In doing so, he has two advantages.One is to be proactive and dispel the anger in the other party's heart.Second, pre-determining the number of three slaps can also save Wen Xiong from suffering.

Xin Biantian thought very well, but unfortunately, the 'senior' he met was not an ordinary person.

"How can it be three blows? At least thirty blows!"

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