Everyone noticed the battle situation here, and everyone felt the last-ditch decision bursting out from the two of them!The battlefield, which was originally in full swing, unexpectedly stagnated for a short time at this moment, even those blood-skeleton killers who were desperate to prevent the breakthrough of the masters of the Mu family by self-detonation were no exception.

In the world of Daomen, who can ignore the final fight of two Saint Soul Realm powerhouses?


Mu Lian's heart was in her throat immediately, her hands were tightly clutching the corners of her clothes, the palms of which were already soaked in sweat.Seeing a person who is willing to fight to the death for himself is a kind of cruelty for a kind-hearted girl like Mu Lian.

"I didn't expect him to do this for Mu Lian!"

Sensing the firmness and determination pervading from that figure, Li Baiyi shook his head lightly, his expression full of shock and disbelief.

At this time, Lu Feng was already in tears, and could not even speak.

"No matter who you are, you are the benefactor of my Mu family, the brother of my Mu Yucheng! If you have a son, then it will be my son, Mu Yucheng's son! If you have a wife, then it will be my Mu Yucheng's sister-in-law!! If you have parents, they are the parents of me, Mu Yucheng!!!"

Mu Yucheng kept screaming up to the sky, at this moment, even if Wan Dong told him to die, he would never frown!

Mu Yucheng was extremely grateful to Wan Dong, while Chang Sibo hated Wan Dong to the extreme.Originally everything was under his control, but because of Wan Dong's appearance, everything became completely different.

"No matter who you are, you must die!"

Under extreme hatred, Chang Sibo slapped out a palm directly, and a majestic palm force immediately blasted towards Wan Dong with the momentum of collapsing mountains.

"Chang Sibo, you are shameless!"

Mu Tiannan never expected that at such a moment, Chang Sibo would launch a sneak attack on Wan Dong regardless of his identity and shame, and roared outrageously, wishing he could smack Chang Sibo into meat sauce with one palm .But now he has no time to attack Chang Sibo, hastily gathered all his energy, trying to block Chang Sibo's surprise attack.

As everyone knows, Chang Sibo hated Wan Dong for not dying. Although it was a sneak attack, he almost poured all his strength into it. Although Mu Tiannan's energy came first, and collided with Chang Sibo's palm strength, he did not completely defeat him. Rong Rong, with about half left, continued to rush towards Wandong.

"Second uncle!"

Seeing this situation, Mu Yucheng's heart almost jumped out of his throat, and his face changed drastically in an instant.At the moment of the final showdown between Wan Dong and Yu Huaping, even a little interference could make Wan Dong fall into a doomed situation, not to mention the sneak attack from Chang Sibo.

Mu Yucheng roared fiercely, but he was helpless.His cultivation base was not as good as Chang Sibo's, and he was far away from him. There was nothing he could do, so he called on Mu Tiannan to take action.But Mu Tiannan used his old tricks, and his new strength has not yet been born, so there is nothing he can do at this time.

While praying for Wan Dong in his heart, he cursed Chang Sibo at the same time.He didn't care about his self-cultivation and demeanor, and he scolded Chang Sibo all the time.No matter how thick-skinned and dark-bellied Chang Sibo was, he couldn't help but blush.

"You can push my Yuhuaping to such an extent, you are proud enough!"

Yu Huaping's Dao Qi was fully exerted to the extreme, without any reservations.The violent offensive, like a volcanic eruption, is unstoppable and sweeps away everything.

It's just that no matter how fierce Yu Huaping's offensive was, Wan Dong's face was always indifferent, as if he didn't take Yu Huaping, a powerful enemy, into his eyes at all.This indifferently fell in Yu Huaping's eyes, it was not a thousand words of ridicule, and it was even more unbearable for him.

Angry in his heart, all turned into murderous intent, Yu Huaping struggled forward, only by killing Wan Dong under the palm of his hand, could this shame be washed away!

Rumbling thunder, one after another, bloody light all over the sky and Dao Qi of Yuhuaping, strangling together, vigorous and vigorous!It seems that this is no longer a battle between two people, but two armies of thousands of horses fighting vertically and horizontally!

The more the Yuhuaping fought, the more frightened he felt!The pressure from Wandong was like a flood, which was out of control and became more and more turbulent every moment.When Wan Dong's sword was swung, it seemed that the laws of heaven and earth were being driven by it. The vastness and grandeur that controlled the true meaning of the Dao made Yu Huaping feel as if he was being abandoned by this world.

This feeling is unprecedentedly terrifying!As if he was suddenly out of tune with this world, he was squeezed out, and even became the enemy of the whole world, without any sense of security, let alone self-confidence.

I'm about to lose!This is the only feeling Yuhuaping has at this moment, and it is getting stronger and stronger!

As far as the eye can see, the color of heaven and earth is retreating rapidly, but the blood light is spreading continuously.Slowly, the whole world seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​blood, indistinguishable from chaos.Invisible pressure and murderous intent squeezed towards him from all directions.

Thousands of miles of blood slaughter, there is not an inch of hiding place within a thousand miles!

Yu Huaping's whole body was drenched in cold sweat in an instant!

Looking at the overwhelming sea of ​​blood, Yu Huaping desperately moved his eyes, trying to find a way out of the sea of ​​blood, but he was disappointed and desperate. In the whole world, where is there any vitality?

"How could he be so strong...how could he be so strong!?"

Yu Huaping has never suffered such a big setback since he entered the Holy Soul Realm with his cultivation base!At this moment, he couldn't help but want to beg for mercy loudly!

An unprecedented and fierce feeling suddenly shot out from the depths of the blood sea, a silver electric light was approaching him like a mad dragon in the blood sea.In the silver light, Yu Huaping felt a strong breath of reincarnation, as if the gate of reincarnation was opening to him little by little.Yu Huaping instinctively wants to refuse and run away, but in this sea of ​​blood, where does he have any autonomy?

A kind of helplessness that has no escape and can only wait for death, grows wildly like weeds from the depths of his heart!Yu Huaping knew that he had lost, and he had nothing to say about the defeat, the defeat was a complete mess!

Just when the silver electric light with the aura of reincarnation was about to pierce into his heart, a strong light suddenly lit up in the slash.This strong light was so powerful that it directly tore a gap in the sea of ​​blood.

As soon as the gap was opened, to the Yuhua Screen, it was like a ray of sunshine cast in the darkness, and he breathed a trace of oxygen in the suffocating vacuum, which made his mind suddenly cheer up.

At the same time, the silver electric light seemed to feel the crisis, and turned suddenly, gave up the rain screen, and went straight to the strong light.

When the two collided together, there was another earth-shattering noise, but all of this had nothing to do with Yuhuaping, and now he was just a stunned bystander.

The sea of ​​blood covering the sky receded in an instant, and the warm sunlight shone on Yu Huaping's body again. At that moment, Yu Huaping felt as if he had been reborn.


A blood arrow shot straight into the void, and Wan Dong's figure suddenly fell short as if he had been severely injured.But Wan Dong didn't fall down. In an instant, the Samsara Sword in Wan Dong's hand penetrated deeply into the ground, supporting his body.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Wan Dong, no matter if he was an enemy or a friend!

After fighting Yu Huaping with all his strength, Wan Dong unexpectedly withstood Chang Sibo's blow again!Almost no one would believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

Although Chang Sibo's attack was half blocked by Mu Tiannan, it was still able to destroy mountains and mountains.At least Mu Yucheng knew that even he would not feel better, not to mention that Wan Dong was seriously injured, and he was still in the bloody battle with Yu Huaping, when his strength was exhausted, he suffered this blow.

But he didn't fall down. Although he was supported by a sword and knelt on one knee, he really didn't fall down!

Who the hell is this?What material is he made of?How can a person be so strong?Mu Yu was shocked, Mu Tiannan remained silent for a long time, and Chang Sibo was even more astonished.

I haven't met such a great person in many years!

Is he a blood skeleton?Why on earth did he want to be an enemy of the blood skeleton?At this moment, all the doubts caused Chang Sibo to completely lose his usual calmness.

"Yes... is it Mr. Chang who saved me?"

Yu Huaping gradually came back to his senses, cold sweat dripping on his forehead!He didn't dare to recall the scene just now. In his whole life, he had never been so close to death, nor had he felt such a strong sense of fear.

And all of this was brought to him by the person in front of him!

Yu Huaping looked at Wan Dong slowly, even though Wan Dong was kneeling there on one knee, Yu Huaping still felt that his figure was so tall that he could only look up!

He could feel that Wan Dong's injuries were already serious, and he probably had no strength to fight anymore, but in his mind, he didn't have the slightest thought of taking advantage of others' danger and killing Wan Dong by his hands.It's not that he didn't want to, but that he didn't dare!

Perhaps Yu Huaping would never admit this to others, but he couldn't fool his heart!For Wan Dong, he was really scared!

"What are you still doing? Kill him!"

Yu Huaping didn't dare to face Wan Dong anymore, but it didn't mean he no longer wanted to kill Wan Dong!On the contrary, the strong fear made him want to kill Wan Dong more urgently than ever!He didn't have the courage to make a move, but he still has men!

Amidst Yu Huaping's nearly out-of-key roar, the blood-clothed men rushed towards Wan Dong immediately.

As for those blood-skeleton killers, none of them stepped forward, but retreated one after another.

The people in blood are ignorant and fearless, but they are different!They are even afraid of Yuhuaping, how can they not be afraid?

"Shameless villain! Come and kill me!"

Seeing a group of blood-clothed people rushing towards the seriously injured Wan Dong, Mu Yu turned red with anger, and swung his palm to kill a group of blood-clothed people, but when he was about to step forward to save Wan Dong, several waves of not weak attacks , roaring towards him from all directions.

Although flies are insignificant, they can really drive people crazy sometimes!At this time, Mu Yucheng was the one who was driven crazy by the flies!


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