"The Blissful Butcher Knife has disappeared thousands of years ago, do you think you can scare me?" Huangfu Xun exhaled a foul breath and shouted in a deep voice.

As soon as Huangfu Xun said these words, the surrounding people also woke up one after another.Lin Feng wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said, "Brother Xun is right, the Bliss Buddha Knife disappeared thousands of years ago with the fall of the No.80 ancestor of the Nine Five Family, how could he do that? "

"Hmph! Even if he really understands the Bliss Buddha Knife, that's okay. After all, everything about the Bliss Buddha Knife is just a legend. I even suspect that everything about the Bliss Buddha Knife is boasted by the Jiuwu family."

Xin Wuhen answered with a bit of resentment.It's just that there was a bit of guilt in his voice.Although the Bliss Buddha Knife has been lost for thousands of years, its fierce reputation cannot be boasted by the Ninth Five-Year Family.

Thousands of years ago, the bloody storm caused by the Bliss Buddha Knife in the Taoist sect was recorded even in the annals of the Huangfu family.Back then, with the unique skill of the Bliss Buddha Knife, the Jiuwu family almost monopolized the Daoist sect, and dozens of top experts in the Huangfu family died under this unique skill.

It's just that the ancestor of the Jiuwu family who realized the Bliss Buddha Knife was too bloodthirsty. Under the joint siege of the entire Daoist sect, he died and Daoxiao disappeared.

Although the ancestor of the Jiuwu family is dead, this past event has been recorded by countless families and has been passed down to this day.Otherwise, there would not be so many descendants. When they heard the words "Blissful Buddha Sword", they would still be shocked.

Huangfu Xun, Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen didn't mean to discredit the Bliss Buddha Knife, they just wanted to weaken the deterrence of the Bliss Buddha Knife as much as possible and maintain everyone's fighting spirit, including themselves.It would be too embarrassing to lose without a fight because of the fierce reputation of the Bliss Buddha Knife.

Sure enough, after the words of the three fell to the ground, the disciples of the Huangfu family cheered up again.

For all this, Jiuwu Xiongba just watched quietly and did not refute. When the surrounding discussions became louder and gradually seemed to lose control, he let out a cold snort in his nose, and stretched out his arms. , The five fingers holding the handle of the knife suddenly let go.

Although Nine Five Xiongba's five fingers were loosened, what is surprising is that the giant knife did not fall, but was suspended there strangely.Accompanied by the trembling and humming of the blade, traces of thick black aura slowly leaked out from the blade, and then wrapped the entire blade like a cocoon.At first glance, the entire blade seems to be swallowed by a black hole, which hides the exposed sharpness, but adds a bit of trepidation.

Huangfu Xun's complexion turned pale to the extreme, and the vigilance and tension in his eyes had reached the point where there was nothing to hide.That thick black aura clearly contained a thick breath of death, as if it touched a little bit, it would suddenly lose its vitality and become a dead person!

Although Huangfu Xun had never seen the Blissful Butcher Knife with his own eyes, at this moment he decided at a glance that what Jiuwu Xiongba was using was definitely the Blissful Butcher Knife!

Besides the Bliss Buddha Knife, what other knife technique can burst out so much death energy!

The thick black air enveloping the blade is of course not a black hole, it is clearly the door to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss that has gradually opened!

The Bliss Buddha Knife of the extinct Daoist sect reappeared, and the Nine-Five Heroes had comprehended it. At this time, Huangfu Xun seemed to have been punched hard in the heart, and he could no longer maintain peace in his heart.

The black air that danced with teeth and claws became stronger and stronger, and the thick death intent became more and more obvious.Not only Huangfu Xun, Huangfu Qing, Lin Feng, Xin Wuhen and others could clearly feel it.

The originally clear and bright sky seemed to have dimmed all of a sudden, just like the inner world of everyone was overwhelmed by dark clouds at this time, and no ray of sunshine could be seen anymore.

die!Everyone suddenly discovered that death was so close to them!

"Kill them all! Kill them all!!"

Jiuwulin, who was originally sluggish because of Daoji's injury, suddenly roared almost crazily, his face was full of ferociousness, his eyes were red, he looked like he was possessed by a demon!

"Jiuwu Xiongba, what are you doing!?"

The roar of Jiuwulin woke Huangfu Xun up, and hurriedly shouted angrily at Jiuwuxiongba.

Once Jiuwu Xiongba unleashes the Bliss Buddha Knife, not only his life may be in danger, but also the disciples of the Huangfu family around him may suffer as well.He knew that the Jiuwu Xiongba was not kind, but he didn't believe that the Jiuwu Xiongba was here to kill people.

"Huangfu Xun, you and I are both the leaders of the younger generation of Daoist sects. Today, it's time to decide the winner, right?"

To be honest, Huangfu Xun really wanted to rush up and beat Jiuwu Xiongba to the ground, but he knew that he was indeed not as good as Jiuwu Xiongba.Moreover, under the power of the Bliss Buddha Knife, he couldn't help being willful.He is not afraid of death, but he cannot implicate others!

Although it was extremely difficult, Huangfu Xun still gritted his steel teeth and said word by word, "No need, I admit defeat!"

"Admit defeat? Hahaha... I heard correctly, right? The future heir of the Huangfu family surrendered so easily? If this is the case, what qualifications does the Huangfu family have to stand alongside our Ninth Five family as a first-rank family?"

Huangfu Xun almost crushed the steel teeth in his mouth, and said angrily, "Stop talking nonsense! I am me, and the Huangfu family is the Huangfu family. How can my failure be connected with the failure of the Huangfu family?"

The humiliation of failure was already a bit unbearable for Huangfu Xun, but Jiu Wuxiong still wanted to use his failure to discredit and humiliate the entire Huangfu family, which made Huangfu Xun almost unbearable, and the anger in his chest was almost gushing out. Together with the Ninety-five Xiongba, it turned into ashes.

"Huangfu Xun, remember this day today! Today is not only the day when you, Huangfu Xun, lost to my Nine-Five Heroes, but also the day when the entire Huangfu family surrendered to my Nine-Five Family!"

"Fuck your mother's shit! Slaughter this ignorant bastard!"

"Let's fight together and fight him!"

"What Bliss Buddha Knife is capable of killing us all!"

As soon as Jiuwuxiongba said this, it was like pouring a ladle of ice water into boiling oil, and the surrounding Huangfu disciples were completely blown up!

The relationship between the Huangfu family and the Jiuwu family was not originally harmonious. How could they bear the arrogant clamor of the Jiuwu Hegemony?Even face slaps must have a limit, Jiuwu Xiongba's actions are not usually excessive!

Facing the anger sweeping around him, Jiuwu Xiongba didn't care, his face was full of contempt and ridicule.It looked like a high and mighty lion looking at a group of irritable sheep and white rabbits.

In the eyes of Jiuwu Xiongba, he clearly regarded these Huangfu's children as ants!He wasn't even interested in arguing with them!

"Enough of the noise? Enough of the noise, come and pick up my Daomang!"

Jiuwu Xiongba sneered, and slapped lightly with his right hand, and the huge knife wrapped in the jet-black blade light immediately let out bursts of thunderous roars!This roar is simply the roar of the god of death, even more frightening than the sound of the avenue.

Before the Blissful Buddha Knife was actually sacrificed, many people present couldn't bear this power, and fell to their knees with blood gushing out in large swaths.

Among his peers, Ninety-five Xiongba really has the power to crush!

"Stop! Jiuwuxiongba, I've surrendered!" Huangfu Xun shouted anxiously in shock.

"Yes, but unfortunately it's too late!"

Jiuwuxiongba didn't have the slightest intention to stop, his indifferent and arrogant voice resounded through the sky, and the jet-black blade light wrapped around the blade burst out suddenly, turning into a lifeless and huge blade shadow in the air, facing Huangfu Xun Roll over.

"Lin Feng, Wuhen, let's fight together!"

At this time, the only one who can remain calm, besides Huangfu Xun, is Chen Jiping!

This is of course related to his training since childhood, but it is more due to the wonderful mentality taught to him by Wan Dong.Although the Bliss Buddha Knife is extremely domineering, it is not enough to make him lose his heart.

Chen Jiping knew that Huangfu Xun alone could not block the Bliss Buddha Knife, so he waved his palm without hesitation.A rumbling sound of the avenue reverberated Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen from the power of the Bliss Buddha Knife.Knowing that it was a critical moment, they all stabbed out with their swords without hesitation.

Two sword shadows, one palm wind, turned into three mad dragon-like vigor, approaching the pitch-black sword glow!

"Small skills, how dare you show your eyes in front of me?"

Nine Five Xiongba's right arm shook lightly, and the jet-black saber glow immediately separated into three strands, but hearing the three muffled bang bang bangs, the offensive of Chen Jiping and the three of them collapsed immediately, and the three of them seemed disconnected. The kites vomited blood and flew upside down.

"Damn it! It's a big deal!"

Huangfu Xun let out a stern roar, no longer held back any scruples, and crazily raised his sword intent. Crimson sword shadows swam around and danced around him like dragons and snakes, constantly setting off bursts of loud noises as if thousands of swords were screaming together.

"Huangfu Xun, the difference between you and me is too far. No matter how crazy you are, in my eyes, you are just dying! You and I were born in the same era, and it is your sorrow, Huangfu Xun!"

"Exercise to your heart's content! Let me see how far you can reach in your swan song in the Taoist sect!"

"Huangfu Xun, after all, I want you to understand that you are not worthy to be my opponent at all!"

"Ultimate Bliss Buddha, reincarnation!"

In Jiuwu Xiongba's voice, the pitch-black sword light was still growing stronger.Three feet, five feet, ten feet... twenty feet!Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, death is overwhelming!All of a sudden, everyone felt as if they were pulled out of the mortal world and arrived in the underworld!

Huangfu Xun's sword intent began to be oppressed like never before, what kind of landslides and earth ripping apart, the sky is collapsing, it is simply not enough to describe this kind of oppression.If it weren't for the life-and-death trial in the trial treasure land, Huangfu Xun might not even be able to hold a breath!


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