"This... is this sword really forged by you, sir?" Wang Hui couldn't deny at all that she had fallen in love with this sword the moment it entered her hand, so much so that at this moment Even a little worried about gains and losses.

"I changed the shape of the sword without your consent, please don't take offense."

"How could it be? After this sword was recast by Mr., it seems to be tailor-made for me. It's too late for me to thank Mr.!" Wang Hui waved the edge of the sword lightly, and the cold light flickered in the sky, naturally and smoothly , and there are bursts of crisp humming, as if it has gained a new life.

The more Wang Hui experienced it, the more excited she became. She even faintly felt that her stagnant kendo seemed to be showing signs of progress.Especially the slightly curved sword edge, when it pierced through the air, was full of Dao rhyme, and all the stagnation before it completely disappeared without a trace, which made Wang Hui suddenly realize that it was just like this!

"Silly girl, why don't you hurry up and thank you sir!"

Wang Qing was also happy for Wang Hui, and hurriedly pushed her aside to remind her.

Only now did Wang Hui come back to her senses, and hurried forward, bowed to Wan Dong Yingying, "Thank you sir!"

Wan Dong laughed and said, "Small things, what's the point? But, you should believe now that I'm a blacksmith, right?"

"Believe me! You are truly a god!" Xue Wen stepped forward with a bright smile on his face.The surprises Wan Dong brought to him were not only one after another, but each one was bigger and bigger.If the entire Immortal Court knew that there was an eighth-rank or even higher blacksmith hidden in the small Du League, it would not know what kind of uproar it would cause.However, there is one thing that is certain. Du Meng, who was originally penniless, will probably go straight to the sky from now on.

"Sir, I'm going back to collect Tiansuo gold, so that the master can forge the magic stone of the return journey as soon as possible!" After this, Wang Hui has full confidence in Wan Dong, and she is even more delighted that Wang Qing is about to escape from the secret place of the ancient mountain.

Wang Qing and Xue Wen looked at each other with tears in their eyes. From now on, for them, the ancient mountain secret realm is finally no longer a cage!

Although Wan Dong was resolutely unwilling to be the leader of the Du League, his position in the Du League was highly praised by Xue Wen and Wang Qing. In addition, Chen Qing and others under Xue Wen's command respected and respected Wan Dong. , Wan Dong's limelight in the Du League was unparalleled for a while, and wherever he went, he greeted him one after another, as if he was the leader of the Du League!

Even the place where Wan Dong lived at this time belonged to Du Yutong originally, and it was a luxurious courtyard that only the leader of the alliance was qualified to live in.Wan Dong wanted to evade, but Xue Wen refused to die.Seeing that it didn't make sense, Wan Dong could only agree.

As the leader's residence, this independent courtyard not only has a beautiful view, but also has an excellent location. Not only is it the closest to the Lingchi, but it even hides a rare treasure.This rare treasure is hidden in the courtyard, if Xue Wen hadn't reminded it, Wan Dong wouldn't have even noticed it.

It was a bronze square tripod the size of a fist, placed on the stone table in the center of the lobby.According to Xue Wen, this bronze square tripod is a gathering spirit tripod, which can attract and gather spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

In order to convince Wan Dong, Xue Wen also tried to inject a stream of immortal energy into it.Sure enough, as soon as the immortal energy entered the cauldron, the spirit-gathering cauldron immediately released streaks of red brilliance, and within a short while, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a radius of several miles gathered here.This courtyard is the closest to the spirit pool, and the condensed spiritual energy of heaven and earth is already extremely strong. After doing this again, the entire courtyard is almost filled with spiritual energy of heaven and earth.The degree of richness is stronger than that outside the courtyard.According to Xue Wen, with the Spirit Gathering Cauldron and the Spirit Pond, the concentration of spiritual energy in this courtyard is even comparable to that in the sacred mountain.

There are many ways to gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, such as the spirit gathering array, and many people use it in Taoism.But speaking of simplicity, the Spirit Gathering Formation is far inferior to the Spirit Gathering Cauldron.And the effect, the two cannot be compared!

This spirit-gathering cauldron should also be a magic weapon, and in terms of its preciousness, it even surpassed the blood-sea vase in it!Wan Dong quickly made a judgment, but how did Du Meng get such a precious thing?

Wan Dong asked Xue Wen about it, but Xue Wen was a little hesitant, as if there was something unspeakable, Wan Dong didn't continue to ask.

Thinking of all kinds of troubles he encountered since he came to the secret place of the ancient mountain, Wan Dong felt a little uneasy before he could calm down and concentrate on cultivation. After sending Xue Wen and the others away, Wan Dong directly closed the courtyard and urged Gather the spirit cauldron and concentrate on cultivation.

During the last practice, Wan Dong vaguely caught the shadow of a sword skill from the twenty golden runes that he had comprehended. What, always miss the point.

Every time he fell short at the last moment of success, Wan Dong didn't take it seriously at the beginning, he only felt that it was a step in the door, as long as he worked hard, he would surely succeed.But after failing five or six times in a row, Wan Dong finally realized that he might have oversimplified things.

But where is the problem, but Wan Dong still can't find the answer in his heart, he can't help being troubled for a while, his state of mind is broken, and it is even more difficult to understand and practice.Unable to calm down again several times, Wan Dong sighed, had to stand up long and stopped practicing.

Although the heart of practice is temporarily confused, Wan Dong doesn't want to waste this good time, so it's not bad to take the opportunity to refine all kinds of immortal herbs collected these days into pills!

With the help of the whole Dumeng, Wan Dong can collect the fairy grass even more easily!At this time, he had already stored a lot in his storage ring, and he took them out one by one, and within a short while, he piled up a mountain of medicine in the courtyard.

Smiling slightly, Wan Dong swung his palms up to the sky at the same time. Two golden beams of light shot up into the sky at first, and then turned into a golden curtain of light that slowly descended from a height of tens of feet, covering the entire courtyard. .

Outsiders can only see Wandong's courtyard, where the golden light shines, but they can't imagine seeing everything that happens in the courtyard.There is no way, Dinglong, who has not been released for some days, has almost changed his appearance now.The colorful dragon scales that were originally only growing on the tail now extended to the dragon's neck!Except for the fact that the dragon's head is still white, the Dinglong at this time is shining with colorful brilliance. Even if it is hidden in Wandong's body, it is extremely powerful. If it is released suddenly, it will cause an uproar outside the secret place of this ancient mountain!

Immortal Prison Pagoda, Blood Sea Vase, Spirit Gathering Cauldron, these are all Magical Artifacts, and Cauldron Dragon is also a type of Magical Artifact, although they are also Magical Artifacts, they cannot be compared at all.Compared with Dinglong, Immortal Imprisonment Pagoda, Blood Sea Vase, and Spirit Gathering Cauldron are nothing but scum!

Covering the eyes and ears of outsiders, Wan Dong released Dinglong.As soon as Dinglong came out of Wan Dong's body, he immediately snorted at Wan Dong, expressing his dissatisfaction vividly.Such a humanized magic weapon, I am afraid that even the powerful people in the fairy court have not seen many, right?

"Okay! Although I didn't let you out, you have gained a lot, right?"

Wan Dong gave Ding Long a funny look.The relationship between this guy and him seems to have reached the state of sharing weal and woe now.Dinglong is only hidden in Wandong's body, but it can improve simultaneously with Wandong.Every time Wan Dong's realm increases by one level, Dinglong's power will also increase by [-]%!Now Wandong is a fourth-rank human immortal, and the form of Dinglong seems to be getting closer to its heyday.


Dinglong let out a dragon chant, and its huge figure flashing colorful lights circled around Wandong for three weeks. Finally, it couldn't help it, and with a swish of its tail, it flew straight to the sky.Fortunately, Wan Dong had prepared in advance, and the golden light enveloped most of the sky, otherwise, Dinglong would show his face this time!

Shrouded in golden light, you can't see the inside from the outside, but you can see the outside at a glance from the inside!Dinglong danced in the air for a while, then became strangely quiet.A pair of dragon eyes stared at the outside, giving people the feeling that they were frozen.

Wan Dong understood it at a glance, and asked with a smile, "Do you feel familiar?"

Dinglong paused the dragon's head slightly, Wan Dong pulled himself up, stood side by side with Dinglong, looked ahead, and said slowly, "This is just a secret place in the ancient mountain, not a real fairy garden. But don't worry, I will soon Then I will take you to Xianting, because I know that there is your home!"

"Roar~ Roar~ Roar~"

Wan Dong's words seemed to make Dinglong very excited. Dinglong raised his head and immediately let out a roar that shook the sky and the earth.

Seeing this, Wan Dong smiled, patted Ding Long on the head, and said, "Keep your voice down, my barrier can cover my eyes, but it can't cover my ears."

That Dinglong has always been obedient, but at this moment he might be too excited, he didn't stop his voice immediately, but roared three more times, and then he stopped.Wandong has been with Dinglong for a long time, and he can understand its excitement, so he doesn't blame him.He just turned his head and glanced outside the courtyard, and smiled wryly to himself, I hope Dinglong's disturbance will not scare others.

"Come on, take a look at these fairy grasses I collected, can you refine a batch of reborn pills?"

When Dinglong heard the words, his eyes fell on the mountain of medicine.The previous Dinglong was not against all kinds of medicinal herbs, but the current Dinglong is obviously a little picky.With only one turn of his gaze, several snorts came out of his huge nostrils one after another.

Not to mention that Wandong and Dinglong have a close relationship and understand each other, even those who are seeing Dinglong for the first time can hear its disdain from these few chirps.

Seeing this, Wan Dong couldn't help but scolded with a smile: "Look who gave you to the cow, have you forgotten the time when you were in the small mortal world and the big Daoist world? At that time, when you saw a pile of mortal herbs, you were almost so excited Even the eyeballs are popping out, why can’t even these fairy grasses get into your eyes now? People can’t forget their roots, and you dragons are the same! Don’t be wordy, quickly refine a batch of reborn pills for me, my Brothers are still waiting to use it!"

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