Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 155 The Girl Who Appeared Suddenly!

"What's the matter, I only used [-]% of my strength, you can't do it? It seems that your cultivation is far less powerful than your appearance!" Looking at the blue-faced Huyue, Jin Sen groped Quan Feng said with a sneer.

"I'll go to your uncle!" Before Jin Sen could finish speaking, Hu Yue had already thrown out angrily.Although the broad knife in his hand was not very sharp, it was powerful and heavy. When it hit a person, it couldn't split the person in two, but it was enough to smash the person into meatloaf.

It's just that whether it's splitting a person into two pieces or just shooting them into meatloaf, the premise is to hit it, but this is undoubtedly the most difficult part for the current Huyue.

Being short also has advantages of being short. The vigorous blade sweeps over, and Jin Sen only needs to lower his head slightly, and the blade will fall into the air. In addition, Jin Sen's body skills are already extremely weird and flexible, let alone the tiger jumping. People, even the corners of his clothes, can't touch them.

Jin Sen didn't seem to intend to defeat Hu Yue with one move, he was clearly playing a game of cat and mouse.When he thought of his disabled brother who was still lying on the bed, unable to move, Jin Sen felt a strong hatred in his heart.Wan Dong, the 'murderer' cat, didn't come at home, and he didn't dare to rush to the Dingshan Palace blatantly. There was nowhere to vent his anger. Since Hu Yue himself sent him to the door, he certainly wouldn't let it go!

"That's all it takes? Hehe... punch me first!" Jin Sen's body was like a cat, and Hu Yue's blade immediately went empty, brushing against his scalp.When Hu Yue was about to retract the blade, Jin Sen snatched it into his arms like a fox.

Huyue's moves have always been open and closed, with strong attacks, but many deficiencies in defense.In addition, he has a burly figure and holds a heavy broadsword in his hand, so he is far less flexible than Jin Senlai.Seeing Jin Sen's punch coming, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and bear it.

There was a muffled bang, and the edge of Jin Sen's fist was firmly imprinted on Hu Yue's chest.With a burst of true energy, Huyue let out a cry of pain, and his sturdy figure flew up a foot in the air, before hitting the ground heavily.

"Is this Huyue crazy, or stupid? With such a little ability, he still dares to challenge Young Master Jin. Isn't this the old birthday star who hanged himself--is he tired of living?"

"People in the Qingyun Empire have always been so stupid, and this Huyue is no exception!"

"Hmm... makes sense!"

"Eldest Young Master Jin, abolish this bastard and avenge Second Young Master!"

As soon as Jin Sen succeeded in his move, the crowd off the field immediately burst into chaotic shouts.

Jin Sen glanced at the audience, looked at Huyue who was struggling to stand up with a sneer, and said, "Since you are Xu Yaoting's brother, I will take back some interest from you today!"

"Take your mother!" Hu Yue roared, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, and with a move of "Splitting the Five Sacred Mountains", it fell towards the top of Jin Sen's head.

"Idiot!" With a flick of Jin Sen's figure, Hu Yue's blade had already split into the air and landed on the ground, sparking sparks and rubble.

Before Hu Yue could swing the broadsword again, Jin Sen's figure was already at his side, and he kicked Hu Yue's body with a whirlwind kick, fast and hard.Even though Hu Yue was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, he couldn't resist. He let out another cry of pain, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Bastard!" Wan Dong flew towards him, just in time to see Hu Leap falling to the ground, his handsome face turned livid.After a pause, he was about to rush forward and trample Jin Sen under his feet.

"Yao Ting wait a minute!" Wu Daozi who came after him hurriedly shouted.

Wan Dong stabilized his figure and looked at Wu Daozi with some doubts, only to see Wu Daozi frowning and said, "Yao Ting, this is a challenge. If you interfere, I'm afraid it's against the rules."

"What kind of shit rules? Do you want me to watch my brother being beaten like this? I've had enough, let those shit rules go to hell!"

"Boss! Don't be impulsive! The rules of the martial arts academy are very strict. Have you forgotten Mo Ming? You don't want to be expelled from Qingyun martial arts academy, do you?" Wu Yang heard the conversation between Wan Dong and Wu Daozi from a distance, Hurriedly speeding up and darting over, he said with a frown.

"Hey... I really don't care if I will be expelled from the martial arts academy!"

"Huyue, you are not so inferior! Stand up!" On the stage, Jin Sen yelled at Huyue who was lying on the ground with a cold face.

"I'm your ancestor!" Hu Yue gritted his teeth tightly and tried his best to support his body with his arms, pulling them up little by little.Jin Sen's attack was heavy and venomous. Seeing Hu Yue's appearance, he was probably seriously injured, and Wan Dong's heart was throbbing with pain.

"It's up to you? Lay down for me!" Jin Sen spat, and flew out with a kick, kicking Hu Yue, who had already half stood up tremblingly, and flew out again.

"Huyue, don't blame me for being cruel and merciless. If you want to blame it, blame your boss! Xu Yaoting, a turtle with a shrunken head, hid in Dingshan Palace and dared not come out. I have no choice but to use you to vent my anger. Wan Dong abolished my second brother , I also abolished you today, this is called retaliation!"

"Report to your uncle, I will never finish with you!"

Unexpectedly, at this time, Hu Yue was still so stubborn, Jin Sen's eyes flashed coldly, and he was secretly annoyed.If Hu Yue could plead a few words to him now, he might be able to vent a lot of the anger in his heart, but Hu Yue is so stubborn, Jin Sen not only didn't feel the slightest relief, but felt blocked.

"If you don't eat a toast, you will be punished! I will break my arms first!"

"Damn! At worst, I will also quit the martial arts academy and bully my brothers, that's just not allowed!" Seeing that Huyue's arms were about to be buried in Jin Sen's hands, Wan Dong didn't care about so much, he shouted loudly, Shaking off Wu Yang's hand, he jumped up to the stage.

It's just that Wan Dong didn't expect that someone could move faster than him, and it was a woman.

"Huyue, I'll help you!" Accompanied by a delicate and pure voice, a pretty figure swayed onto the stage like a willow leaf in the wind.

Wan Dong looked intently, but had no impression of this girl, obviously Xu Yaoting didn't know her.This girl's appearance can only be described as delicate and pretty, a notch lower than Tang Xinyi and Leng Yuecui.But this girl has a handsome face, a hearty temperament, and a very special temperament. The more she looks, the more interesting she is, which is very attractive, especially for men to get close to.

Wan Dong turned his head to look at Wu Yang with doubts on his face, Wu Yang shook his head slowly, obviously he didn't know the girl either.However, seeing that he ignored the rules of the martial arts academy and took action to protect Huyue without hesitation, he must have a good relationship with Huyue.

"Could it be Huyue's mysterious girlfriend?" Wu Yang raised his voice and raised his face.

Wan Dong nodded lightly, if that was the case, he would be happy for Hu Yue.With her kind of energy of "saving her husband without hesitation", this daughter-in-law can't go wrong!

[Author's digression]: Chapter 2!

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