All this happened so suddenly and strangely that the people present couldn't react. In fact, Xue Wen himself was full of astonishment, and he obviously underestimated what happened.It's no wonder that a seventh-rank human immortal is making trouble in front of a ninth-rank peak. This matter itself is somewhat absurd.

"You... what did you do?!" Tao Qi was completely panicked at this moment, his face, which was not very handsome at all, became more and more ugly and hideous, even though his roar shook the whole world, it was difficult to cover him Full of fear at this time.

Xue Wen ignored Tao Qi, but turned to look at Wan Dong with a strange expression.At this time, Xue Wen was using a sword art that Wan Dong had just comprehended recently. Because it combined the true meaning of wind and thunder, Wan Dong named it Fenglei Sword Art.At first when he came into contact with the Wind and Thunder Sword Art, Xue Wen only vaguely felt that this sword art was unusual, but he didn't think much about it.After all, at that time, he was more immersed in the joy of the skyrocketing cultivation.However, after using it today, he realized that this sword art is not only not simple, it is simply shocking!

It is said that the thunderbolt performed by Taoqi is still a second-grade martial skill treasured by Jinghaizong, but in front of Fenglei Sword Art, it has become a joke, vulnerable to a single blow!Comparing the two, a fool can imagine that the level of Fenglei Sword Art is definitely beyond the second-rank martial arts, at least it is first-rank, and it may even be higher!

God!First rank martial skill!What is this?This is something that Xue Wen didn't even dare to think about before!At that moment, it was as if an electric current flowed through Xue Wen's body, causing all the hairs on Xue Wen's body to stand on end!The blood all over his body also suddenly gathered in his chest, where it burned blazingly, and Xue Wen's whole body was about to boil.

What Wandong bestowed on him was more than just a piece of gold, it was simply a mountain of gold, and even a bright future that he could never achieve with his own strength!

This gift is too big, this love is too deep!Looking at Wan Dong, Xue Wen really didn't know how to repay him!

As the wind and thunder sword art was deployed, the essence of thunder gathered between the heaven and the earth, mixed with the bitter wind, rushed towards Xue Wen like a tornado.Xue Wen immersed himself in it fearlessly, with thunder shining all over his body, protected by the strong wind, that appearance, I don't know how many times more majestic and arrogant than Tao Qi!What is the pinnacle of the ninth rank? Compared with the two, it is clear that he is a poor beggar!

Domineering!prestige!At this time, Xue Wen seemed to be transformed into a god!

Speaking of which, it was really bad luck!It's not good to meet anyone, but I met Xue Wen, and Xue Wen happened to have just mastered the Wind and Thunder Sword Jue from Wan Dong!And compared to the comprehension and control of the true meaning of thunder, the addition of a hundred thunderbolts is not as good as the wind and thunder sword art.You know, the Fenglei Sword Art was learned by Wan Dong from the golden runes inherited from the ancient times, and the two are not at the same level at all!

Using the Wind and Thunder Sword Art against Thunderbolt Wanjun is like a two-year-old man angrily beating a three-year-old baby, it is simply bullying!In the sphere of influence of the Wind and Thunder Sword Art, it is of course wishful thinking to gather the power of thunder and thunder!


Just when everyone was stunned, there was a booming and deafening buzzing sound, which shocked the minds of everyone present, and then all of them showed fanaticism in their eyes.

"It''s the resonance of the Immortal Dao!" Tang Jingruo blinked her eyes a few times, and then said in a trembling voice with her face flushed.

"Aunt Hei, you...are you joking? How could Xue Wen arouse the resonance of the immortal realm? Isn't that something only super powers above the earth fairy realm can do?" Tang Jingruo's words made Lun Wan'er's mouth open. At the maximum, he asked with an unbelievable nana on his face.

"Wan'er, you don't know something. When your cultivation level has reached the fairyland, and your comprehension of the immortal way has reached a certain level, it will naturally drive the resonance of the immortal way, and use the power of the resonance of the immortal way to enhance the power of martial arts, thus exerting abilities beyond your own realm. Strength, this is the biggest stick that the strong in the fairyland can crush the monks below the real fairyland! But there are other situations, even if your own cultivation level has not reached the fairyland, you can still use some superb martial arts to arouse the resonance of the fairyland , Just like Xue Wen at this time!" Tang Jingruo became more and more excited as she spoke, and at the end, even her tender body began to tremble.Obviously she was really happy for Xue Wen from the bottom of her heart.

"Martial skills that can arouse the sympathy of the immortal world? How high is that grade?" Lun Wan'er took a breath, and turned her head to look at Qi Mengxuan.

Qi Mengxuan had been listening to the conversation between Tang Jingruo and Lun Wan'er. Seeing Lun Wan'er looking at her, she raised her crescent eyebrows and said, "As far as I know, among the first-grade martial arts collected by our Jinghai Sect, There is no one that can arouse the sympathy of the immortals without relying on the cultivation level of the performer. I am afraid that only those superb martial arts that have been passed down from ancient times can have such power!"

"Peerless martial arts inherited from ancient times..." Lun Wan'er involuntarily took a long breath, feeling dizzy.

"This one surnamed Xue is not simple! Among other things, just being able to comprehend such a martial skill is enough for him to occupy a place in the fairy court!" Qi Mengxuan shook her head slowly, with a slight helplessness in her expression .He originally wanted to win over Xue Wen, but now it seems that it is impossible.However, on the outskirts of the ancient mountain secret realm that is about to usher in troubled times, will Xue Wen's strong rise become an obstacle for Jinghaizong?

Qi Mengxuan couldn't help turning her eyes to Taoqi, feeling a lot of resentment in her heart.This senior brother of hers is really not enough for success, but more than failure!

"Wan'er, this is a rare opportunity! You quickly keep an eye on Xue Wen, and carefully observe and understand his every movement. You can't learn the martial arts he is performing, but you can feel the mystery of the immortal way from it, which is of great benefit to your own improvement. There are no disadvantages!" High-end products such as Immortal Resonance are definitely rare in a hundred years outside the ancient mountain secret realm. Now that you have caught up, don't waste it, Tang Jingruo hastily reminded Lun Wan'er.

There are obviously not a few people who are as alert as Tang Jingruo.As soon as the Immortal Resonance sounded, the noise around him obviously weakened, and I don't know how many pairs of eyes were fixed on Xue Wen at this time.

Qi Mengxuan didn't want to miss this rare opportunity, but she had to give up, she couldn't just watch Tao Qi die, could she?The Fenglei Sword Art, which can arouse the resonance of the Immortal Dao, can definitely kill Tao Qi into scum.

I hate Na Taoqi, who still can't see the situation clearly until now, and still refuses to give in, standing there talking nonsense, "Impossible, you can arouse the sympathy of the immortal way with just you bastard? This is just your blindfold, think You are too naive to frighten me into crying!"

"Blindfolding? Hahaha...Okay! I'll let you taste the power of my blindfolding!"

Feeling self-righteous, he forced Xue Wen to laugh angrily, and the hand holding the sword suddenly swept away, and the sword edge brought a dazzling sharpness, and it exploded suddenly!

The thunder surrounding Xue Wen roared immediately, and the gust of wind supporting Xue Wen also became crazy, and the rumbling immortal resonance exploded. Suddenly, the violent power is like a sudden volcano, so menacing that it makes one's heart split.

Ridiculously, he clenched his fists tightly, and was waiting to give Xue Wen a head-on blow. When all this suddenly broke out, he was completely dumbfounded on the spot.Dumbfounded, it turned into a human-shaped mallet!That look, I don't know how funny it is!


There was a loud noise, and it flew out horizontally in response. It flew more than twenty feet, and then fell to the ground like a broken sack.

"Brother Tao Qi!"

Although she was dissatisfied with Tao Qi, Qi Mengxuan was still a little nervous when she saw Tao Qi being chopped off by Xue Wen's sword.In a hurry, he rushed forward and helped Tao Qi up from the ground.

After all, it is the pinnacle of the Ninth Rank who is only one step away from the real fairyland, and his cultivation base is profound. In addition, Xue Wen's realm is lower after all, and he cannot display [-]% of the power of the Wind and Thunder Sword Art. It's a bit miserable, but the real injury is not very serious. Of course, vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood is inevitable.

But this is definitely the most embarrassing failure of Taoqi since he was born, bar none!Such a complete defeat, but the opponent is only a seventh-rank human immortal, which is enough to make Tao Qi become a joke of the entire fairy court from now on!

This kind of result is a bit unbearable for ordinary casual cultivators, let alone someone who comes from a famous family and has eyes above the top!After being frightened, shame, anger, and hatred immediately rose in his heart.As long as Xue Wen is alive, this kind of emotion will not dissipate in his heart.

"You... you are a casual cultivator, how dare... how dare you hurt me!?"

Tao Qi ignored Qi Mengxuan's concern at all, pushed her away, pointed at Xue Wen angrily, and roared in a hoarse voice.

Xue Wen couldn't help raising his eyebrows, he really admired the powerful logic of these famous disciples!It is clear that I want to put others to death, but my skills are not as good as others, but in turn accuse others of hurting me, what kind of logic is this?Could it be that if you want to kill someone, others will bind their hands and feet, stretch their necks, and wait for you to kill them?

Even if you are God's illegitimate child, don't be so arrogant!For such a person, there is only one way to deal with it, and that is to beat him to death!

"Brother, please stop talking!"

Qi Mengxuan obviously couldn't take it any longer, and persuaded with embarrassment.Jinghaizong's face can be regarded as being lost by Taoqi.

"Junior Sister! If this fellow hurts me, it will hurt our Jinghaizong's face. You and me, let's join hands and kill this fellow!"

Perhaps Tao Qi is the kind of person who doesn't care about other people's feelings by nature. At this time, he didn't notice Qi Mengxuan's embarrassment at all, and yelled loudly.

As soon as Tao Qi said this, Qi Mengxuan immediately had the urge to cut his tongue.Fighting alone is no match for others, so they clamor to attack in groups. Is this the style of Jinghaizong?No one else can hide this kind of thing, but you are so confident, and you don't shy away from it in front of so many people.He also said that he hurt Jing Haizong's face, so you might as well take a look at your own virtue first!

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