The man who came out of nowhere but was very strong seemed to appreciate Xue Wen quite a bit.To Tao Qi, a disciple of the sect, he had a look of disgust, he could kill with a swing of a sword, but to Xue Wen, he obviously maintained a rare patience and 'kindness'.Being reprimanded by Xue Wen like this, he wasn't annoyed. He smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "Boy, don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet. Let me ask you, I just said that not only will I not kill you, but I can also let you die." From then on, you will be prosperous, do you understand what I mean?"

Xue Wen heard that the man's words seemed to have a lot of meaning, so he couldn't help asking with a bit of vigilance, "What do you mean?"

"Simple! I seldom stayed here before, so I am very unfamiliar with this place, and it is very inconvenient to do things. I just need a little brother who will take care of me and listen to my orders. I think your cultivation level is good. You are... you are also clever. , let me listen to it, it is the most suitable!"

"What did you say!? actually let me be your younger brother?" Xue Wenna is not comparable to before. Even Tao Qi, who was born in a sect like Taoqi, is in his hands. It's less than half of the advantage, the future is really promising, how can you just be someone else's little brother casually?Besides, he already has a big brother now, although Wan Dong has always been unwilling to admit it, but insisted on talking with his brother.But people are benevolent, how can I be an asshole?

The man's attitude towards Xue Wen was obviously expected. He was not surprised when he heard the words, and smiled calmly, with a blinding confidence radiating from his face, "Why, you are definitely not like Sima Jinke!" This qualification?"

"Sima Jinke! You... are you really Sima Jinke?"

Just when Xue Wen was about to snort and make fun of the name Sima Jinke, on the other side, Qi Mengxuan suddenly exclaimed loudly as if she had heard something extraordinary.While exclaiming, there was an almost adoring expression on his face, it was like a fan suddenly saw the idol who was dreaming of him.

Qi Mengxuan is not an ordinary woman, and it is impossible for her to lose her composure.Xue Wen subconsciously swallowed back the sarcasm that came to his lips, turned his head to look at Qi Mengxuan, and asked nah, "What the hell is this Sima Jinke?"

What the hell?Sima Jinke was obviously a little annoyed, and his face was very unhappy, but he probably really appreciated Xue Wen, so he just resisted the attack.

Qi Mengxuan was taken aback by Xue Wen. In their circle, except for a few people who could stand shoulder to shoulder with Sima Jinke, no one dared to treat him with such an attitude. If he is still alive and knows that he is Sima Jinke, even if Sima Jinke slaps him a few more times, he will definitely not dare to fart.

Seeing Xue Wen's indifferent appearance, Qi Mengxuan felt very emotional, sometimes this ignorance is really a kind of happiness.

"Xue Wen, show some respect. Mr. Sima is not... what the hell, but the direct disciple of Yu Jianzong, who is a well-deserved leader among the younger generation of my fairy court. Why don't you hurry up and apologize for your disrespect?" Mr. Sima apologizes?"

Qi Mengxuan revealed Sima Jinke's identity in one breath, and hinted to Xue Wen again and again almost bluntly, but Xue Wen seemed to have not received Qi Mengxuan's signal at all, standing there, motionless, straight to the chess game. Mengxuan was so anxious that she wished she could step forward and kick his ass alive.

In fact, Qi Mengxuan wronged Xue Wen.It's not that he couldn't receive Qi Mengxuan's signal, but he was completely shocked by the signal and crashed!

Yes, Xue Wen really has never heard of Sima Jinke, but he has heard of Yu Jianzong's name.The Immortal Court is vast, and there are many famous families, so it is natural to distinguish between the superior and the inferior.Then this Yujianzong definitely belongs to the existence of the upper middle and the upper, the best of the best, absolutely one of the best.The Jinghai Sect is also a well-known sect, compared to him, I don't know how many streets he will be thrown out.

However, this is not what shocked Xue Wen the most. What drove him the most crazy was the words 'hands down'.To put it another way, it is someone who is very likely to become the master of the sect in the future.

If Xue Wen is an ant living on the ground, then Sima Jinke is definitely an eagle fighting in the sky.The ants waved their tentacles inadvertently, and actually touched the eagle's wings. How could Xue Wen calmly deal with this for a while?

Sima Jinke was really right, asking Xue Wen to be his younger brother was nothing but flattery!The point is, at this moment, Xue Wen is also tempted!

Unexpectedly, just after the wings were born, there was a chance to soar into the sky, and no one would be able to calm down.Xue Wen subconsciously turned his head to look at Wan Dong, and instinctively compared Wan Dong and Sima Jinke together.

In terms of personal excellence, Wan Dong would never be inferior to Sima Jinke. Xue Wen firmly believed in this point, even if others said it broke the sky.But compared to the golden signboard of Yujianzong behind Sima Jinke, Wan Dong is obviously thinner.Xue Wen also believes that following Wan Dong, he should also have good achievements, but compared with what Yu Jianzong can give him, it is nothing.

This kid Xue Wen is talking about loyalty, but after all, he is struggling at the bottom, and there is always a trace of calculation in his bones.Seeing Xue Wen looking towards him, Wan Dong knew that he was starting to play with his little Jiujiu in his heart again.Wan Dong was naturally upset at being compared as a commodity, but he also wanted to see how far Xue Wen's loyalty could go in the face of this ultimate temptation!

Seeing that Xue Wen's eyes fell on Wan Dong again, Sima Jinke couldn't help but follow him.In Sima Jinke's view, Xue Wen was far superior to Wan Dong in every aspect, so why did he attach so much importance to him, even respect Wan Dong?Could it be that there is some secret in this kid that he failed to discover?

This time, Sima Jinke's gaze became much more serious, but apart from feeling that Wan Dong was extraordinary, with an unexplainable aura of unknown origin, he still couldn't see anything else.He couldn't help shaking his head and laughing secretly, only saying that he was too sensitive.Maybe Xue Wen was just out of friendship with him.

"Just now you said that not only me, but you can also give my brother a chance to be successful, right?" Xue Wen pondered for a while, then turned to look at Sima Jinke suddenly, and asked seriously.

Sima Jinke nodded slightly. Facing the opportunity to soar into the sky, Xue Wen obviously did not forget his brothers and friends. He also appreciated this.Laughed, "Yes!"

Xue Wen suddenly became excited, and couldn't wait to turn his head to look at Wan Dong, his eyes were full of joy!At this time, there was only one thought in Xue Wen's mind, that is, even he himself could be selected by Sima Jinke, so with Wan Dong's excellence, once he entered Yujianzong, he would be able to bloom infinite brilliance immediately.This is certainly an opportunity for him, especially for Wandong!

Wan Dong could fully understand Xue Wen's deep meaning, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all because Xue Wen fell to Sima Jinke.Speaking of it, it is not to blame Xue Wen, Xianting has always respected the strong, Xue Wen turned to Sima Jinke, he can only blame him for what he has shown so far, not strong enough to let Xue Wen was unconditionally convinced.

But of course, it is impossible for Wan Dong to join Yujianzong like Xue Wen, let alone become Sima Jinke's younger brother.Sima Jinke is good, but he still can't catch his eyes!

Xue Wen's attitude at this time finally satisfied Sima Jinke.A smile appeared on his face, and Sima Jinke said, "Xue Wen, is it too early for you to be happy now? You haven't received my sword yet!"

"What's so difficult about receiving your sword?" The great opportunity is right in front of you, and Xue Wen's eyes are really full of fighting spirit!

"Don't be careless. Although the Qiankun Ice and Fire Sword I practiced is incomplete and failed to rise to the level of the ancient inheritance, it is also a super first-grade martial skill with extraordinary power. You have also seen the fate that just happened."

Hearing this, Xue Wen's face became solemn, and then gusts of breeze lingered around him, and clusters of dark clouds piled up in the sky. The true meaning of wind and thunder, like invisible flowing water, gurgled between heaven and earth.

Everything in the world has its true meaning, and when combined into one, it will become the great way of heaven and earth!This is what all monks are striving for, but it is illusory and ever-changing, and it is difficult for many people to touch it in their entire lives.Like Xue Wen, it is really a great chance to touch the two truths of wind and thunder at the same time just because he has practiced a martial skill.

Although it is said that Xue Wen's comprehension of Fenglei Sword Art has not reached a deep level at this time, but at least he has entered the door, and the rest is a matter of time.

"Okay! What a superb martial skill, it's not inferior to my Qiankun Ice and Fire Sword, it seems that I was right!"

At this moment, Sima Jinke was obviously also excited, and slowly waved the hand holding the sword. As the sword edge moved in the sky, one was as silver as snow, and the other was as hot as fire. There were two sword lights in total, shining at the same time.In a short while, Sima Jinke was surrounded by the two truths of ice and fire.The scale and momentum are obviously stronger than Xue Wen's.

Sima Jinke has been immersed in the Qiankun Ice and Fire Sword for at least ten years, so he is naturally stronger than Xue Wen, a second-timer who has become a monk halfway.Moreover, this Qiankun Ice and Fire Sword is indeed not simple, even Wan Dong has aroused a lot of interest, and the insight formula works quietly.

Fire is dry, ice is Kun!These two truths, which are usually incompatible, are cleverly combined into one with the help of a long sword at this time, and faintly deduce a shadow of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, which is really extraordinary.

Sima Jinke said that the Qiankun Ice and Fire Sword was incomplete, but it seems to be the truth.If it is the full version of the Qiankun Ice and Fire Sword, it is by no means comparable to the Fenglei Sword Art.

"Xue Wen, are you ready to take my sword?" Sima Jinke looked at Xue Wen indifferently, with an aura of controlling the universe all over his body.

Xue Wen obviously also felt the pressure, but his high fighting spirit has not diminished, and he held his sword across his chest, "Just let the horse come over!"

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