Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 200 One move to defeat the enemy!

Linger's face showed a touch of unresolved sadness, she lowered her head and said, "I also know that Hu Yue should not be involved, it may hurt him. But I... I really can't control my emotions, since The day I saw Huyue, I just... lost control, he was the one I was destined to love!"

Being possessed of Dao Qi not only made Wan Dong's eyes much sharper than ordinary people's, but also made his senses and intuition more sensitive than ever before.If Ling'er wants to act in front of him, there is absolutely no possibility of hiding it from him.And from Linger's words and expression, Wan Dong could clearly feel her affection for Huyue, it was very real and deep!

Wan Dongchang heaved a sigh of relief, as long as Linger's feelings for Huyue were true, then the rest would not be so important.

Wan Dong returned the dagger in his hand to Ling'er, smiled wryly, and said, "Silly girl, can you frame Qiu Yunchong with this dagger? Do you think everyone else is a fool?"

"I also know it's difficult, as long as I can tear a crack between Qiu Yunchong and the princess, I'll be content." Taking the dagger, Ling'er said a little embarrassedly.

"If it's just for this, you don't have to. The enemy and the princess have long been incompatible, so there is no need for you to do anything extra."

Ling'er nodded, "I've only been in the Qingyun Empire for a short time, and I've also heard about the conflict between the enemies and the princess, but I don't know if it's true or not... Wait, boss, you... You didn't give birth to me Angry?"

Ling'er suddenly came to her senses, and looked at Wan Dongdao with surprise.

"Who said, you're so stupid, I'm going to be pissed off by you! You should learn to be smarter in the future, don't do stupid things, you know?" Although Wan Dong made an angry look, but At this moment, in Ling'er's eyes, it was obvious that she had no power.

Looking at Ling'er, who kept laughing and laughing, Wan Dong sighed, and simply stopped pretending.Turning to look at the young guard, he smiled and said, "Little brother, do me a favor and pretend that what happened today never happened, okay?"

"What do you mean? You want to cover up the assassin?" The young guard raised his eyebrows and said slightly angrily.

Wan Dong waved his hand and said, "Why are assassins not assassins? How can it be so serious? This is my young master's friend. He wanted to enter the palace to open his eyes, but ended up wearing the wrong clothes and going through the wrong door."


As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Ling'er couldn't help laughing out loud.Wearing the wrong clothes?Wrong door?Fortunately, he can think it out and say it out loud.

Wan Dong clicked his tongue, glared at Linger, and said, "Why are you laughing? Be serious! Do you think this palace is your backyard, and you can take a walk if you want? Don't be an example, you know?"

Ling'er hastily put on a serious look and nodded repeatedly.

The two sang together, and they said an extremely serious matter in such a calm and calm manner that the eyes of the young guard jumped out when he heard it.

"That's unreasonable! Do you really think that princess guard is a fool?" The young guard shouted angrily.

Wan Dong frowned, his face darkened, "Boy, don't toast or eat fine wine!"

"Ha! You can't be soft, but you want to be hard? Just right, I want to weigh your skills too!"

"Boss, this..." Ling'er felt guilty. She didn't recognize Wan Dong at the beginning because she didn't want to cause him trouble, but now it's backfired.

Wan Dong waved his hand, interrupting Ling'er, staring at the young guard with piercing eyes.

"Boy, what ability do you have, just use it! If you can't take the sword in your hand within one move, she and I will be at your disposal!"

"What did you say? You are too arrogant!" The young guard seemed to have been insulted, and an extremely strong anger burst out on his face.

Wan Dong ignored it, and said with a faint smile, "But if I do it, you have to promise me that today's matter will not be pursued."

"Okay! It's a deal!"

The young guard was very straightforward. Just as his voice hit the ground, his figure soared into the air.The long sword in his hand pointed to the sky, and at the tip of the sword, a cold light burst out, and the mighty true energy, with the tip of the sword as the core, spread in all directions, and the huge power and momentum gathered crazily at an astonishing speed.

"Xu Yaoting, you have to pay the price for your arrogance today! Huang Ji Thunder!"

When the power gathered to a certain level, the young guard's tongue burst into spring thunder, and with a swipe of the sword in his hand, countless cold lights like thunderbolts, densely packed, fell straight towards Wan Dong's head.

Although the young guard denounced Wan Dong's arrogance, he used his full strength. This move was so powerful that it was beyond people's imagination.It made Ling'er's delicate body tremble, and Huarong's face paled instantly.Obviously, she never expected that there would be such a terrifying young guard in Qingyun Empire's palace.

As for whether Wan Dong can take over, Linger is not worried at all.Wan Dong's strength has long been deeply rooted in her heart.

"That's right, it's interesting!" Looking at the thunder and lightning coming from all directions, Wan Dong smiled coldly and nodded slightly.

Although there was an expression of appreciation on his face, Wan Dong's figure remained motionless.A thin, faint golden light rose up, like a golden bell cover, covering Wan Dong completely.

Let your world fall apart, I will face it with ease, among other things, this kind of demeanor alone is enough to make the young guard's face change in horror.But at this time, the Thunder Sword Light, which condensed almost all of his true energy, exploded and disintegrated before he got close to Wan Dong's body, and then disappeared without a trace. This strange situation made the young guard's heart tremble even more. Jumped out from the throat.

"How come?" The young guard couldn't help shouting.

"If you raise your true energy level by two levels, such a sword may cause me some trouble, but now... broken!" Wan Dong suddenly opened his mouth and let out a shout. Like a stormy wave under a strong wind, it bursts out suddenly, and the peak of the wave soars straight into the sky.

The thunderous sword lights released by the young guards immediately ushered in a catastrophe. They disintegrated and shattered one after another. Even if the young guards used all their breastfeeding strength, it was still difficult to stop the decline.He could only be in awe, watching those streaks of golden light, destructive, approaching him as if entering no one's land.

Finally, the golden light surged forward, enveloping the young guard completely.There was no particularly painful feeling, the young guard just felt that his body seemed to be frozen, and he could no longer move.

The young guard's eyes widened, and he stared blankly at Wan Dong who was slowly approaching, as if he was strolling in the courtyard, it was not easy.

"you lose!"

"I...I didn't!" The young guard shouted stubbornly.

Wan Dong smiled, stretched out his hand gently, and took the long sword from the young guard's hand like picking an apple, and all this, the young guard could only watch helplessly. A feeling of wanting to cry.

[Author's digression]: Today is the fifth update, let's put two updates first!

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