"Yao Ting, what the hell is going on?" After Tang Xinyi left, Xu Wenchuan and Ning Shan couldn't wait to show up, their faces were full of indelible shock.

The sword that Tang Xinyi slashed just now, the two of them saw clearly, it was clearly a deep hatred!

Wan Dong smiled wryly and shook his head, "How would I know? Who can fathom this woman's mind?"


"There's nothing wrong with it, just let nature take its course!" Wan Dong cheered up and raised his voice.

He has a lot of things to do, and the enemies he has to face are very powerful, so that he has no energy at all, but instead focuses on speculating on women's minds.Going with the flow is the best choice Wandong can make.

Xu Wenchuan clapped his hands, and said with a sad face, "What kind of thing is this? I thought you and that girl Xinyi were a good match, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this. If you take a step back, that little girl Leng Yuecui can do it too." , but she has such a bastard grandma! I said Yao Ting, your kid's emotional journey is really not ordinary bumpy."

Tang Xinyi, Leng Yuecui, and Wan Dong didn't have that kind of thought at all, so they didn't take Xu Wenchuan's words seriously, but his emotional journey was indeed bumpy.If there were no ups and downs, where did he and Mu Lian come from so many hardships?

Thinking of Mu Lian, Wan Dong's heart became even heavier, he didn't want to think about anything, he didn't want to say anything, he waved his hand, and said to Xu Wenchuan and Ning Shan, "Grandpa, mother, I'm tired, I'm going back to rest .”

"But dinner..."

Before Ning Shan could finish speaking, Wan Dong's figure had already gone far away.

Looking at Wan Dong's lonely back, Xu Wenchuan felt sore in his heart intuitively, shook his head, and said, "Let him go. It's good to let him be alone."

At night, Wan Dong came out of the room in black night clothes.Wan Dong put aside Tang Xinyi's matter for the time being.Right now there is one more serious matter waiting for him to do.

Scanning his surroundings, Wan Dong made sure that there was no one there. Wan Dong covered his face with a black scarf, moved his body, and left Dingshan Palace.

Although it was late at night, Juntian's pawnshop was extremely lively.

"You bastards, you must get the sword back for me! If the sword is gone, not only me, but you too will die!"

"Bastard! Catch him, don't let him get away!"

"Get up, don't pretend to be dead!"

Before Wan Dong arrived at the Juntian pawn shop, he heard Qu Sanping's hysterical roar from a distance.Wan Dong's heart trembled, no one would have taken the lead, right?The body quickly accelerated, like a cloud of smoke invisible to the naked eye, heading towards Juntian's pawnshop.

Leaning on the wall and looking into Juntian's pawn shop, Wan Dong frowned.

At this time, in Juntian's pawnshop, the killing was in full swing, five or six men surrounded a man in black, slashing and killing him frantically, wishing he could tear him into pieces.

At this time, Qu Sanping had completely lost his demeanor. Standing aside, he looked like a bigfoot crab, jumping and jumping, roaring non-stop, as if he was crazy.

Wan Dong glanced over Qu Sanping and landed on the man in black.I saw that the man in black was holding a sword in his right hand, tightly protecting his chest, using only his left palm to deal with the attack of Juntian's pawn shop guards, he seemed a little embarrassed.

Qu Sanping matched Wan Dong's sword with an extremely exquisite and luxurious scabbard. Although it suppressed the sharpness of the magic weapon, Wan Dong still recognized it from the hilt at a glance.

Wan Dong couldn't help wondering, he only pawned the sword during the day, why did someone come to snatch it at night?And judging from the posture of the man in black, it was clearly aimed at the sword.Whose news is so fast?

"Don't slap me, slap me again, I'm going to kill you!" The man in black suddenly yelled angrily, Wan Dong's heart skipped a beat, is it a woman?

"Bastard, you have taken the courage of ambition and leopard, and you have taken it to Juntian's pawnshop! Let me tell you, if you hand over the sword obediently, and then cut off your arm, I will let you live. Otherwise, hehe... I will definitely chop you into pieces!"

No wonder Qu Sanping was so angry.That sword is worth 1000 million taels of gold!Even he couldn't bear such a huge number.

"I only borrowed this sword for one use, and I will return it to you after I use it up!"

"Fart your mother! Do you think I, Qu Sanping, is a three-year-old child, so easy to deceive? You guys listen to me, whoever can kill this daring dog, I will reward him with 10 taels of gold , to keep him safe for the rest of his life!"

With Qu Sanping's heavy reward, the five or six guards seemed to be on a stimulant, and they used all their sucking skills. The explosive offensive followed closely one after another, making the man in black even more stretched. back again.

Seeing that he was pushed into the corner of the wall and had no way to retreat, the man in black raised his eyebrows, scolded and choked, and pulled out the magic weapon in his hand from its scabbard. In an instant, a moonlight-like cold The cool silver glow burst out, causing the five or six guards to let out an exclamation, and rushed back in haste.

"You guys beat me to this, don't blame me!" With the magic weapon in his hand, the man in black's aura suddenly rose, as if he had changed into a different person.

"What are you doing in a daze, give it to me! Take back the sword, there will be rewards, if you can't take it back, you will all die!"

Under Qu Sanping's coercion and lure, five or six guards went to the man in black again.

This time, the man in black didn't wait for them to get close, he suddenly stood up, and the magic weapon in his hand slashed out obliquely, and a sword energy visible to the naked eye immediately shot out with a sharp whistling sound.The five or six guards who rushed forward didn't even have a chance to react, so they all felt a burning pain, and a dazzling bloody light burst out from their chests almost at the same time.The air was immediately filled with a strong smell of blood.

"What a sharp magic weapon!" The man in black obviously didn't expect such a result, he stared blankly at the magic weapon in his hand, his eyes were full of surprise and shock.

Although the five or six guards were not seriously injured, the mental blow they received was not so heavy. Fear welled up on their faces, and they retreated subconsciously.

"What are you afraid of? He only has one person, let me do it!" For the first time in his life, Qu Sanping regretted not practicing martial arts at the beginning.Otherwise, he would have rushed forward at this time, how could he be so aggrieved, he could only place his hope on these trash.

With the magic weapon in hand, the man in black was very imposing. He changed his previous embarrassment and looked down upon Qu Sanping and said, "Don't stop me, anyone who stops me will die!"

After saying that, he didn't stay any longer, the man in black straightened up and left through the air.

"Chasing, chasing!" Qu Sanping yelled at the guards in a hurry when he saw the man in black leaving, Hun'er was about to fly away in horror.

But the guards, even if they weren't frightened, were still very afraid of the man in black at this moment.Everyone just came out to have a meal, it seems that there is no need to risk their lives.You look at me, I look at you, but none of them moved.He watched helplessly as the man in black disappeared into the night.

[Author's digression]: Continue tomorrow!

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