"Wu Yang, your sister should only be at the peak of the second level of true qi, right?" Wan Dong frowned and asked.

Wu Yang hummed in front of Wan Dong, as if he had lost his brain, but in reality he was definitely a smart person. Hearing Wan Dong's question, he immediately understood what he meant.

At best, Wu Yue's cultivation level was comparable to Wan Dong's before jumping off the cliff, but among the 100 people on the Qingyun Ranking, the weakest cultivation level all had the third level of true qi.Among the 100 people, Wu Yue's cultivation is very eye-catching, and it is also where Wan Dong's doubts lie.

Wu Yang chuckled, and said, "That bitch didn't know how to convince my father, but my father taught her the Luan Dou sword technique. It is by virtue of the power of the Luan Dou sword technique, Only that stinky bitch can get her wish on the Qingyun list."

"Huan Dou sword technique?" Wan Dong did find information about Luan Dou sword technique in Xu Yaoting's memory.

This chaotic swordsmanship should be regarded as the top martial arts of the Wu family, and it is also well-known in the entire Qingyun Empire.Once it is used, it is like a madman fighting, invincible, irresistible, and very powerful.If Wu Yue has learned this set of sword skills, it can completely make up for her lack of cultivation, and it is not impossible to challenge the third level of true energy by leapfrogging.

What puzzled Wan Dong was that, from Wu Yang's point of view, Wu Yue seemed to have put a lot of thought into learning Luan Dou sword skills, so he asked, "Your father only has you as a son and your sister as a daughter. This unique knowledge of the Wu family will naturally be passed on to you, Wu Yue wants to learn it, so there is no need to convince your father, right?"

Wu Yang gave Wan Dong a thumbs up, and said with a smile, "The boss is the boss, he is really smart, and he can always get to the point when he asks questions."

Wan Dong glared at him, and said, "Stop flattering and talk about business!"

Wu Yang coughed, first glanced around furtively, and found no one approaching, then leaned into Wan Dong's ear and whispered, "Boss, you don't know, this random swordsmanship, although powerful, But there is also a huge hidden danger. The more you practice, the easier it is to become possessed, so my father has always been unwilling to pass on this sword technique to us easily."

"Oh? That's it!" Wan Dong was suddenly stunned.At the same time, the goodwill towards Wu Yang in his heart suddenly increased a lot.This kid treats people with sincerity, as long as he looks for it, he will never have second thoughts.The secret about Luan Dou's sword technique should be the biggest secret of the Wu family, and Wu Yang told him everything without hesitation. This alone is enough proof.

Wan Dong made up his mind that if he had a chance in the future, he would definitely cultivate Wu Yang well. A person like him should never spend his whole life in obscurity.


There is not only a martial arts academy in Qingyun martial arts academy, but also a literary academy.

Needless to say, the Martial Academy is naturally a place to teach people how to practice martial arts. Most of the 100 people on the Qingyun List are from the Martial Academy.And there are many other categories in this academy.There is one courtyard for piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and there are four courtyards.In addition, there are also branch schools such as Array Academy, Military Academy, Confucianism Academy, Armament Manufacturing Academy, etc., with a complete range of types.It's just that the students from all the branches of the School of Arts are added up, and there are not as many students from the School of Martial Arts. It can be seen how strong this martial arts is blowing in Dongxuan Continent.

Xu Yaoting chose the School of Formation under the Academy of Arts, which suits his personality quite well, it saves the most worry and trouble, and allows him the most time to not do his job.

Among the Qingyun Wuyuan Academy, the Array Academy is definitely considered unpopular. The students are the fewest among the many branches of the Civil and Military Academy.Under Xu Yaoting's 'rectification' in the past two years, more than half of them are submissive to him.As soon as he walked into the Array Academy, Wan Dong felt as if he had returned to Dingshan Prince's Mansion, surrounded by 'servants' who hurriedly saluted him.Seeing Wu Yang's complacent and reasonable expression, he is obviously used to this kind of scene.

However, there are still some "stabs" of Array Academy's dissatisfaction with Xu Yaoting.

At this moment, when Wan Dong was nodding his head to the surroundings in return, a gust of fragrant wind mixed with a cold reprimand suddenly sounded "Good dogs don't get in the way, get out!"

Wan Dong was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look, and saw a slender figure standing in front of him gracefully.Not as mature and charming as Tang Xinyi, a little more youthful, but it reveals a kind of freshness of lotus leaves after the rain, which makes people feel very good. If the other party doesn't have a frowning and cold appearance at this time, it will give people Feel even better.

Leng Yuecui!

In almost an instant, the name automatically jumped out of Xu Yaoting's memory, obviously Xu Yaoting was deeply impressed by this girl.It is true, Xu Yaoting dominates the formation academy, the only one who dares to provoke him and make him angry is this Leng Yuecui.

For Leng Yuecui, Xu Yaoting really had a headache.This girl doesn't care who Xu Yaoting's grandson is, if he is humiliated in public, it's still light, and it's a common thing to hit him with a raised hand and kick him with a flying foot.

Xu Yaoting refused to accept it, and once sternly reported Leng Yuecui's evil behavior in front of Xu Wenchuan.But the result was far beyond his expectations. Instead of standing up for him and teaching Leng Yuecui a lesson, Xu Wenchuan severely reprimanded him, and finally warned him that he would never provoke Leng Yuecui again, even if it was Walking around, you can't conflict with her.This made Xu Yaoting very curious about Leng Yuecui's identity, but he never figured it out until he was almost slapped by Tang Xinyi.

"Student Leng, it's not easy to learn from each other. You should be more polite to each other, don't you think?" Wan Dong's voice was neither soft nor heavy, very calm and calm.

Is this what Xu Yaoting can say?Not to mention others, even Wu Yang's eyes widened in surprise.According to the usual practice, now he and Xu Yaoting must either get out of the way desperately, or go all out, scold Leng Yuecui, and then be beaten up by Leng Yuecui, this is in line with Xu Yaoting's character!

Student Leng Yuecui was also taken aback for a moment, but she quickly came to her senses, her jade face was frosted, and she scolded angrily, "Bah! Who is your classmate? You are a disgrace to our Formation Academy!"

Wan Dong's eyes suddenly widened, even though he knew that Leng Yuecui was talking about Xu Yaoting, it still aroused his anger.Xu Yaoting is indeed not a good guy, but you Leng Yuecui humiliating others in public doesn't mean you are a good bird.

"What? Want to fight?" Seeing that she had successfully provoked Wan Dong's anger, Leng Yuecui had a provocative sneer on her face.She is worried that she has nowhere to vent her anger.

"Wu Yang!" Wan Dong stared at Leng Yuecui, and suddenly yelled angrily.

Wu Yang shivered involuntarily, and sighed in his heart, it seems that today's beating is inevitable.

However, just when Wu Yang was feeling sad, Wan Dong spat out two more words, "Give way!"

"What?" Wu Yang was stunned for a while, wondering if he heard it wrong, but Wan Dong stood aside very simply, and moved out of the way.

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