"Xuanfeng?" Wan Dong couldn't help gasping when he heard the name.

What Xu Wenchuan said is absolutely correct, Xuanfeng is indeed the well-deserved No.1 general of the Iron War Dynasty, even in the entire Dongxuan Continent, he is well-known!Over the years, he and Wan Dong's father, Wan Haoxiong, have also fought against each other several times.

Xuanfeng is good at using intrigues, and while his thoughts are meticulous, his imagination is also exceptionally rich.Commanding operations is like a powerful and unconstrained style, often with magical strokes, which makes the enemy tired of coping.Even Wan Haoxiong is not afraid of this person.

With Xuanfeng and 80 cavalry, Wan Dongguang shuddered when he thought about the situation in Jin Ge City.

Xu Wenchuan nodded, and said, "Yes! Fortunately, in Jin Ge City, there is Wan Haoxiong, the first commander of Tiandu Kingdom, and the 20 soldiers and 30 people under his leadership. It will not be so easy for Xuanfeng to conquer .”

"Grandpa, Jinge City is located in a lonely place, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there is only one road that can lead into the city. This certainly makes it more difficult for the enemy to attack the city, but at the same time, it is also important for the supply of food and personnel in Jine City. , increased the difficulty. As long as Xuanfeng completely controls this road, Jin Ge City can be trapped to death just by being sleepy. In my opinion... the situation of Wan Haoxiong is extremely bad."

Xu Wenchuan was startled when he heard the words, looked at Wan Dong with a hint of admiration, and said, "Yao Ting, it's not easy for you to make such an analysis!"

At this time, Wan Dong didn't have the heart to be happy for Xu Wenchuan's appreciation, he hurriedly said, "Father, Wan Haoxiong and the 20 soldiers he led are almost equivalent to more than half of the entire force of Tiandu Kingdom. What if they are trapped and killed by Xuanfeng?" , Xuanfeng can use Jin Ge City as a springboard, and sweep the entire Tiandu Kingdom with his army as if entering no one's land. At that time, the Iron War Dynasty will annex Tiandu Kingdom, but it will be as easy as picking something out. I think our Qingyun Empire , we can’t sit idly by, we should act as soon as possible to give Tiandu Kingdom strong support. As long as Tiandu Kingdom defeats the Tie Zhan Dynasty, then our Qingyun Empire will be safe.”

Xu Wenchuan nodded heavily, and said gratifiedly, "You have such insight, and you have not disappointed grandpa." Having said this, Xu Wenchuan's complexion suddenly changed, revealing a hint of helplessness and sorrow, "It's a pity, Now in our Qingyun Empire, almost everyone is focusing on the fight for the big position, who has the mind to deal with the war between the Iron War Dynasty and the Tiandu Kingdom?"

"It's unreasonable! Don't they understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold?"

Xu Wenchuan looked even more sad, and sighed, "Of course they understand, but they don't believe that the Tie Zhan Dynasty has such courage and ambition, and even wants to annex the Qingyun Empire. Now I only hope that Wan Haoxiong can last for a long time." A few, until the battle for the position is decided..."

Wan Dong was not reconciled, and said, "No! According to the current format, who knows when the winner will be determined? But Jin Ge City is in danger every day! Now His Majesty the Emperor is seriously ill, and the Princess is ordered to , in charge of state affairs, Her Highness the Princess is now the emperor of the Qingyun Empire! As long as Her Highness the Princess orders troops to be dispatched, there is no reason for others not to obey!"

"It is true to say so, but the actual control of this country has almost completely fallen into the hands of Qiu Wanli. Even if Her Royal Highness gives orders, I am afraid that she will not be able to mobilize a single soldier. Besides, Her Royal Highness also has her. Perhaps such an order would not have been issued at all.”

As soon as Xu Wenchuan said these words, Wan Dong's expression became extremely gloomy.Of course he knew that Xu Wenchuan was right.But……

Looking at the unwilling Wan Dong, Xu Wenchuan patted him on the shoulder, and said, "You don't have to worry too much, I don't think the Tiandu Kingdom will collapse in a day or two. Especially Wan Haoxiong, he is definitely the most difficult thing in the world." You are looking for a handsome talent! Xuanfeng meets him, it is considered a match in chess! This battle may be fought, we still have time!"

It's not that Wan Dong doesn't have confidence in Wan Haoxiong, it's because it's a matter of himself and chaos!Wan Dong couldn't calm down at all when he thought that people were dying in Tiandu Kingdom every minute and every second.

"No, I still want to try!" After a moment of silence, Wan Dong suddenly raised his head and said with an unusually firm expression.

Xu Wenchuan smiled wryly, and said, "Your temper really resembles me when I was young. If you don't hit the south wall, you won't look back. Well, if you want to try it, go for it."

Before Xu Wenchuan's words fell to the ground, Wan Dong's magic weapon suddenly bounced up, turned into a flash of lightning, and disappeared into the distance.Xu Wenchuan couldn't help being taken aback when he saw it, and after a while he said with a smile, "Stinky boy, your cultivation has really improved a lot!"

"Stop!" As soon as Wan Dong approached the palace, the eight guards in charge of guarding the gate of the palace stepped forward and stopped him.

Wan Dong looked up, and a smile appeared on his face immediately. These people seemed to be acquaintances, and they were all brought to Tianbao Pavilion by Tang Xinyi to rescue him that day.

Since they are acquaintances, it's easy to handle. Wan Dong smiled, stepped forward and said: "Brothers, don't you know me?"

"Recognized! The grandson of King Dingshan, Xu Yaoting, Master Xu!" One of them quickly revealed Wan Dong's identity, but what puzzled Wan Dong was that the expressions of several Fengxiang Guard soldiers did not soften, but became more and more serious. grim.

Wan Dong frowned, "Everyone, I want to go to the palace to meet Her Royal Highness, please report to me!"

"What did you see Her Royal Highness doing?" The Feng Xiangwei soldier who spoke became more and more indifferent.

"This, I'm sorry to say."

"Then you go!" Several guards were very straightforward, and directly reached out to see off the guests, it can be said that they didn't show any affection at all.

"Brothers, I... I didn't offend you, did I? Aren't you friends?"

"Bah! Who is your friend! You are our Fengxiangwei's enemy!"

"Enemy?" Wan Dong was completely dumbfounded.

The eight Fengxiangwei soldiers seemed to be angry, and they all took a step forward, pointing at Wan Dong's chest with spears in their hands.In the past few days, Tang Xinyi had trained them very well, and their aura was obviously much sharper than the last time Wan Dong saw them.

"Anyone who makes the commander sad is our enemy!"

Wan Dong couldn't help but let out a wry smile, because of Tang Xinyi.But at this moment, he was also full of bewilderment, and he didn't know where he had offended Tang Xinyi.

Wan Dong said with a smile on his face: "Brothers, did Commander Tang tell you why she is sad? Or, can you invite Commander Tang here so that everyone can speak clearly in person, wouldn't it be great? ?”

"You want to see our Commander Tang?" Several guards looked at each other and asked.

Wan Dong nodded hastily, trying to show his sincerity.

"Hmph! After seeing our Commander Tang, and then making her sad again? Stop dreaming! We are not as stupid as you think!"

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