Wan Dong is not surprised that Leng Yuecui can say such words.In Xu Yaoting's memory, although Leng Yuecui was a daughter, she had the temperament of a man, bold and straightforward, with a clear distinction between love and hate, she liked real heroes, but she had a bad temper, a bit like Charlie's Angels.But if she can correct her temper, then everything will be easy to talk about.On the whole, Leng Yuecui is still an unusual but cute girl!

Wan Dong smiled wryly, and said, "Thank you Miss Leng for your compliment, but is your anger gone?"

Seeing Wan Dong winking and wry smile, which was extremely funny, Leng Yuecui couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Not to mention, Leng Yuecui's smile is like the first spring when the ice and snow melt, revealing the tender green grass, which makes people's eyes brighten.

Wan Dong appreciated Leng Yuecui's sweet smile very much, but Wu Yang and the people watching were all so shocked that their eyes would fall out.It is very rare for Leng Yuecui to smile, but it is even rarer to smile at Xu Yaoting, it is like a miracle.Many people looked up at the sky subconsciously, wanting to see if the sun is still rising from the east today.

Soon, Leng Yuecui probably realized that she shouldn't have shown such a smiling face in front of Xu Yaoting, her bright smile immediately withdrew, she snorted heavily, and said coldly, "My girl's anger is so easy to dissipate." ? Give it up today, and settle accounts with you another day!"

Leng Yuecui said so, but from her eyes, Wan Dong could see that Leng Yuecui had really calmed down.

Sure enough, Leng Yuecui turned her head to look at Wu Yue, her willow eyebrows were bristling and she said, "Wu Yue, you won't be complacent for too long. I will definitely find a way to break your melee swordsmanship and take back my Qing Yun list." ranking!"

Wu Yue sneered, put the sword back into its sheath, and said flatly, "Leng Yuecui, today you should really thank Xu Yaoting, otherwise, you would definitely be lying on the ground now!"

"Hmph!" Although Leng Yuecui had a look of displeasure, she also knew that Wu Yue was telling the truth, so she couldn't refute it.

"Okay! I'll put aside the matter with you for now, I'm here to find Xu Yaoting today!"

Leng Yuecui lost face today, and wanted to leave immediately, but when she heard that Wu Yue came to find Xu Yaoting today, for some reason, a strong interest was born, and the steps she was about to move froze again.

Wu Yue crossed Leng Yuecui, her slightly cold eyes fell on Wan Dong.

Seeing Wu Yue's expression, Wu Yang knew something was going to go wrong, so he quickly stood up and said, "Sister, don't mess around! This is my boss, if you hurt him, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"Your boss? Isn't it amazing? Don't forget, I'm your sister, my own sister!" Wu Yang wanted to help Wan Dong with good intentions, but it didn't work out. After he said these few words, Wu Yue became even more angry. Now, the gaze towards Wan Dong became more and more unkind.

"Sister, you..."

"Don't call me sister, I can't afford to lose that person! In vain, you are considered a descendant of the Wu family, but you have almost lost all the face of the Wu family and father. You said you can't recognize who is the boss, but you have to recognize This kid, besides acting recklessly and bullying the weak, what other abilities does he have? What qualifications does he have to let the descendants of my Wu family call him the boss?"

When Wu Yue talked about Xu Yaoting, her expression was as if she was talking about a pile of stinky shit, her brows were full of disgust and disgust.Even though Wan Dongming knew that Wu Yue was not targeting him, he still felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Sister! You can scold me or even beat me, but I don't allow you to humiliate my boss like this! I believe you have seen it just now, the boss is risking his life for me. Just this, for me, Wu Yang , is enough!"

Usually, Wu Yang had a playful and smiling face, and he was out of shape, but this time he seemed to be a different person, with a strict and resolute expression, and a resolute look, which was completely different from the Wu Yang in Xu Yaoting's memory.If he hadn't had true feelings for Xu Yaoting, he would never have the guts to talk to Wu Yue like this.

At this time, Wan Dong was very moved.

"You...Your kid, have you lost your mind and gone crazy? If you dare to talk to me like this, does your skin itch again?" Wu Yue was obviously not used to Wu Yang who looked like this. She was stunned for a moment before making a move With a vicious look, he scolded and asked.

Wu Yang gritted his teeth and shouted, "Anyway, what I said is very clear. Move me, okay, move my boss, no!"

"Wu Yang! Do you still think of yourself as a descendant of the Wu family in your heart? Could it be that you really want to completely ruin the reputation of our Wu family before you are willing to do so?" Unexpectedly, Wu Yang would be so determined, Wu Yue suddenly She found that she seemed to be unable to suppress her disappointing younger brother.

"Hey! Wu Yue, Wu Yang and I became brothers, how did you ruin the reputation of the Wu family?"

Wan Dong couldn't help but interjected, and Wu Yue sneered immediately, "Don't you know yourself? If you weren't the grandson of King Ding Shan, you would have died on the street long ago!"

"That's true!" Leng Yuecui nodded solemnly and said.

"You..." Wan Dong glared at Leng Yuecui angrily.

Leng Yucui didn't take Wandong's protest seriously at all, she sneered, and said flatly, "Why, you've done everything, why don't you let people tell you?"

"Boss! Don't listen to their nonsense! They accuse you like this because they don't understand your talent and charm!" Wu Yang was afraid that Wan Dong would be hurt, so she turned her head and said to him very seriously.

Although Wan Dong really couldn't think of Xu Yaoting's talent and charm, but a younger brother like Wu Yang is definitely hard to find with a lantern, it's too f*cking to please the boss!

"Okay! Since you appreciate your boss so much, I'm officially challenging your boss now. You won't stop me, right?"

"This..." Wu Yang didn't expect Wu Yue to do something like this, and was pushed against the wall immediately.

Wu Yue smiled coldly, looked at Wan Dong, and said, "You are the boss, you won't give up in front of the younger brother, will you?"

Wan Dong couldn't get used to Wu Yue's attitude of being superior and treating Wu Yang as her grandson!You know, you, Wu Yue, were only born a few minutes earlier than Wu Yang.You are talented and hardworking, and you have already achieved outstanding results at a young age. You can't lift your head when you are a "poor student" like Wu Yang, but you still put on such a reprimand at every turn, showing off your sensibleness everywhere. Capable and superior to others, it's no wonder that Wu Yang would secretly call her a stinky bitch, and whoever she was, would probably not be able to stand such a sister.

Hearing that Wu Yue was going to challenge him, Wan Dong was really not afraid.Wu Yue was only at the peak of the second level of true energy, relying on Dao Qi, he could catch a flaw in the chaos swordsmanship at will, and he was sure to beat Wu Yue to the ground.

Over the years, Wu Yue has been unable to 'bully' Wu Yang, and Wu Yang's dark circles have almost never been broken.Wan Dong really moved his mind, and gave Wu Yang this bad breath.

Just when Wan Dong was about to accept Wu Yue's challenge, Wu Yang was one step faster than him, staring at Wu Yue and saying: "Who do you think our boss is, who can challenge us if he wants to? If you really want to To challenge our boss, you must defeat me first!"

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