Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 249 Forging a Sword with True Qi!

"Huh?" If Liu Ke'er didn't remind, Liu Yunxi really wouldn't have noticed. Hearing this, he hurriedly lowered his head to check carefully.After a while, Liu Yunxi's face showed joy, and he nodded repeatedly and said, "Not bad, this sword will not take more than ten months to be cast."

"Not more than ten months? Doesn't that mean that the person who forged this sword is likely to be in our Yunzhong City?" Liu Fanwei's eyes suddenly brightened, and he was eager to try, wishing to send someone to make this sword. Master of the sword, please come to the Liu family.

When Liu Fanwei said this, Liu Yunxi, Liu Fanxin immediately became more excited. Liu Yunxi looked at the magic weapon in his hand, and murmured, "It's incredible that such a magic weapon doesn't contain any blood and steel essence."

"How is this possible?" Brothers Liu Fanwei and Liu Fanxin exclaimed in unison.

Liu Yunxi carefully handed the sword to the two brothers and said, "If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself!"

After Liu Fanwei took the sword, within a short while, his face was full of shock.Whether there is blood and steel essence in a sword, it is natural to see through it at a glance based on the sword-making skills of the two brothers.

" seems to be using Fantie, not Zijin..." Liu Fanwei soon discovered another surprising thing, and murmured.

Liu Fanxin shook his head, and said with disbelief, "Using ordinary iron, which does not contain a single trace of blood and steel essence, can be cast into such a magical weapon. He... how did he do it?"

"Fan Wei, Fan Xin, do you still remember a strange incident recorded in the "Secret Book of Sword Casting" left by our ancestors of the Liu family?" Liu Yunxi pondered for a moment, his slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened , asked.

The two Liu Fanwei brothers looked at each other and nodded at the same time. Liu Fanwei said, "Dad said, "Dad said that when the ancestor was traveling in the clouds, he happened to meet a powerful man who used his true energy to forge a sword?"

Liu Yunxi nodded.

Liu Fanxin immediately said, "How is this possible? Before iron is forged and hammered, it can't withstand the scouring of true energy at all. It can crack at the slightest, and break and shatter directly at the worst. We have tried several times, but the result is the same. You know it."

"But our failure doesn't mean that others can't do it. Besides, I can't think of any other way to remove the impurities in this ordinary iron so cleanly, and at the same time make this ordinary iron The tenacity has increased a thousand times."

Liu Fanwei and Liu Fanxin stopped talking immediately, even Liu Yunxi couldn't figure it out, and the two brothers were even more impossible.

"Grandpa, do you mean that this sword was forged with true energy?" Liu Ke'er asked.

Liu Yunxi said, "Even if it wasn't, it must have used some extremely clever method. Anyway, this is by no means what the Fanhuo we use can do."

"Father, I don't think there is any need to worry about it. As long as you find the sword maker, you can figure it out." Liu Fanwei said.

Liu Yunxi's expression suddenly cheered up, "That's right! If you can find this master swordsmith, it will probably set off a huge change in the way of swordsmithing. Keer, did Xu Yaoting tell you who forged this sword? ?”

Liu Ke'er was very annoyed. She was so excited at the beginning, but she forgot to ask, and shook her head with a bit of embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter! Fan Xin, you stay at home to recuperate, Fan Wei, you go to Xu's house with me."

"Father, you don't need to come forward for this matter, I just go for a run."

"Nonsense! In front of such a master swordsmith, what am I doing? How dare I make a big deal?"

Liu Fanwei was reprimanded by Liu Yunxi, and he didn't dare to say any more, so he turned around and ordered people to prepare chariots and horses.

"Grandpa, I'm going too." Liu Ke'er said while shaking Liu Yunxi's arm.

Liu Yunxi laughed loudly, and said, "Of course! When the time comes, Grandpa will have to rely on you to speak more kind words to that kid Xu Yaoting. I've heard that that kid is very perverse, so I'm afraid he won't give me this Old man's face."

"Grandpa, didn't you always tell me that you must have your own judgment in everything, and you must not follow others and be swayed by rumors? What happened to you today, and you have never dealt with Xu Yaoting before, so why do you think he is perverted? "

"Oh? It seems that you have a different view on Xu Yaoting. Well, tell grandpa."

Liu Ke'er frowned, and said, "I can't say clearly for a while. Anyway, Xu Yaoting is not as simple as the rumors say. Grandpa, you probably don't know that Wang Yangde worshiped Xu Yaoting as his father." Master!"

"Pfft!" Liu Yunxi just picked up the tea and took a sip, ready to moisten his throat, when Liu Ke'er said this, he spit it all out in one gulp.

"Wang Yangde worshiped Xu Yaoting as his teacher? Was his head caught by the door, or kicked by the donkey?"

"I don't know about that. Next time you see him, you can ask him in person." Looking at Liu Yunxi's surprised appearance, Liu Ke'er found it very interesting, and couldn't stop giggling.

"Ker, now that you say it like this, I am more and more interested in meeting this Xu Yaoting...Fan Wei, is the car ready? Why is it so slow?"


After separating from Duan Lengyan, Wan Dong went directly to the Sun Mansion.

The fire poison in Sun Daobai's body is very important, it is better to get rid of it as soon as possible.

"It's you?" Sun Xiaoya opened the door and saw Wan Dong with a slightly complicated expression on her face.But from Wan Dong's point of view, there are still some gratifying changes, at least Sun Xiaoya's eyes are no longer the same as before, seeing him is like seeing a fly.

"Sister Xiaoya, I haven't seen you for a few days, you seem to have become more beautiful." Xu Yaoting is a few days older than Sun Xiaoya, so calling her sister is understandable.It was rare for Sun Xiaoya to no longer be so resistant and disgusted with herself, and it was a good opportunity to take the opportunity to say something nice and get closer.

It's just that Sun Xiaoya is obviously not that easy to coax, she rolled her eyes, curled her lips and said, "Is it up to you?"

Although his mouth was cold, his body moved aside and let Wan Dong in.

"Where's Grandpa Sun?" Wan Dong looked around and asked.

"Inside, I'm teaching Sister Ye Ling to identify herbs." Sun Xiaoya groaned, and replied casually a little helplessly.

"Identify herbs?" Wan Dong frowned. Although Ye Ling was self-taught, he put in a lot of work and had a solid foundation, so he couldn't even identify herbs clearly.

As if she understood Wan Dong's mind, Sun Xiaoya curled her lips and said, "Do you think it's easy to identify herbs? Not only do you need to know, but you also need to be familiar with the functions and curative effects of each herbal medicine. There is a lot of knowledge in this!"

As far as medical skills are concerned, Wan Dong is a layman. Although Sun Xiaoya is not interested in medical skills, she is ten times better than him.Arguing with her on this kind of matter is simply a joke, Wan Dong shut his mouth in a sensible way.

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