"Why are you still hesitating, I'm kindly helping you!" Seeing Wan Dong's brows were silent, Leng Yuecui yelled impatiently.

Wan Dong was about to open his mouth to reject Leng Yuecui, when he suddenly shouted angrily, "Xu Yaoting! Where have you been these few days?"

Wan Dong was startled, and looked up, only to see a tall, tall, energetic, majestic old man with white hair like snow, walking towards him quickly.That angry look made people feel that he might eat Wan Dong.

When Leng Yuecui saw the old man, she immediately calmed down, showed a gloating smile at Wan Dong, and whispered, "Xu Yaoting, you are in trouble, so please yourself!" After saying that, she stepped aside Son, put on a look of waiting for a good show to be staged.

Wu Yang also had a nervous face, full of worry.Busy whispered to Wan Dong: "Boss, the old pedant hates others skipping his class the most, and he will definitely not let you off lightly this time. At that time, you should say more soft words, although it is impossible to get away with it, But at least it can alleviate the old pedant's anger and suffer less!"

Wu Yang was overwhelmed with worry, but Wan Dong was overwhelmed with excitement.The famous Wu Daozi was right in front of him, which he never dared to imagine before.

Wu Daozi can definitely be regarded as Wan Dong's idol. Wan Dong has studied many exquisite formations created by himself.And the deeper he went, the more Wan Dong admired Wu Daozi's wisdom and his comprehension and insight into the essence of the formation.

Not to mention Wan Dong, even Wan Haoxiong and Shangguan Feiyun highly respected him.Shangguan Feiyun has said more than once that Wu Daozi alone can be worth a hundred thousand troops!

"Disciple Xu Yaoting, pay homage to Master!" Out of respect for Wu Daozi deep in his heart, before Wu Daozi came to him, Wan Dong bowed deeply, and bowed down as a disciple.

Seeing this, Leng Yuecui immediately showed a sneer on her face, thinking that Wan Dong was playing tricks and tricks at this time, just trying to get ahead of the battle, and it would definitely not have any effect.Wu Daozi's temperament and nature, no one in the Formation Academy knows?It's no wonder he would eat Wandong's tricks!

But things are so strange, Wan Dong bowed, and the anger in Wu Daozi's eyes immediately disappeared a lot, and most of them were replaced by astonishment and bewilderment.

Seeing such a strange thing, Leng Yuecui immediately widened her eyes.What's going on here?Today's Xu Yaoting surprised her for the first time.

Wu Daozi is extremely smart, and has unprecedented rich life experience, coupled with a pair of eagle-like eyes, he can't hide his true feelings from him.

The respect in Wan Dong's eyes was absolutely sincere, without any affectation, and Wu Daozi could tell it at a glance.To be respected sincerely by a person, anyone who has great anger has to get rid of half of it first.It's just that Wan Dong's behavior in front of him is completely different from Xu Yaoting's behavior in his impression.No matter how sharp Wu Daozi's eyes were, he would never be able to see that at this moment Xu Yaoting's skin contained another person's soul.Such a sudden change in a person's body, how can he not be surprised, how can he not be confused?

"You..." Looking at Wan Dong, Wu Daozi was so angry that he couldn't express it, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Master, this disciple has not asked you for leave these days, but has skipped class. Even if I have thousands of reasons, it is still a serious crime. I am willing to be punished!"

Without waiting for Wu Daozi to mention it, Wan Dong took the initiative to ask for the punishment, which greatly exceeded his expectations and made him furious. Wu Daozi, who was about to punish Wan Dong, had no choice but to speak at this moment. Admired Wan Dong, "You...you have a good attitude, as for the punishment..."

A disciple with such a good attitude, which master really has the heart to punish him, while speaking, Wu Daozi was already thinking about whether to let Wan Dong go.

Seeing that Wu Daozi's anger was almost exhausted by Wan Dong's few words, Leng Yuecui was dumbfounded watching from the sidelines, his head was about to cramp, and he couldn't figure out how things developed like this up.

Before Wu Daozi finished speaking, Wan Dong said loudly, "The disciple made a mistake, so he must be punished! Otherwise, where is the majesty of the master?"

"Boss..." Wu Yang was pleasantly surprised when he saw that Wan Dong's few words made Wu Daozi's anger go away, and it seemed that even the punishment could be avoided. I can't help feeling a little anxious.

Wan Dong ignored Wu Yang, the reason why he could calm Wu Daozi's anger, and even changed his mind not to punish him, was because Wu Daozi felt his respect for Wu Daozi from the bottom of his heart.It's definitely not what Leng Yuecui thought, but because he has many eyes and a glib tongue. As a master of formations and a famous Confucian in the mainland, can Wu Daozi be so superficial and easy to deceive?It was precisely because Wan Dong respected Wu Daozi from the bottom of his heart that he had to be fined for this punishment. Otherwise, as he said, what would be the majesty of Wu Daozi?

The older Wu Daozi was, the clearer his mind became, and he immediately understood Wan Dong's intentions.In the past, when he thought of Xu Yaoting, he could only feel an indescribable disgust in his heart, but now he couldn't help but start to doubt, could it be that Xu Yaoting is a piece of rough jade that has not yet been polished, and he had misread it before?Unknowingly, dislike begins to turn into liking.

"Xu Yaoting, are you really willing to be punished? You have to know that you have been absent from school for so many days without reason, and the punishment you will face will be very severe!" Wu Daozi intentionally said something more serious, as a reminder.

Wan Dong said without thinking, "If you make a mistake, you will be punished, otherwise what's the use of the rules? However, before the disciple receives the punishment, there is something I want to ask the master for advice."

Hearing what Wan Dong said, Leng Yuecui immediately groaned in her heart. Sure enough, Xu Yaoting would not take the initiative to confess his crime and be punished. All of this was just his little trick.Although this little trick seems to be working well so far, any trick has its secrets.

Wu Daozi's expression suddenly became serious, his eyes became sharper, and he asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

Wan Dong didn't panic at all because of Wu Daozi's expression, and said in a loud voice, "In the past few days, this disciple has painstakingly researched a formation technique, and I want to ask Master to enlighten me."

"You haven't come to class for the past few days, are you studying the formation method painstakingly?" As soon as Wan Dong said this, Wu Daozi's eyes lit up immediately.

Leng Yuecui almost vomited out on the spot.I sighed in my heart, this guy really dared to speak!Who knows his virtue?If he could hide at home for a few days and secretly study the formation, a sow could fly into the sky.

"Exactly! It's just that I always feel that there are still many things that need to be made up, so I ask the master for advice."

"Okay! Have you ever drawn an array?"

Wan Dong nodded and said, "There is an array map, but I put it at home."

"Cut!" Leng Yuecui couldn't help snorting when she heard it.

Wu Daozi also frowned slightly, wondering if what Wan Dong said was true or not.

Wan Dong glanced back at Leng Yuecui, and said loudly, "The formation is in my mind, and I can draw the formation diagram right now!"

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