Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 28 The Kingdom's Sharp Weapon!

"Xu Yaoting, you have eight armies in total, right?" After a while, Wu Daozi raised his head and asked Wan Dong nonchalantly.

The reason why he said he was out of his head was because Leng Yuecui couldn't understand Wu Daozi's question at all.

Anyone with a little common sense knows that a large army will always be divided into three parts, the left army, the right army, and the middle army.The corresponding formation is also a maximum of three armies cooperating with each other, the left and right wings plus the central army, covering each other and interspersing with each other, forming a local force advantage over the enemy, thus exerting the power of the battle formation.But if a formation is composed of the Eighth Route Army, what would it be like?How to cover?How to intersperse?Just thinking about it makes Leng Yuecui one head and two big.

Just when Leng Yuecui was confused, Wan Dong nodded solemnly, and said in a loud voice, "That's right! In my formation, one soldier is placed in each of the four directions, and between the four Four mobile combat surprise soldiers form eight formations!"

"Not bad! That's true!" Wan Dong explained, Wu Daozi nodded again and again, the expression of praise and admiration on his face became stronger and stronger.

"Master, what are you talking about? There are still eight battles... What are you talking about?" Leng Yuecui was completely confused, and asked stupidly.

It's a pity that Wu Daozi was very excited at this time, all his thoughts were on Wan Dong, he ignored her at all, and turned a deaf ear to her questions.

"Yao Ting, with such a strange and positive combination, there should be some changes hidden in your formation, right?" Wu Daozi was really very happy. Surnames are omitted.

Wan Dong hummed, he was really admirable, after all, it was Wu Daozi, the cultivation of the formation has reached an unfathomable level, just looking at the formation map, he can find that there are still changes hidden in the formation, but it is very human .

Wan Dongdao: "Master is right! Four uprights and four strange formations form eight formations, and the eight formations are spread out into eight formations, which are combined into one, front and back, left and right, divided and changed, and can form 64 formations, which can change like 64!"

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Really wonderful!" Wu Daozi slapped his legs and shouted excitedly before Wan Dong's words fell to the ground, which shocked Leng Yuecui severely.

"Yao Ting, did you really come up with this formation?" Wu Daozi looked at Wan Dong impatiently and asked.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "That's right, there are still many deficiencies in it, please correct me, Master."

"Wow! I didn't expect that among my Wu Daozi's disciples, there is such a genius like you! Such a mysterious and strange formation, if it is not for your amazing genius and unconstrained imagination, you will never be able to create it!"

"Heavenly genius?" Wu Daozi's words made Leng Yuecui stunned again, can these four words be related to Xu Yaoting?

Wu Daozi looked at the formation in his hand again and again as if he had found a treasure, and finally said, "Yao Ting, I have to study your formation carefully before I can give you an opinion. But I assure you, the formation you created If the formation is polished well, it will definitely become a powerful weapon of the country!"

"The sharp weapon of the country?!" Such a high evaluation, not to mention Leng Yuecui, even Wan Dong was stunned, this is simply the highest evaluation Wu Daozi gave him for this formation!

Wu Yang beside him was so excited that he didn't know what to do, his fists couldn't be tighter.

"Yao Ting, you have to listen to me. After you go back, immediately destroy the formation map you drew before, and don't show it to others!" Wu Daozi paused suddenly, and exhorted Wan Dong very seriously.

"Master, why is this?" Leng Yuecui asked with a puzzled expression.

Wu Daozi glanced at her, and said, "Silly girl, you don't know. Now the Iron War Dynasty is ready to move and dominate the world. It is obvious. If this map falls into their hands, our soldiers of the Qingyun Empire will die." It's going to be difficult."

"Master, is the formation created by this kid really that powerful?" Leng Yuecui still couldn't believe it.

Wu Daozi didn't bother to talk to her, and said to Wan Dong, "I will destroy this formation map after I take it home and memorize it by heart. You can rest assured."

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Where did the master say that I still don't believe the master?"

Wu Daozi nodded, looked into Wan Dong's eyes, became more cordial, and said with a smile, "Yao Ting, there is something I want to discuss with you..."

Wu Daozi actually used the word 'discussion', if he hadn't heard it with his own ears, Leng Yuecui couldn't believe it.

Wan Dong was even more terrified, and said repeatedly, "Master, you are too polite. If you have anything to ask, just ask, disciples dare not refuse!"

"Hahaha... So, no matter what I say to you, you will agree to it?" Wu Daozi was overjoyed and hurriedly asked.

"That's natural!" Not to mention that Wan Dong admired Wu Daozi very much, he also knew that Wu Daozi was an upright person, and what he asked for would definitely not be a bad thing.

"Okay! Then this matter has nothing to do with you for the time being, I will go and tell your grandfather in person!" Wu Daozi said with a determined expression and a smile.

Wan Dong was puzzled for a while, and couldn't figure out what Wu Daozi wanted to discuss with Xu Wenchuan.

"Master, about the punishment..."

Wu Daozi happily forgot about this matter a long time ago. Hearing what Wan Dong said, he immediately waved his hand and said loudly: "What punishment is not punished? It's too late for me to reward you! In my opinion, based on your match method Self-cultivation, it doesn't matter whether you come or not after this law school. If you want, you can go directly to my residence and we will discuss with each other!"

After hearing Wu Daozi's words, Wan Dong was naturally pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly agreed, saying, "In this way, I'm afraid it will be necessary to bother Master, so please don't mind it."

"Hahaha... I don't like it? How could it be? I'm afraid you won't go!" Wu Daozi became happier the more he said, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Leng Yuecui really felt a little jealous, she had never been treated like this before.Moreover, Leng Yuecui also knew that Wu Daozi was going to discuss something with Xu Wenchuan, most likely it was about accepting Wan Dong as his disciple.Because Wu Daozi had told her more than once that he wanted to find a disciple in his twilight years, and teach him all his attainments in formations, so that he would not be brought into the coffin in the future.

Leng Yuecui dreamed of getting this opportunity, but Wu Daozi insisted that women should take care of their husbands and children, marching and deploying troops, that's what men should do, and he always disagreed.What Leng Yuecui never imagined in her dreams was that such a good thing ended up falling on Xu Yaoting, whom she hated the most on weekdays.Is this a joke God made with her?

"Senior Wu!" A clear and pleasant call came.

Wan Dong followed the sound and saw that it was Tang Xinyi who had come.

Tang Xinyi's face was full of smiles, her expression was very respectful, and she naturally went towards Wu Daozi.

It's just that Wu Daozi's complexion didn't brighten up because of Tang Xinyi's respectful attitude, but he frowned, revealing a hint of impatience...

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