Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 30 Miss Ben is very interested in you!

By the time Leng Yuecui came back to her senses from the inconceivable, Wan Dong had already walked away with Wu Yang shoulder to shoulder.

"Weird!" Leng Yuecui muttered, and then left with a strange look on her face.

"Wu Yang, in Qingyun Martial Arts Academy, do you know any students from Tiandu Kingdom?" Since Wan Dong was born, Tiandu Kingdom has been branded in his bones, which cannot be erased no matter what.Yunzhong City is thousands of miles away from Tiandu Kingdom, and there is no way to go back. If you can get to know a few students from Tiandu Kingdom, you can relieve the pain of homesickness.

Wu Yang shook his head, and said, "Tiandu Kingdom is very small, and it is far away from Yunzhong City. Every year, very few people can pass the selection and enter Qingyun Martial Arts Academy, so the number is very small. And most of them are concentrated in the Martial Academy. Our Formation Academy No one. Boss, why did you suddenly ask this?"

Wu Yang's answer was within Wan Dong's expectation.It is very difficult for people from Tiandu Kingdom to enter Qingyun Martial Academy.Once entered, it is natural to go to the best academy of Qingyun Martial Arts Academy to practice. Wouldn't it be a waste to go to an unpopular liberal arts academy like the Array Academy?

Wan Dong couldn't help sighing, although it was expected, he was still a little disappointed, shook his head, and said casually, "It's nothing, just asking casually."

Wu Yang snorted, and said, "Although I don't know him, Xiaohu seems to know him."

"Little Tiger?" Wan Dong's eyes suddenly lit up.

The little tiger mentioned by Wu Yang, whose real name is Huyue, is Xu Yaoting's other buddy and has a very good relationship with him.It's just that Huyue is in the martial arts academy, and he doesn't often come to the formation academy on weekdays. Xu Yaoting spends more time with him than Wu Yang.

Hu Yue's father, Hu Jingqi, was a censor with a small but not small official position.Although the Hu family is not considered a wealthy family in Yunzhong City, it is not a small family either.It is also worth mentioning that Huyue is much more promising than Xu Yaoting and Wu Yang.He is only a few months younger than Xu Yaoting, but he has attained the third level of zhenqi, and he has also entered the Qingyun list, occupying the No. 60 eighth position.

On weekdays, if Wan Dong and Wu Yang were bullied by others, and it was difficult for their family members to come forward, they would all be settled by Hu Yue.Huyue is a straightforward person, he doesn't have a heart, and his stomach is not as good as one-tenth of Xu Yaoting's.Perhaps it was for this reason that Hu Yue got close to Xu Yaoting and obeyed him.

In Wandong's view, Wu Yang is handsome, and Huyue is a general, and he is also a general, and they are also worth cultivating!

Smiling and nodding, Wan Dong said, "After today's studies are over, let's go find Xiaohu!"

Wu Yang was overjoyed, and said, "Okay! I haven't seen Xiaohu for a while, and this guy's cultivation must have improved a lot. Let him teach me a few tricks, maybe he can use it when I was a child against my stinky bitch." superior!"

The Array Academy does not compete with the Martial Arts Academy. It is just reading on weekdays. It is boring, but it is also much more comfortable.At least spending a day here is a thousand times easier than spending a day in the martial arts academy.This is Wu Yang's experience on weekdays, but today, it seems that something has changed.

The boss who usually spends time laughing and joking with me, suddenly disappeared.What was replaced was a hard-working and tireless three-good student.Don't say that Wu Yang was stunned, even the teachers of the Formation Academy had some hard-to-disguise surprise and confusion in their eyes.

At first, Wu Yang thought that Wan Dong was praised by Wu Daozi today, and he was excited, and suddenly he worked hard to study, which is normal, but at best it will be a 3-minute enthusiasm, and he will return to his original state soon.But until today's last class, Wan Dong was still working hard, and Wu Yang realized that this might not be a 3-minute fever.

It is quite reasonable to say that those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black.Being taken by Wan Dong, Wu Yang actually read a lot of books today.

When the bell rang for the end of the last class, Wan Dong stretched long, his face full of satisfaction.

Although Wan Haoxiong and Shangguan Feiyun have taught Wan Dong a lot in formation techniques, they are not professional teachers after all, and their own formation skills are also limited. A lot of insights.

"Boss, shall we go find Xiaohu now?" This was probably the most fulfilling day Wu Yang had ever lived in his life.With less guilt of wasting time, Wu Yang is in a good mood.

Wan Dong hummed, feeling a little impatient.

However, when the two were about to set off, a fragrant wind suddenly blew in front of them. Wan Dong looked up and saw that it was Leng Yuecui.

Leng Yuecui and Wan Dong are in the same subject but in different classes, and they don't attend classes together on weekdays. Standing in front of Wan Dong at this time, her face is full of surprise. A pair of big watery eyes are dripping on Wan Dong's body. It kept turning, as if wishing to turn its eyes into X-rays and see through Wan Dong.

"What are you going to do?" Wan Dong smiled wryly. Being looked at by a beautiful woman with the eyes of a monster is really not an enjoyment.

"Do you know that almost the entire Array Academy, all the teachings, are talking about you."

"So what?" Wan Dong asked indifferently.

"How? Do you know what they are talking about? They are talking about how you Xu Yaoting worked so hard and how you focused. Not only did you answer the questions raised by the instructors fluently, but you even put forward very in-depth questions, which made the instructors applaud you. Amazing question. You don't know, those instructors seem to be going crazy."

What Leng Yuecui said was all within Wan Dong's expectation.To see Mu Lian in the shortest possible time, Wan Dong had to break everyone's stereotyped impression of Xu Yaoting as quickly as possible.Let everyone understand that Xu Yaoting is not really a waste, so that one day when he suddenly grows up, it will not make people feel abrupt.

"Really?" Wan Dong's expression was very cold, as if he had no interest in what Leng Yuecui said.

"There must be something wrong here! If you didn't deliberately hide it before, it would be that something incredible happened to you during the few days you were absent from class!"

When Leng Yuecui said this, Wan Dong's expression tightened immediately.Sometimes, this woman's intuition can always surprise people.

"Heck... I guessed it right, right?" The change on Wan Dong's face immediately fell into Leng Yuecui's eyes, making her tone even more excited.

"If you want to guess, go ahead and guess. That's your business, and I have no right to ask. But, please stay away from me and don't mind my business!"

If Xu Yaoting had spoken to Leng Yuecui like this before, Leng Yuecui would definitely explode.But at this time, Leng Yuecui not only didn't look angry at all, but even giggled, staring at Wan Dong with her big watery eyes, and said, "I might as well tell you, now this lady is right You are very interested. No matter how many secrets you have, I will definitely dig them out!"

After holding back the words in his heart for almost a whole day, he told Wan Dong like soybeans poured out of a bamboo tube. Leng Yuecui felt very happy, but Wan Dong's heart couldn't help but tugged.The man's intuition told him that this woman might cause her more trouble than Tang Xinyi!

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