"Father, this young master is the famous Young Master Wang Yangde, the number one scholar on the Qingyun List, and the number one genius in the current Qingyun Empire!" Zong Qinghe highly praised Wang Yangde, and introduced Zong Tianwei with a bright smile.

Although Zong Tianwei had never heard of Wang Yangde's name, he was very familiar with the Qingyun List.Recalling that before he was framed by Han Shiqi, he still clearly remembered that Qiu Yunchong was the No. [-] scholar at that time.Today's Qiu Yunchong is already known as the god of war, and he has commanded hundreds of thousands of iron cavalry under his command, becoming the overlord of a party, which shows how high the gold content of this Qingyun list is!

Zong Tianwei's eyes became wider and wider, and his expression became more serious!

If he had known Wan Dong before, Wang Yangde would not have felt embarrassed about Zong Qinghe's so-called number one genius.But now, Wang Yangde's face turned red at that time, and he waved his hands embarrassingly, "Miss Zong is really flattering you! What kind of number one genius, compared with my master, is simply tofu, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning." carry……"

"Master?" Zong Tianwei was taken aback for a moment.

Wang Yangde shook his body, glanced at Wan Dong, and said with a smile: "Yes! He is my master!"

The No. [-] scholar on the Qingyun list actually paid homage to a master who was a few years younger than himself. If this were put together, Zong Tianwei's eyeballs would fall out of shock, but now he is very calm, and he doesn't feel that at all. surprise.Why?Of course it was because Wandong definitely had the qualifications!

After nodding repeatedly, Zong Tianwei's appreciation for Wang Yangde increased a bit.It's not because Wang Yangde is the No. [-] scholar on the Qingyun list, but because of Wang Yangde's openness and enthusiasm.If you were an ordinary person with such a prosperous reputation, how would you be willing to lower your status and worship a stinky brat as your teacher?It is even more impossible to be like Wang Yangde, with a calm expression and no shyness.

This magnanimous mind, this passion for pursuing martial arts, comparable to a raging fire, is what Zong Tianwei admires most about Wang Yangde!Possessing these two qualities, Wang Yangde will never live up to the name of a genius!

"Father, there's this one!" Zong Qinghe smiled and pushed Hu Yue out again.

"Oh? Who is this hero?" With Wang Yangde in front, Zong Tianwei was even more interested in Huyue's identity.

Without Zong Qinghe's words, Huyue straightened his chest, and said to Zong Tianwei, "What kind of hero, please stop making fun of me. My name is Huyue, and I'm just a nobody."

"What unknown pawn? The master on the Qingyun list, will it be an unknown pawn?" As soon as Hu Yue's words fell, Zong Yang laughed and shouted. He already recognized Hu Yue as a brother, but he didn't want anyone to underestimate Hu Yue. Not even his own father.

"A hero on the Qingyun list again?" Zong Tianwei was taken aback, and secretly sighed in his heart, it really is that things of a kind gather and people are divided into groups!Wan Dong is so outstanding, and the teenagers around him are all staggering.

"More than that! Shaoxia Hu's father is even more amazing. He is the one you have always admired the most. He is the number one counselor of the Qingyun Empire. He is upright and upright. He defies power and pleads for the people. The censor Hu respects Mr. Qihu!"

In one breath, Zong Qinghe used a series of complimenting words to fully express her admiration for Hu Jingqi.This is related to his father's glory, Hu Yue is not easy to be modest, not to mention that in his mind, his father fully deserves such praise, he nodded with a smile.

Zong Qinghe named Huyue's identity, and Zong Tianwei's pale face suddenly became extremely serious.It can be seen that the reason why Zong Qinghe has such praise for Hu Jingqi is because of his influence.

With an awe-inspiring expression, Zong Tianwei nodded heavily, and sighed: "Although Mr. Hu is a civil servant and doesn't understand martial arts, he has the courage of writing! What he has done is indomitable, and he is definitely called a "hero." 'Two words!"

No wonder Huyue was able to gather righteousness at such a young age. It was because of his ear and eyes since he was a child, and the spring breeze moistens things!

"Yao Ting, I really didn't expect that when I treated you to a meal, you would actually introduce me to such two first-class young talents. For Zong, this is definitely a big surprise! Hahaha... "

It was rare that Zong Tianwei spoke so highly of Wang Yangde and Hu Yue, and Wan Dong was also very happy.He turned his head and said to the two of them, "The sect master appreciates you very much. When we arrive at the wine table in a while, you should respect the sect master for a few glasses!"

"Yes!" Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Yangde and Hu Yue nodded in agreement, which surprised Zong Tianwei secretly.

It was only then that they discovered that the eyes of the two of them looking at Wan Dong all showed admiration, even admiration from the bottom of their hearts, and they obeyed what Wan Dong said, just like a military order.Zong Tianwei's heart couldn't help beating wildly, he said that a hero has three gangs, Wan Dong has such a companion who is so devoted to him, why worry about big things not happening in the future?Zong Tianwei used to simply admire Wan Dong, but now, he obviously looks forward to Wan Dong more!

"Hahaha... It's not even on the wine table yet, why, you want to unite and bring me down?" Zong Tianwei said with a smile in a good mood.

"Master Zong, you are worrying too much! 50-year-old wine is rare, and I don't know if you have prepared enough. How can we be willing to drink it for you?"

Wang Yangde's humorous return caused Zong Tianwei to burst out laughing again.

There will never be a generation gap between heroes because of age.Heroes cherish each other, heroes see the same thing, it has nothing to do with age!

The banquet has already been set up, just waiting for the distinguished guests to take their seats.There was a dazzling array of delicacies on the table, and Zong Tianwei really put a lot of thought into it.It's just that no matter how good the dishes are, in the eyes of men, they can't match the fine wines.Especially Wang Yangde, those eyes searched like radar.

Seeing this situation, Zong Tianwei didn't hold back, waved his hands and said, "Serve the wine!"

As soon as the words fell, two people were seen, carrying a large wine jar that was covered with dirt, which seemed to be just dug out of the ground, and walked over staggeringly.

This wine jar is very large, and it can hold at least fifty catties of fine wine by visual inspection.Although the mud is still there, there seems to be a hint of wine fragrance in the air, which makes people salivate.

The food was served and the wine was brought. Zong Tianwei was about to invite everyone to sit down. Wan Dong scanned around and suddenly asked, "Huh? Why don't you see Commander Xiao Zuoxiao?"

Wan Dong was very impressed by the battle between Xiao Zuo and Han Shiqi.In particular, Xiao Zuo's ferocity and pride like a wild lion made Wan Dong admire him very much. If such a hero cannot be strong, it will definitely be a great pity!

"That's right, this Xiao Zuo, I sent someone to call him early in the morning, why did he wait so long and hasn't arrived yet?"

Xiao Zuo is Zong Tianwei's brother for decades, and the two have a life-threatening friendship.Zong Tianwei invites you to drink, how could Xiao Zuo not have a share?When Zong Yang and Zong Qinghe went to invite Wan Dong, Zong Tianwei asked Lei Gang to invite Xiao Zuo at the same time.Now that Wan Dong and the others have arrived, Xiao Zuo has not disappeared yet, which makes Zong Tianwei frown.

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