"Really? Maybe, who knows?" Jin Xidao had a perfunctory and disdainful face, and he didn't take Duan Lengyan's words to heart at all.

Duan Lengyan was already annoyed, but at this moment she tended to lose control, she gritted her teeth and said, "What's your attitude?"

Jin Xidao's complexion suddenly turned serious, and his gaze towards Duan Lengyan became a bit colder, and he said in a deep voice, "What's my attitude? I was going to ask the third princess about you! This big plan was decided by the eldest prince and the emperor together." Yes, not only do you not support it, but you are holding back and obstructing it in every possible way, I want to ask, what is your intention, Third Princess?"

"What did the eldest prince and the emperor settle down together? Do you think you can deceive me? This is what my elder brother meant by himself. It is absolutely impossible to get my father's approval, because my father will not be like my elder brother. You are blinded by profit, and you are completely confused!"

"Presumptuous!" Jin Xidao suddenly jumped up, his face full of anger. "As a younger sister, how can you arrange and slander your elder brother like this? Three princesses, where is all the upbringing you have received since childhood?"

"Is there any reason for that? You say I'm not well-bred?" Duan Lengyan's pretty face turned cold, her eyes turned cold, she just wanted to poke a hole in Jin Xidao's body with her eyes.

Is there such a bold courtier in the world?What on earth does the Jin family want to do? The great country of the Tie Zhan dynasty doesn't have a surname of Jin yet!Duan Lengyan was very angry in her heart, but she didn't think that Jin Xidao's arrogance towards her was partly due to her two elder brothers.

This person surnamed Jin is obviously a wolf with ambition and schemes against the law, but her two elder brothers didn't notice it at all.And the one surnamed Jin happened to take advantage of their situation to gain success both ways and grow rapidly!It's ridiculous that they are still waiting eagerly for the Jin family to support them to take over the position, how stupid!

"Why, do you think I have wronged you? As a daughter, but questioning her father, is this a well-bred behavior? Three princesses, you have to make it clear that I am just running errands. If you have any doubts about this decision Objection, although you can go to the eldest prince or the emperor to argue, don't talk nonsense with me!"

"Jin Xidao, if you do this, you will suffer the consequences!"

"That's my business too, it has nothing to do with the third princess!"

"You..." Duan Lengyan became angry for a while, facing Jin Xidao, who was totally unreasonable, arrogant, with eyes on his forehead, Duan Lengyan really had no way to do it.

Taking a long breath, Duan Lengyan tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart. Before Wu Qiujun left the customs, she had no chance of winning against Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing.

"Okay! I hope Mr. Jin's plan will go smoothly!"

Jin Xidao sneered, and thought to himself, the scheming and the city of these three girls are indeed far above her two elder brothers, and they are definitely a big threat to my Jin family.

"Then I would like to thank the third princess! By the way, did the third princess send someone to find out any clues about the whereabouts of Tiehu and Silver Wolf?" Jin Xidao pressed Duan Lengyan again, very proud of himself.The Jin family has not ascended the throne yet, and has become so prestigious. Once the Jin family obtains the great treasure, what will it be like?Jin Xidao felt a little flustered in his heart, and couldn't wait even more.In words, the more neglect towards Duan Lengyan, as if he was treating his own subordinates.

Seeing that Jin Xidao was getting more and more mad, and that he was going to fly into the sky if he didn't beat, Duan Lengyan slightly raised her eyebrows, and said with a sorry expression, "Oh, I forgot about it."

"You... what did you say? Forgot?" Jin Xidao's eyes immediately widened.

Duan Lengyan waved her hands indifferently and said, "There have been too many things recently, so I forgot for a while. But I think Tie Hu and Silver Wolf are the masters of the twelve beast kings, so they will be fine. Mr. Jin is fine." no need to worry."

Looking at Jin Xidao's darkened face, Duan Lengyan sneered in her heart, although your Jin family's power is huge, it still can't reach Qingyun Empire.In Yunzhong City, without me, Duan Lengyan, you are just blind.

no need to worry?Don't worry, there will be ghosts!Zi Gangling has a set of extremely strict laws and regulations. No matter whether the task is successful or not, he must report back within the specified time, even the twelve beast kings are no exception.Tie Hu and Silver Wolf had never made any mistakes before, and now they are not returning, so it must be an accident.

"Third Princess, you didn't do it on purpose, did you?" Jin Xidao's eyes became colder every moment.

Duan Lengyan made a look of astonishment, and asked anxiously, "Jin Sanye, what did you say? You really wronged me to death! I want to collect information on all aspects of the Qingyun Empire for the dynasty. It's hard work, you don't understand this. I am not a god, and it is human nature to make some mistakes occasionally, and Jin Sanye doesn't even understand this?"

"Even if the third princess is busy with business, things should be prioritized, right?" Fu Chuanjing said coldly.

Duan Lengyan smiled and said, "Of course! I'm not a god, but I'm not a fool either. I know very well that people's energy is limited, and it's impossible for me to do everything myself. Therefore, I often forget things that are not very important or urgent."

"Isn't the disappearance of Iron Tiger and Silver Wolf a very important matter?" Fu Chuanjing roared angrily.

Duan Lengyan curled her lips and said lightly, "In my opinion, this is really not an important matter. Maybe Tiehu and Silver Wolf, they just lost their way, it's no big deal."

"I'm lost, it's no big deal? Three princesses, you..." Duan Lengyan's indifferent expression nearly set Jin Xi on fire.Even if he is a fool at this moment, he can tell that Duan Lengyan is deliberately disgusting him!

Zi Gangling was established by Jin Xidao after spending countless resources and painstaking efforts. Among them, Zhang Zhang, the twelve beast kings, is Jin Xidao's trump card, and he attaches great importance to it.He originally wanted to bring the Twelve Beast Kings to play in Yunzhong City once more, so that the entire Jin family could follow the scenery, but who would have thought that Tiehu and Silver Wolf disappeared just after arriving, and Jin Xidao estimated that , the two of them were more or less bad, and he was already extremely annoyed, but Duan Lengyan took advantage of this to disgust him, how could he not be angry?I was so angry that I was about to vomit blood.

"Ah, if Mr. Jin is really worried, then you might as well look for it by yourself first. When my men are free, I will order you to go on and search with all your strength!" Before Jin Xidao could finish speaking, Duan Lengyan interrupted him, Said seriously.


Jin Xidao finally couldn't bear it any longer. With a bang, the table beside him immediately turned into debris all over the floor.

Let him find it by himself?Yunzhong City is so big, where can he find it? Can he find it?When Duan Lengyan's subordinates are free?Year of the Monkey or the Moon of the Horse?At that time, the corpses of Tiehu and Silver Wolf will probably smell bad, and they will try their best to find a fart!

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