Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 33 The slap in the face is loud!

One word awakens the dreamer!Wan Dong shuddered involuntarily.It seems that although he has become one with Xu Yaoting's body, he has not fully integrated into Xu Yaoting's role.

Just like what Wu Yang said, Xu Yaoting can clean up Xiuwei and just get started, so there is no need to think of any way?In such a corrupt country like the Qingyun Empire, needless to say one level higher than an official, even half a level higher can crush people to death!

At this moment, Leng Yuecui couldn't stand the joint attack of several Xiuwei's subordinates, and gradually lost.In desperation, Leng Yuecui yelled, "Xiuwei, Ye Mei is not from our Qingyun Empire, but from Tiandu Kingdom. If you do something to her, it will definitely affect the relationship between the two countries." , when the time comes, you will definitely not be able to eat and walk around!"

"That girl is actually from Tiandu country?!" Wan Dong's head exploded with a buzz, and the anger that had already accumulated to a certain degree erupted completely like a volcano at this time.His compatriots suffered such humiliation, even if Wan Dong was just an ordinary Tiandu countryman, he would never be able to swallow this pain.An extremely strong murderous intent spread across Wan Dong's body in an instant, which shocked Wu Yang greatly.

"Hahaha... I don't need you to remind me, this young master is very clear! The women of the Qingyun Empire, this young master has tasted enough, and it's time for a change of exotic customs. A small heavenly capital, a tiny place, What ability and courage do you have to fight against my Qingyun Empire? Do you think this young master will be afraid? You really underestimate this young master!"

The more Xiuwei talked, the more complacent he became, and the more arrogant he became, the more hesitant his expression became.

"Master Xiu, you are so majestic!" Wan Dong said in a dark tone, and walked out with a cold face.

"Which bastard again..." Xiu Wei snorted coldly and looked over at Xun Sheng. When he saw Wan Dong, his face froze immediately, and he slipped back immediately when he said the word 'egg' on his lips.

"I didn't hear what you just said clearly." Wan Dong's eyes were cold, making Xiuwei's little boy jump wildly.

"Ah! It turns out... so it's Young Master Xu, Boss Xu! I didn't know it was you, I was talking nonsense just now, you just thought I was farting, it would be better if you didn't hear clearly! Hehe..." It seems that the cultivation base also knows I couldn't afford to offend Xu Yaoting, so when I came up, I consciously lowered my posture.

"Stinky boy, why are you getting out now? You..." Leng Yuecui almost suffered a big loss under the siege of Xiuwei's subordinates. Wan Dong roared, and after only half a sentence, he realized that something was wrong with Wan Dong's expression, it was frighteningly cold, and swallowed the remaining half sentence involuntarily.

At this time, Xiuwei also found something was wrong, according to the past practice, he said these few low-profile words, Xu Yaoting must be "Longyan Dayue", and then called him brothers, everything was calm.But today was a little different. His almost flattering words did not soften Wan Dong's complexion a little, on the contrary, Wan Dong's complexion became colder and more frightening.

Xiuwei faintly felt a sense of uneasiness, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and smiled cautiously, "Boss Xu, look, how about this wild hoof? Consider it my tribute to you, you can enjoy it!"

Xiuwei still had a little sharp eyesight, and saw that Wan Dong seemed to be aiming at Ye Mei, so he actively pushed Ye Mei out.

Wan Dong snorted coldly, and hooked his finger at Xiuwei, "Come here!"

"Hey! Boss has any orders, just say it!" Xiu Wei was nervous, but he didn't dare not to listen, and trotted to Wan Dong.

As soon as Xiuwei was settled in the battle, Wan Dong slammed his big palm, exhausted all his strength, and slapped Xiuwei viciously.This Xiuwei still has a few tricks. From the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a Wuzhi Mountain smashing the sky, and there was a buzzing sound of breaking wind in his ears. He immediately realized that something was wrong, and almost instinctively took a step to the side. , actually dodged Wan Dong's sure-fire slap.

"**md dog bastard! I want to beat you, but you dare to hide? It seems that your courage, at least to say the least, must weigh [-] pounds!" Xiuwei's hiding, it can be regarded as the anger in Wan Dong's heart, all Checked it out.In an instant, a thunderous roar resounded through the heaven and earth, causing countless people present to tremble with fright.

Tang Xinyi and Leng Yuecui were also dumbfounded. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that a guy like Xu Yaoting could display such astonishing power.

Xiuwei was so frightened by Wan Dong's roar that he almost peed his pants. The arrogance on his face before turned into panic, and he couldn't even speak properly, trembling; "Master Xu, how did I offend you? You, what are you doing..."

Judging by his cultivation, he was clearly about to cry.The look of that soft egg is completely different from that just now.

"Where the fuck did you come up with so much nonsense, I'm going to whip you today, will you let me do it or not?"

"Xu...Master Xu, you...even if you want to slap me, have to have a reason, right?"

"Damn! I need a reason to whip you? Just give me a word, will you let me smoke today!"


"Let's not let!?"

Xiuwei shivered for a while, his face looked mournful, "Master Xu, if you want to smoke, how dare I not let you smoke. But...but you must be gentle, don't...don't be too hard..."

After hearing Xiuwei's words, many people almost couldn't hold back and laughed.It was rare to see Xiuwei so deflated, and many people felt relieved.

"Cao! Where did all this nonsense come from, stand up for me!"

Amid Wan Dong's furious scolding, Xiu Wei obediently stood in front of Wan Dong even though ten thousand and ten thousand were unwilling.

Wan Dong sneered, raised his arm high, and then made a big circle in the air, and then imprinted it fiercely on Xiuwei's face, impartially.

This slap in the face is definitely earth-shattering, it is called a sound, crunchy!Among the crowd, at least half of them involuntarily covered their cheeks, as if Wan Dong's slap had slapped them across the face.

Under Wan Dong's slap, Xiuwei turned around in a full circle, the corner of his mouth cracked on the spot, blood flowed profusely, even two or three teeth were broken.A pair of eyeballs rolled around, maybe seeing how many golden stars.

pain!It hurts to look at it!Before Xiuwei came back to his senses, tears and snot came out one after another.It is not an exaggeration to say that Wan Dong's slap was sharper than a cosmetic scalpel.

"How is it? Does it taste good?" To be honest, after this slap, Wan Dong's hand hurt a little, but it was relieved and enjoyable!Also, it's a little bit addicting.

"It's...not bad..." How dare Xiuwei say it's not good?

"Is it really okay?" Wan Dong asked tentatively.

Xiuwei endured the pain, grinned and nodded.

"Since it's okay, then you can give me a smile!"

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