"Don't overestimate your strength, use your arms like a cart!" Seeing Wang Lin and others' actions, Kuang Xiong burst out with murderous aura immediately, and waved his fists even more urgently. Even if it was a violent storm, it was not enough to describe it.

In a gust of rumbling wind, densely packed fist shadows, like nine heavenly galaxies falling, blasted onto the wall of energy.In an instant, more than a dozen guards, including Wang Lin, spurted blood arrows from their mouths, and turned into a large rain of blood in the air, which was extremely tragic.

However, the wall of strength did not collapse immediately. Although the flickering light became weaker and weaker, like a candle in the wind, it would go out at any time, but it resisted the bursting punch of the mad bear, and Niu Er underneath was safe and sound.

"Commander, brothers..." Niu Er's eyes flickered with tears, and his voice trembled even more.

"Don't be dazed, let's go!" Wang Lin burst out with true energy, and even the armor on his body was shattered.Veins popped out on his forehead, he gritted his teeth tightly, and blood kept spilling from the corners of his mouth. The pressure he was under at this time was undoubtedly torturing his limits.

Niu Er wiped away his tears vigorously, and without hesitation, he stretched his legs as hard as he could, and ran away like a gust of wind.This is a little time and opportunity that Wang Lin and his brothers bought for him with their lives. He can't delay, and he has no right to delay.

"Damn it!" Kuang Xiong never imagined in his dreams that he almost tried his best, but still failed to keep Niu Er, but let Niu Er slip away from under his nose.

Kuang Xiong is not worried that Niu Er will attract reinforcements, because he is fully sure that before the reinforcements arrive, he can turn this place into a sea of ​​blood.But this humiliation was intolerable to him.

"Congratulations, you have completely angered me! Now, only with your blood can I extinguish my anger! Get ready and accept the punishment of my mad bear!" Murderous aura burst out from the mad bear's body After coming out, a terrifying cross storm was formed in front of him, and Huo Di rolled towards Wang Lin and others.

Wang Lin and the others had no room to resist at all, muffled groans sounded one after another, and then Wang Lin and the others flew upside down together.

"Die!" Before Wang Lin and the others landed, the mad bear, whose body was as thick as an iron tower, had already strode up to catch up. When he reached out, he grabbed the closest guard in his hand.Using both hands at the same time, this will tear the health guard apart.

"I'm going to fight with you!" Seeing this situation, Wang Lin was completely mad, no matter whether he was dead or alive, all the true energy in the Yuan Mansion was gathered together, and he just stopped the momentum of flying backwards. At the same time, the sword edge was raised, and a silver electric light, together with his whole body, shot towards the mad bear.

Kuang Xiong frowned suddenly, Wang Lin clearly wanted to die with him!Although he could tear apart the guard in his hand, he could never escape Wang Lin's sure-killing sword.Although he was annoyed in his heart, Kuang Xiong didn't want to die. With a low growl, he swung his arms high and turned the guard in his hand into a weapon, and ruthlessly threw it at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin was startled, the sword might not have stabbed the mad bear, but it was going to stab his brother first.Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Lin immediately changed his move, lowered his head and lowered his body, and chose to dodge.

As a result, Wang Lin's initiative was lost immediately, Kuang Xiong stepped forward suddenly, and with the other hand clenched into a fist, he slammed towards Wang Lin fiercely.This mad bear is thick on the outside and thin on the inside. It seems that Wang Lin's excitement has been calculated. This punch is so uncomfortable, it seems that Wang Lin took the initiative to get under his fist.

Seeing that Wang Lin was about to die in Kuang Xiong's hand, Kuang Xiong's other hand suddenly felt a piercing pain.The severe pain was so intense that even the thick and mad bear couldn't help but yelled out.

"What!?" While roaring, Kuang Xiong looked back, but it turned out that the guard who was held in his hand and used as a weapon, did not know when he woke up, and fiercely on his arm. With one bite, a piece of meat was torn off, can this not hurt?

"You son of a bitch, I want your life!" Kuang Xiong didn't expect to suffer this loss, and was so annoyed that he couldn't get any more. He didn't care about Wang Lin, and amidst the roar, he directly threw the guard in his hand at On the wall beside him, he flung it over.


There was a muffled sound, and the guard slammed into the wall in an instant.The consequences of such a heavy force can be imagined.The guard almost didn't even have a chance to react, so his bones were broken and he died.

"Xiao Gao!" Wang Lin let out a mournful roar, and tears of blood flowed from his eyes.

"Damn it, I'll cut off your dog's head!" Wang Lin went completely crazy, his wrists were shaking wildly, and sword glows with a sense of coldness swayed out one after another, rushing towards the mad bear layer by layer .

Kuang Xiong let out an evil laugh, but he didn't collide with Wang Lin's sword light head-on. His body swayed left and right, showing a bit of flexibility, which was completely different from his thick and burly figure. Proportion.

Although Wang Lin's sword light was fierce and urgent, it didn't even touch the corner of Kuang Xiong's clothes, and he let him pass them all.

When Wang Lin's moves were used up, Kuang Xiong grinned, and then launched an offensive, his fists went straight to Wang Lin's chest, and he refused to give Wang Lin the slightest chance to breathe.In Wang Lin's haste, without even thinking about it, he threw the sword's edge across his chest and blocked it.

With a slap, Wang Lin's sword was snapped into two pieces under Kuang Xiong's fist in an instant.Before Wang Lin could react, Kuang Xiong's fist was already attached to his chest, and while the internal strength was urging him to vomit, there was a sound of bone cracking immediately.The severe pain came in a swarm, almost causing Wang Lin to pass out on the spot.

Before this wave of severe pain subsided, Wang Lin suddenly felt a tightness in his chest. Kuang Xiong's big hand had already grabbed his skirt, and at the same time, the other hand grabbed his belt, and directly pulled him Raised above the head.

"The bastards of the Qingyun Empire, who dares to stand in the way of your Grandpa Bear! Hahaha..."

Lifting Wang Lin high above his head, the mad bear's vicious ring swept around for a week, and then Wang Lin suddenly felt his body sink, and fell down quickly. From the corner of his eye, he saw the knee of the mad bear, which was quickly lifted up. , ruthlessly towards his waist, bumped towards him, this clearly intended to break him in two!

Wang Lin's heart couldn't help but feel cold. I'm afraid he really has to confess his life here.

"Commander!" At the same time, the few remaining guards rushed forward in exclamation.

Their desire to save Wang Lin was naturally very urgent, but facing the extremely ferocious bear, they were too weak and had no chance at all.Wanting to save Wang Lin's life from the hands of the mad bear is like a fool's joke...

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