Qu Mang's reaction with all his strength immediately startled Wu Yang, Wu Yue, and even Uncle Zhou.To be honest, just now Qu did not show his full strength to them. Compared with now, he was just playing with them just now.

The patches of green energy are mighty, tumbling endlessly, with an evil intention, rushing straight into the sky, which makes people tremble with fear.Uncle Zhou originally thought that with the three of them, he should be able to entangle Qu Mang for a while, but at this moment he found that he was really a little whimsical!

Wu Yang began to worry about Wan Dong, his fists were clenched tightly, and his nerves were stretched to the extreme.Although Uncle Zhou and Wu Yue were not as obvious as he was, it was not difficult to see from their frowns that they were not in a relaxed mood either.

However, just when the three of them were so worried that they couldn't help themselves, Wan Dong didn't stop for a moment. Facing the green energy rushing towards his face, he felt as if he was alone, without any trace of fear or nervousness.It was as if what was rolling in front of him was not the poisonous green python palm that eats people and doesn't spit out bones, but just idle clouds and mist, posing no threat to him at all.

It is said that Yigao people are bold, if not for the support of strong cultivation, how could Wandong be so calm and calm?

Uncle Zhou's mind jumped wildly, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Wu Yang, and asked, "What level has Master Xu's cultivation reached?"

Wu Yang thought about it carefully, then shook his head in confusion, he really couldn't tell.

"Why do I feel that Young Master Xu's aura is no weaker than that of Qu Mang who is at the eighth level of true energy? Could it be that his cultivation has already..." Uncle Zhou couldn't say what happened next, why? ?Too scary!

The 20-year-old true qi eightfold master is absolutely comparable to the scariest horror story in the world, anyone who hears it will be shocked!

Seeing Wan Dong rushing into the center of the green air, he was soon covered by the billowing green air, Qu Mang showed a sneer that was a bit ferocious and proud.It's not his fault, you know, even a master of the ninth level of true qi like Fu Chuanjing rushes into the green qi recklessly, the only thing waiting for him is to be poisoned to death!

Shaking his head, Qu Mang secretly laughed in his heart, "A young man is a young man after all, he is indeed ignorant and even naive! If not, with this kid's cultivation, how could he fight me for several rounds... Wait ,what happened?!"

Qu Mang didn't feel complacent for too long, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation in his heart, and at the same time his complexion changed wildly.Because at this moment, he was shocked to find that the green energy he sacrificed was disappearing at an astonishing speed.It was as if a huge black hole suddenly appeared in the center of the green energy, sucking all his green energy into it.

Qu Mang has fought against countless people, many of whom are top-notch, but this is definitely the first time he has seen such a situation.

"Stinky boy, what the hell are you doing?" Qu Mang roared loudly, unable to keep calm anymore, he hastily used all the strength he had to feed himself, trying to withdraw the green energy into his body.

These green qi are the real qi in his body, which he has accumulated gradually through his practice. To be devoured by such madness is simply to gouge out his heart!

However, something happened that made Qu Mang even more horrified. Even though he exerted all his strength to feed, he couldn't take back even a sliver of true energy.These true spirits seem to have completely abandoned him, and they will never listen to his orders again!

"No! Impossible! Get out of here!" Qu Mang was startled and angry, and let out a roar from his throat. He rushed towards the center of the green air like crazy, trying to drive Wan Dong out of the center of the green air. come out.

But before Qu Mang rushed into the green air, a golden light spread out in front of him like a barrier, blocking him.

Qu Mang was naturally not reconciled, and while roaring again and again, he waved his palms one after another, hitting the golden light barrier sparing no effort.But in the end, it was like throwing a stone into the lake. It only caused a slight ripple, and then it died down and disappeared without a trace.

Unwilling to give up, Qu Mang struck out dozens of palms one after another, until a violent dizziness hit him suddenly, making his eyes go dark, and he almost fell to the ground, he woke up from the terror.

There is less than [-]% of the true energy in his body left!

Looking at the almost empty Yuan Mansion and all the meridians, Qu Mang felt as if he was having an extremely frightening nightmare.

But at this moment, the green air surrounding Wan Dong decreased at an astonishing speed, originally thick enough to cover the figure, but at this time Wan Dong's figure became clearer little by little.

Those streaks of green energy unexpectedly gathered together, spun to form a vortex, and quickly poured into Wan Dong's body.That situation is like the scene formed when the water in the washbasin quickly flows into the sewer.

"You...you are devouring my true energy!?" Qu Mang finally understood what was going on at this time, but the shock and doubt on his face, instead of decreasing slightly, became more intense.

Uncle Zhou couldn't help being stunned at this moment, his expression was very strange.

Wu Yang couldn't help but asked, "Uncle Zhou, didn't you say that absorbing other people's true energy is the ultimate trick of that slut, why... how can my boss do it?"

Uncle Zhou shook his head with a wry smile, and murmured, "How can I know this? You, the boss, are becoming more and more amazing!"

When Uncle Zhou said this, Wu Yang's mouth immediately opened, full of complacency, "Of course! I don't want to see who is the boss? Hehe..."

After a while, all the green energy disappeared in Wan Dong's body. Wan Dong smacked his lips lightly, as if he just finished enjoying a big meal.In fact, it is true. Thanks to Qu Mang's 'selfless dedication', Wan Dong's bottleneck has been loosened a bit. It seems that he is likely to be promoted to the ninth level of true qi tonight!Of course, it also depends on whether Suan Ni is as generous and selfless as Qu Mang.

"Give me back my true energy!" Qu Mang almost went crazy, his facial features crowded together, so ferocious and frightening!

Wan Dong sneered, his figure was like a sharp arrow that was off a string, he shot out suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Qu Mang.

Qu Mang was almost terrified by Wan Dong's actions, subconsciously took a few steps back, and at the same time gathered the remaining [-]% of his true energy, "You... what do you want?"

"Quick battle and quick decision, I'll send you where you need to go!" Wan Dong replied coldly, raised his palm, and slashed at Qu Mang.

"Ah!" Qu Mang exclaimed, and subconsciously raised his hand to block it.

Qu Mang only has [-]% of his true energy left now, trying to block Wan Dong's offensive is simply a dream come true!

Hearing a muffled bang, Qu Mang's body immediately flew up into the air like a baseball being kicked hard, flying straight up to a height of more than ten feet.Wan Dong didn't leave him any chance to breathe, he tapped his fingers together, several golden fingers like laser beams shot up into the sky, and with a soft popping sound, several blood holes appeared on Qu Mang's body immediately , there are many vital points in it, and they are dead in an instant!

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