Wan Dong nodded heavily, with a passionate expression on his face. Obviously, this idea has been wandering in his mind for more than a day or two.The Azure Dragon Gang has tens of thousands of disciples with complicated identities, involving all aspects of the entire Qingyun Empire.In business circles, political circles, and even military circles, there are people who can connect with the Qinglong Gang.Invisibly, they are intertwined into a big picture.Once you fully open this big hole, and spread it casually, there will be countless information.This is the biggest invisible value of the Qinglong Gang!

"Yao Ting, what do you want to do? Judging by your deliberate posture, I'm afraid you are quite ambitious!" Zong Tianwei looked at Wan Dong with a smile in his eyes.A man should have ambition, otherwise what big things can he accomplish?

Wan Dong looked serious, and said in a deep voice, "It doesn't matter about ambition. I just don't want to watch this country, or even the world, fall into the hands of the Tie Zhan Dynasty! Treat them as inferior peoples, as their natural slaves, once this Dongxuan Continent falls into the hands of the Tie Zhan Dynasty, everyone will fall into eternal darkness!"

"Yao Ting, you are right, the behavior of the Tie Zhan Dynasty is really cruel and ruthless, and it is infuriating! Don't worry, since the Qinglong Gang is still so useful, not only can it not be disbanded, but it will develop even stronger! "

What Wan Dong wanted was Zong Tianwei's words, and he immediately said: "Moreover, Uncle Zong, you have to plan to send the rigorously trained and capable disciples to the Tie Zhan Dynasty in batches! The status of disciples of the Qinglong Gang Simple, without background, it is not easy to attract the attention of the Iron War Dynasty, and there is a natural advantage in collecting information!"

Zong Tianwei stared fiercely, and said, "You mean that one day, the Azure Dragon Gang will go to the Tie Zhan Dynasty to collect information?"

"Of course! Our main enemy is the Tie Zhan Dynasty, and the information about them is the most valuable! These years, the Tie Zhan Dynasty has been ahead of us, and has already opened up an information collection in our Qingyun Empire." If we don't take action, we will be thrown even further away! Uncle Zong, only by knowing ourselves and our enemies can we be victorious in all battles."

Wan Dong spoke with a bit of earnestness and seriousness in his tone.It must be very difficult to extend the tentacles of the Qinglong Gang to the Iron War Dynasty and collect information.Unlike the Qingyun Empire, the Tie Zhan Dynasty is too xenophobic. As a person from another country, it is not easy to take root in the Tie Zhan Dynasty, not to mention, it is necessary to connect the sky and the earth and collect information extensively.But no matter how difficult it is, this step must be taken!

The reason why Wan Dong's expression is so dignified is not only to make Zong Tianwei pay attention, but also to remind him.Don't retreat as soon as you encounter difficulties!

Zong Tianwei obviously understood what Wan Dong meant, and nodded slightly. Although he didn't say anything, this attitude has already reassured Wan Dong.

Zong Tianwei is not someone who is afraid of difficulties and challenges!If he was afraid, it would be impossible for him to not give in after being imprisoned by Han Shiqi for several years, and it would be even more impossible for him to make a comeback today!

Wan Dong was not very good at collecting intelligence, but that didn't matter, the Qinglong Gang had many disciples and talents, so it was easy to find someone who was good at it.Wan Dong just pointed out the general direction for Zong Tianwei, and he didn't need to worry about the specific details.

"By the way, Yaoting, it takes money to build an army. Although Han Shiqi has done a lot of bad things in the past few years in power, he has also accumulated a lot of wealth. These are the people's fat and people's anointing. I asked someone to count and return some of them, but There are already a lot left. Shall I ask someone to transfer a sum to you?"

Wan Dong shook his head and said with a smile, "I will find a solution to the money issue. You should keep the money for yourself. The cost of collecting information will not be less than that of building an army! Besides, Uncle Zong is right, What Han Shiqi searched were all people's fat and people's ointment, so let's try to return as much as possible."

Wan Dong and Zong Tianwei discussed some details, and they didn't leave until it was almost noon.

This night, for Wan Dong, although he was exhausted, he gained a lot.The safe rescue of Wu Jinhun's family and the comfort of Xiao Zuo's heroic spirit made Wan Dong very happy, and the in-depth conversation with Zong Tianwei made Wan Dong extremely excited.As long as Zong Tianwei selected ten thousand brave disciples, Wan Dong immediately took over the training.I believe that it won't take long to form a fighting force.At that time, with [-] elite soldiers in hand, there would be no need to rely on Xu Wenchuan for everything.

With brisk steps, it didn't take long for Wan Dong to return to Dingshan Palace.

"Master, you are finally back! The old man is waiting for you in the study." As soon as Wan Dong entered the door, the housekeeper trotted up to greet him, and said in a slightly hasty tone.

"Is there anything my grandpa wants from me?" Wan Dong asked casually while turning to the study.

"I don't know, but General Wujinhunwu is here, and he is talking with the old man in the study."

"General Wu?" As soon as the butler finished speaking, Wan Dong's footsteps stopped immediately, his sword eyebrows furrowed abruptly, and he thought to himself, "Oh no, Wu Jinhun didn't come to settle accounts with me, did he? "

"Housekeeper, how does General Wu look?" Wan Dong asked with some anxiety.

Wu Jinhun is not an ordinary person, and he is as awesome as Xu Wenchuan.More importantly, he is the admiral of the Nine Gates defending the capital, and the entire Yunzhong City is his territory. If there is a trouble, even Xu Wenchuan can only stare blankly.

The butler pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It seems nothing special..."

Wan Dong smiled wryly and shook his head, he was also confused, his identity and status reached Wu Jinhun's level, and he had already practiced the magical skill of not showing emotions or anger.If you want to see some clues from someone's face, you have to be tricked into wearing pants!

Hiding is impossible, this is not Wandong's style!

"It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a disaster that can't be avoided. Can the Wujin soul still eat me?" Gritting his teeth, Wan Dong's hesitant footsteps immediately became firm again.


Wan Dong was still dozens of steps away from the study, when he heard waves of hearty laughter coming from the study.After Wan Dong heard this, his mind suddenly relaxed. Wu Jinhun smiled so happily, he probably wasn't looking for trouble.

"Grandpa, I'm back!" Wan Dong didn't even knock on the door, he just pushed open the door of the study, and raised his legs with a smile on his face.

With a glance, it's really lively!All three members of Wu Jinhun's family arrived, Xu Wenchuan and Ning Shan personally accompanied them, Hu Jingqi, Luo Xiao, Hu Yue, Wang Yangde, Liu Keer, Ba Linger and other children were also there.

I don't know what everyone said just now, but everyone had smiles on their faces, especially Xu Wenchuan, whose face was flushed with joy, and his mouth was grinning wide, as if he couldn't close it.

As soon as Wan Dong entered the door, he immediately became the focus of everyone's attention, especially the young children, as if they had met their spiritual leader, they all showed unconcealable excitement!

[Author's digression]: During the period of November, I want to take my family out for a while, in order not to interrupt the update in the middle, from today to October [-]th, I can only update three times a day.From the [-]th, the five-shift normalcy will be restored.Please understand!At the same time, I wish you all a happy and perfect holiday!

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