"Isn't it? It's really Zijin!" Wu Yang, Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde and other juniors were almost going crazy, and they all surrounded him with a whimper.One by one's eyes are staring like cowbells.

"Could it be that the other four boxes are also filled with purple gold?" Wu Jin swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva involuntarily, but his lips and throat were still faintly dry.

Wan Dong nodded without any hesitation. All the people present were trustworthy, so there was no need to hide it.

When Wan Dong nodded, the dozen or so people present all held their breath and looked at Wan Dong as if they were looking at a monster.When will Zijin, which is more precious than blood steel, be able to move home in crates?It seems that no matter how valuable something is, it will turn into Chinese cabbage when it comes to Wan Dong.

"Yao Ting, where did you get so much purple gold?" Xu Wenchuan asked blankly.

Wan Dong coughed and stammered, "A friend got it for me..."

Wan Dong is still very concerned about Qu Sanping, it is better not to expose this nail buried in Qiu Wanli's heart too early.It's not that I can't believe it, it's out of caution, just in case.

"Why is your friend so awesome?" Xu Wenchuan almost blurted out the question, but when he saw Wan Dong hesitating, he swallowed back the words abruptly.

All the people present are all dragons and phoenixes among the people, and they are all very smart.Naturally, one could see the tricks in it, although everyone's curious hearts were about to explode, but no one asked any more.Who doesn't have a little secret these days?What's more, he must be a great 'friend' who can help Wan Dong get so much purple gold all at once. Such a person is a taboo in itself.

"Tsk tsk, today is really an eye-opener! There are five boxes of purple gold, mother, I dare not even dream about it! Boy, since I bumped into it today, I have no reason to return empty-handed. Anyone who sees it will have a share! You open a Let me know the price, I want a box!"

Wujin Soul is very rich and powerful!But people have such capital.The 30 cavalry under his command are the main force in defending the capital. All military expenditures are separately set up for supply, and even Qiu Wanli can't easily deduct them.Millions of taels of gold, he really didn't pay attention to them.

Wan Dong chuckled and asked, "Uncle Uber, what do you want Zijin to do?"

Wu Jinhun glared at him, and said, "What else can I do? Naturally, I should take it to the Liu family and ask them to make some handy weapons for me!"

The magic weapon made of purple gold is no less than the magic weapon with blood and steel essence in it, and it is even slightly better.If the Zijin Divine Soldier was used as a reward, then the soldiers under his command must have gone crazy.It is very likely that the combat effectiveness of his soldiers will be explosively enhanced in a short period of time.Of course, Wujin Soul must also keep one for himself.Even if the Zijin Divine Weapon is not used to kill the enemy, it is very pleasant to just use it for appreciation.

After listening to Wu Jinhun's words, Wan Dong didn't speak, but just smiled, very wickedly.

Wu Jinhun frowned, and said angrily, "What do you mean by this, kid?"

Xu Wenchuan took over the conversation at this time, and said, "General Wu, don't you know? The Liu family has temporarily closed down the mountain and no longer makes weapons."

"Ah? Why? Liu Yunxi didn't make swords, did he switch to selling tofu?" Wu Jinhun looked surprised.

It's also not good for Xu Wenchuan to speak in too much detail. In that case, he would inevitably praise his grandson severely in front of Wu Jinhun.This is really a suspicion of Lao Wang selling melons, selling melons and boasting, and King Dingshan is somewhat embarrassed.

Although he was embarrassed on his lips, Xu Wenchuan was really happy in his heart.Look at how promising his grandson is, he insisted on closing down the Liu family, which is famous for its sword casting, and it is up to his grandson whether and when he can open the mountain.Needless to say, just thinking about it is enough to show off!

Wang Yangde took the words at this time, his face was full of pride, he looked at Wu Jinhun, and said with a smile, "General Wu, if you want to forge swords, why go far away? My master is a great expert in forging swords!"

"The master of sword making? Him?" Wu Jinhun turned his head to look at Wan Dong in a daze, with a dazed expression on his face.

Wan Dong waved his hand embarrassingly, and said, "I just know a thing or two, so how can I be considered an expert?"

"Master, you are too modest! If you only know a little bit, the Liu family will stop making swords because of you temporarily closing the mountain?"

"The Liu family is... because of him?" Wu Jinhun's head buzzed, as if it was about to explode.There were stars in his eyes, and he couldn't believe Wang Yangde's words at all.Just like he couldn't believe that Wang Yangde actually worshiped Wan Dong as his teacher.

There are many shocking things in this world, but things like this are too shocking, right?

"Of course! The Liu family saw my master's sword-making skills, and felt inferior. That's why they decided to close the mountain for the time being. While concentrating on research, they waited for my master to come to teach them a thing or two..."

"Yangde, stop talking nonsense!" Wan Dong couldn't help but glared at Wang Yangde fiercely. Doesn't this kid know the truth of keeping a low profile?

After being reprimanded by Wan Dong, Wang Yangde still felt aggrieved, held his mouth, and muttered in a low voice, "That's right, I didn't brag..."

"Old prince, this..." The young man, with hairless lips, couldn't speak firmly, and Wu Jinhun didn't dare to believe it all, so he raised his head and asked Xu Wenchuan for proof.

Xu Wenchuan didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

Just this slight nod of the head was like a thunder, resounding through Wu Jinhun's entire mind.What is Xu Wenchuan's identity?Even if Wu Jinhun was killed, he wouldn't believe it, he would brag.However, Xu Wenchuan actually accepted Wang Yangde's words completely, which shows that Wang Yangde was not bragging just as he said.Not only did Wan Dong know how to forge swords, but the level of sword forging really surpassed that of the Liu family.

"Is this world going crazy or dying?" Wu Jinhun asked again and again in his heart.The eyes looking at Wan Dong flickered, but they were extremely hot, as if Wan Dong was about to be set ablaze.

"Boy, I, Wu Jinhun, will decide on your deputy! As long as you are willing to come, I am willing to agree to all your conditions!" After a long while, Wu Jinhun paused every word, roaring loudly as if swearing on his wealth and life.

With extremely high cultivation, proficient in formations, extraordinary courage and insight, and a master of sword casting, can such a person be called a talent?It's simply a monster!Just one person is worth thousands of troops!No wonder Wu Jinhun was so tempted. Even Xu Wenchuan couldn't help wondering if he should find an opportunity to release his grandson. Maybe it won't be long before another military god appears in his Xu family.At that time, it will be much more majestic than being Wujin Soul's deputy general!

Of course, Xu Wenchuan could also tell that Wu Jinhun not only wanted Wan Dong to be his deputy, but also intended to pass on his position to Wan Dong.This is certainly good, but Wu Jinhun is now in his prime, who knows when he will be able to retire?

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