"You don't need to scare me, you dare not kill me. I am Jin Xidao, the third master of the Jin family. If you kill me, not only you, but the entire Qingyun Empire will be plunged into a bloody storm!" Jin Xidao coughed A few times, he said to Wan Dong with a sullen face.

"Is the Jin family great? This young master doesn't even look down on the Tie Zhan Dynasty, so he is afraid of your little Jin family? Don't tell me, today this young master is determined to take your dog Life!"

"What?" Jin Xidao couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then felt something was wrong, and was so annoyed that he wanted to slap himself.

His threats, if used on Xu Wenchuan, might be of great use, but to a prodigal young master with no official title, it's like playing the piano with a cow!Can you expect a well-known dude to have a good view of the overall situation and the quality of being considerate of others?It's like being kicked in the head by a donkey!If they can really have these, can they still be called dudes?

Jin Xidao's heart immediately hung in his throat, especially when he saw that Wan Dong's eyes were constantly emitting a fierce and murderous cold light, and the blood all over his body was almost To be frozen.

"You...you can't kill me!" If you are in a high position and have everything, you will be more afraid of death. Jin Xidao is really not a hero, so naturally he is no exception.At this moment, his voice was trembling, and his complexion was even more pale.

Wan Dong sneered, curled his lips and said, "Besides the lame reason just now, do you have any other reasons for me not to kill you?"

"You..." Looking at Wan Dong who was full of sarcasm, Jin Xidao felt an unprecedented humiliation, and his face instantly turned into a pig's color.

"It seems that you are gone. That's right, even I can't think of any reason to spare your life for a bastard like you who can be cut into pieces!"

Seeing Wan Dong drop a cold sentence and immediately raise his palm, Jin Xidao's heart almost jumped out of his throat.Yes, dignity and face are very important, but how important is life?

"Wait! I...I can give you money!" Jin Xidao blurted out in panic, and even pleaded in his eyes.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Wan Dong's mouth, Jin Xidao actually wanted money to buy him, what did he think of Wan Dong as a money-hungry gangster?Wan Dong shook his head, and was about to say a few words to taunt Jin Xi, and then killed him with a palm, but suddenly changed his mind and changed his mind.He doesn't value money very much, but now he really needs money!Isn't his purpose in coming to Tianbao Pavilion to make money?

"Okay, tell me, how much do you plan to spend to buy your old life?"

Hearing Wan Dong's question, Jin Xidao seemed to see the hope of surviving, and his face immediately showed a look of joy, and his sluggish spirit was also lifted up a lot, and he raised his voice with some pride, "No matter how much money you have, you Just say the numbers!"

While talking, Jin Xidao took out a thick stack of gold tickets from his bosom, and waved them at Wan Dong.Wan Dong's eyes were sharp, and he saw at a glance that the top ticket in the stack was actually a 100 million tael gold ticket!

If all the gold tickets in this pile were of this denomination, at least there would be tens of millions of taels of gold.What is rich and powerful?Wan Dong opened his eyes today!This is tens of millions of taels if you pick it up casually. Could it be that the Jin family opened gold mines in the Iron War Dynasty?

Wan Dong gritted his teeth and said, "You are the third master of the Jin family, and this life is very valuable. If you want less, it would be humiliating to you. Just 5000 million taels!"

"5000 million taels?" Jin Xidao's eyes widened. Even if Jin's family is as rich as an enemy, this 5000 million taels is not a small amount after all.

Wan Dong sneered and said, "Why, do you think your life is not worth 5000 million taels?"

When Wan Dong asked such a question, Jin Xidao's eyes not only widened, but even his cheeks bulged.How would he answer such a question?If it's worth it, pay for it.It's not worth it, why don't you slap yourself in the face!

"5000 million is 5000 million, all of these are for you!" Jin Xidao stuffed the stack of gold tickets in his hand to Wan Dong.

Wan Dong took it, and he didn't need to check it carefully. He glanced at it for a while, and he was sure that 5000 million was not much more.

Holding this thick stack of golden tickets, Wan Dong felt unreal.Thinking about him last time, he almost lost his life in Tianbao Pavilion, but he only got 1000 million taels, but now it is good, a guy is 5000 million taels, no wonder Wan Dong thinks it is unreal.

In Wan Dong's eyes, Jin Xidao at this time is simply a living God of Wealth shining with golden light all over his body!I couldn't help wandering in my heart, since the Jin family is so rich and powerful, shouldn't we arrest all the members of the Jin family and let them buy them back one by one?The more he thought about it, the happier Wan Dong felt. This is definitely a good job!

"Can I go?" Jin Xidao didn't know what Wan Dong was thinking, if he knew, he would vomit blood on the spot.When did his Jin family become Wan Dong's money-making business?

"Let's go?" Wan Dong frowned and regained his senses.Just let Jin Xidao go?Wan Dong felt a little bit reluctant.Once a big fish like Jin Xidao is off the hook, it is definitely not an ordinary difficulty to get him to take the bait again.

It seems that for 5000 million taels, it is not worth giving up the excellent opportunity to attack the Jin family and the Iron War Dynasty!

"Why, you won't go back on your word, will you?" Seeing Wan Dong's silence for a long time, Jin Xidao's heart suddenly hangs up again.At this moment, if Wan Dong wants to kill him, it can be said that it will be effortless.

Wan Dong looked at Jin Xidao, and said quietly, "My heart tells me that it would be a very unwise decision to let you go like this!"

"Ah! You...what on earth do you want to do? You can't be too shameless in being a human being!" When Wan Dong said this, Jin Xidao felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, trembling all over.

It was really difficult for Jin Xidao to even say such things.He probably forgot that, as the commander behind the scenes of Zi Gangling, he did not know how many people were killed by despicable and shameless means.Don't say far, just say near!Those Qingyun Empire officials who were assassinated by him, why didn't he say such things in front of them?

"Don't worry! If I take your money, I won't kill you! However, you have to keep your cultivation!"

"Then you might as well kill me!"

"Okay! If you insist, I can do what you want!"


Looking at Wan Dong's face full of smiles, Jin Xidao really felt fear, from the bottom of his heart, unstoppable, like a scourge breaking through the cage, making him powerless to resist...

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