"Wu Qiujun, you are at the end of your strength, why bother to hold on? Obediently accept death, and I can give you a good time!" Longfeng knew that Wu Qiujun's situation was very pessimistic, so he was not in a hurry.With Leopard Chong, Poison Rat, and Ye Hao, they took turns to go into battle, circling and entangled, not giving Wu Qiujun a moment to breathe. Slowly, Wu Qiujun became a little bit exhausted, his old face turned from snow white to gray, and there was even a faint There are traces of blue, and it is obvious that it has reached the point where the oil is almost exhausted.

"You bastards who don't come into the world, you want to make your Master Wu wait for death, thank you for thinking it out! Even if you die today, I will pull you as a backing!" Wu Qiujun gasped, looking at the four of Longfeng. His eyes were full of anger and hatred.

"Hey... Wu Qiujun is indeed worthy, he is really stubborn! Good! Then we will help you!"

Longfeng had the winning ticket in his hands, with a grin on his face.His body suddenly jumped up, with his right palm in the form of "Mount Tai collapsed", a terrifying qi that seemed like a mountain avalanche and an earth crack was rolled up, condescending, and directly pressed down on Wu Qiujun's head.

Wu Qiujun's face tightened, his eyes glared instantly, his center of gravity moved down, his palms were raised together, and waves of true energy quickly gathered on top of his head.But hearing a muffled bang bang, Wu Qiujun's body swayed one after another, and finally he couldn't resist. With a plop, he knelt on the ground with one knee, and vomited a stream of blood from his mouth.

Under the ebb and flow, Longfeng's true energy can already overwhelm Wu Qiujun!Although Wu Qiujun felt extremely humiliated and 1 unwilling, but at this moment, even the last [-]% of the true energy in his body has been consumed, so what can he do?

As soon as Longfeng succeeded, he immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, his body was like a rolling dragon, he waved his palms like a storm, in the blink of an eye, there were dozens of palm shadows, densely packed towards Wu Qiujun.

"Hahaha...Wu Qiujun, in this life, you are destined to be planted in my Longfeng's hands!"

Seeing that Wu Qiujun was about to die at his own hands, Longfeng was the happiest, and let out wild laughter after another.Killing Wu Qiujun, this record is enough to make him famous all over the world!

"It's too early for you to laugh!"

Before Longfeng's laughter dispersed with the wind, Wan Dong's playful voice rang out.Longfeng's heart was shocked, and he was about to look back when a gust of wind blew up on the flat ground, and he didn't even give him a chance to react, so he shattered all the palms he had slashed in a very overbearing manner. !

Longfeng even felt an extremely powerful rebounding force, rushing towards him, and immediately let out an exclamation, and retreated back and forth involuntarily, taking more than ten steps, before he stood still in shock.

When Longfeng recovered from his shock, Wan Dong stood in front of Wu Qiujun like an iron tower.

"Why is it you!?" Seeing Wan Dong, Long Feng's eyes narrowed immediately, and his face became even more astonished.

Wan Dong glanced at him, and said with a sneer, "Looking at your expression, you don't seem to want to see me very much."


Before Longfeng could speak, Yanbi beside him shouted, "Boss, look quickly, Shanhe and Mad Monkey!"

Longfeng followed what Yan embarrassed to look forward to, and when he saw the corpses of the mountain crane and the mad monkey, he couldn't help but froze.He didn't even find out when Shan He and Mad Monkey died!On the one hand, it was naturally because he put all his attention on Wu Qiujun, but on the other hand, it was enough to make him vigilant. Wan Dong's cultivation had really reached an unbelievable level. He put the two masters at the peak of the eighth level of true qi to death.

Wu Qiujun never dreamed that at the critical moment, the person who saved his life would be someone who made him grit his teeth with hatred, so he couldn't help but feel a little dazed.When he found the corpses of the mountain crane and the mad monkey amidst his embarrassing exclamation, his expression was almost the same as that of Longfeng.

After being dazed for a long time, he looked at Wan Dong and asked, "Did you kill them?"

Wan Dong glanced at him and frowned slightly.He really didn't like this Wu Qiujun.If it wasn't for the fact that he was Xu Wenchuan's junior brother, he wouldn't care about his life or death.

Seeing that Wan Dong just glanced at him lightly, and then looked away, as if he was some irrelevant old man, and he didn't intend to answer him at all, Wu Qiujun was a little annoyed immediately, and shouted, "Boy, I What about you, are you deaf?"

Wan Dong resisted so much that he didn't slap him, and cursed in his heart, "You're almost dead, and you're still pulling like this. You don't owe it to anyone else?"

Impatiently, he waved his hand at Duan Lengyan and said, "Hurry up and get rid of this bad old man, don't bother me here."

"You kid..."

Seeing that Wan Dong treats him like he treats a fly, Wu Qiujun's lungs are about to explode.She was about to curse out loud, but Duan Lengyan quickly walked over and gave him several winks.

She sympathized with what Pi Xiong said to her before he died. Wan Dong is too scary and must not be provoked. What's more, their master and apprentice are still counting on him for help!

Duan Lengyan rushed forward and dragged Wu Qiujun aside without any explanation.

"Leng Yan, why are you still here? Didn't my teacher tell you to run away?" Seeing Duan Lengyan, Wu Qiujun couldn't care less about getting angry with Wan Dong, so he yelled anxiously.

Duan Lengyan frowned and said, "Master, if I don't care about your life or death, and only care about running for my own life, then... then can I still be considered a human being? My apprentice would rather die than live a lifetime of regret, guilt and infamy. middle!"

Wu Qiujun shook his head again and again, and said, "Silly girl! Compared with the rise and fall of the iron war dynasty, the hundreds of millions of people live and work in peace and contentment, what is the personal honor and disgrace? Come on! I think that Xu Xiaozi's cultivation base has improved a lot, You should be able to block a block, you hurry up!"

Duan Lengyan gave a wry smile and said, "Master, isn't it... not very kind of us to do this?"

Wu Qiujun coughed, his expression was a little embarrassed, but his expression was still firm, "It's a bit unkind, but I can't control that much. Besides, this kid has cheated us a few times, he deserves it!"

"Hehe...Master, if your uncle hears your words, it will be terrible. I'm afraid the old man won't let you go."

Wu Qiujun glared, and said angrily, "What uncle? I have long since disowned him as a senior brother! He and I are eternal enemies!"

Duan Lengyan sighed, and said regretfully, "But I think, Master, he will never forget you as a junior..."

"You never forget me? How do you know?" Wu Qiujun couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Duan Lengyan smiled and said, "The last time I went to Xu's mansion to see my uncle, my uncle was really kind to me, and he treated me like my own granddaughter. You said, if it wasn't because he couldn't let go of his brotherhood with you , why did he treat me so well? Let me tell you, this is Aiwujiwu!"

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