"Where did you get so many questions, if you don't want to die, just listen to me and run away immediately! Once my grandma comes, even if you want to run away, you won't be able to run away!" Leng Yongsi said urgently, kept urging.

Wan Dong smiled wryly, and said, "Even if you want me to run away, you still have to give me a decent reason, right? I, Xu Yaoting, is the grandson of King Dingshan. I can ignore my own face, but I can't ignore my family." face."

Xu Wenchuan nodded, and said, "Yao Ting is right! Although Leng Shuangrong is powerful, not everyone is afraid of her! If she wants to kill my Xu Wenchuan's grandson, she has to pass me first!"

In the past, Xu Yaoting bullied the weak and feared the strong, and didn't take any responsibility at all!Xu Wenchuan really had a headache because of this, and now that his precious grandson has undergone such a gratifying change, and dares to take responsibility, how can Xu Wenchuan not support it?

"Face, face, face, is life more important?" Leng Yongsi roared in a somewhat annoyed voice.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Both are important!"


Leng Yongsi couldn't help getting angry, Wan Dong opened his mouth and said, "Miss Leng, I believe that your grandma is not the kind of villain who will break the agreement at will. She is so eager to kill me, there must be another reason. Can you please tell me Tell the truth!"

"I...I can't tell you the reason, so don't ask me any more. Listen to me and run away before my grandma comes."

"Could it be that something happened to Yue Cui?" Wan Dong raised his eyebrows suddenly, and his eyes became sharper.

Leng Yongsi's expression changed immediately, and the eyes that were looking directly at Wan Dong also became evasive.How shrewd Wan Dong is, when he saw Leng Yongsi's expression, he knew that something must have happened to Leng Yuecui.

Wan Dong's expression suddenly became extremely solemn, and there was an invisible coercion rippling from his body.Leng Yuecui treats him well, and Wan Dong also wants to make this confidante from the bottom of his heart, and there is no room for loss!

"What's wrong with Yuecui?" Wan Dong's voice dropped significantly.

"Don't ask, I..."

"Answer me!" Before Leng Yongsi finished speaking, Wan Dong's voice suddenly rose an octave, like a lion's roar, not only Leng Yongsi, but also everyone else present was startled.

From the stern look on Wan Dong's face, anyone could feel his concern for Leng Yuecui.Duan Lengyan couldn't help feeling jealous, mixed with a little bit of envy.Yearning in my heart, when this man can also rage for her, how great would that be?

Leng Yongsi didn't expect Wan Dong to burst out with such power, and was shocked by him, staring blankly at Wan Dong, as if meeting him for the first time, with confusing eyes and complex and changeable expressions.

Wan Dong was really in a hurry, that's why he got angry.When he saw Leng Yongsi's anxious expression, he couldn't help but soften in his heart.Anyway, Leng Yongsi is Leng Yuecui's older sister, so he can't go too far.

Coughing, she lowered her voice a bit, and said, "Miss Leng, Yuecui and I are good friends, and I care about her more than anyone else. Please tell me what happened to her, I can help she!"

Leng Yongsi couldn't help letting out a long sigh, shook her head sadly, and murmured, "It's useless, in this world, I'm afraid no one can help her. This... this may be her life... ..."

"It's a piece of nonsense! Fate is in our own hands, and it's up to us! As long as you tell me what difficulties Yuecui has encountered, no matter how difficult it is, I will help her!"

Feeling the fire-like, violent self-confidence and fighting spirit from Wan Dong, Leng Yongsi couldn't help but lose his mind for a while.

Yes, is this fate really unchangeable?I control my own life!

"Okay! Since you have such confidence, then I'll tell you! Big deal, I'm just like you, I'll fight them to the death! For my sister, I'll go all out!" Leng Yongsi's expression suddenly became determined, and she shook her head. Said loudly.

Wan Dongchang heaved a sigh of relief, he didn't care what Leng Yongsi would do, he just hoped that Leng Yongsi would stop keeping her from telling her about Leng Yuecui's situation.

"My sister she..."

"Yongsi, don't you even listen to me?" Just when Leng Yongsi had made up her mind to tell Wan Dong about Leng Yuecui's situation, a cold drink suddenly sounded in mid-air, Immediately afterwards, Leng Shuangrong's figure, like lightning tearing through the night sky, landed in front of everyone with a swish.

"Leng Shuangrong!?" Wu Qiujun's eyes suddenly narrowed into a slit, and all of them shot out, with a very fearful expression.

The prestige of Leng Shuangrong has already spread throughout the entire Dongxuan Continent.There are not many experts in the Consummation Realm who are full of true energy, and there are not many in the entire Dongxuan Continent.In the eyes of warriors in the mundane world, they are like gods.

Wu Qiujun has heard of Leng Shuangrong's reputation many times, so it can be seen that today is the first time.

At this time, Leng Shuangrong's expression was serious, as if covered with a layer of frost, and the cold air was hissing outward, which made people's hearts tremble.Wu Qiujun saw it in his eyes and was shocked in his heart.A strong man full of true energy is indeed an existence that people look up to.

If Wu Qiujun was like this, let alone Duan Lengyan, her pretty face was full of fear and worry.I can't figure it out, how on earth did Wan Dong get into a fight with such a great man? Isn't this just asking for a draw?

Xu Wenchuan's complexion is not very good-looking either. After living such a long time, if he still doesn't know how to read words and expressions, he will be too inferior.What Leng Yongsi said is absolutely correct, Leng Shuangrong really came with a murderous aura, even more murderous than the last time she came to Dingshan Palace!

Xu Wenchuan couldn't help being a little worried. Although Wan Dong's cultivation had skyrocketed at this time compared to before, it might not be enough to face Leng Shuangrong, who was full of zhenqi.

"Grandma...grandma, you...you..." Seeing Leng Shuangrong for the first time, Leng Yongsi's face turned pale with horror, and she was so nervous that she couldn't even speak clearly.Ever since she was a child, she has been the most obedient, and has never disobeyed Leng Shuangrong. This time, she not only disobeyed Leng Shuangrong, but was also caught by her, so it's no wonder she wasn't terrified.

"Shut up! I don't have a disobedient granddaughter like you!" Leng Shuangrong was so strict that she just opened her mouth to say this.

Just this sentence made Leng Yongsi unbearable, her delicate body trembled slightly, tears gurgled down like beads with a broken thread.

Leng Shuangrong came in a bad way, Xu Wenchuan frowned, coughed, looked at Leng Shuangrong and said, "Mr. Leng, come to my place today, what can I tell you?"

"Xu Wenchuan, it's a shame you still have the guts to ask! You didn't work in vain, and the older you get, the thicker your skin will be!" Leng Shuangrong raised her eyebrows, her hostility was astonishing!

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