"The spirit is gone!? How is this possible? He is just a mortal..." Li Baiyi suddenly let out an exclamation, and the handsome face that seemed to be cut by a knife was instantly covered with shock.

"Want to escape!? I'll make you lose your mind!" Li Baiyi still couldn't understand his hatred after destroying Wan Dong's body. He shot out from the palm of his hand, like a giant gun shooting towards the sky, chasing after the golden light at an astonishing speed.

"Li Baiyi, you...you are too vicious!" Seeing Li Baiyi's actions, Mu Lian roared sharply, and slapped Li Baiyi's face with her palm.

Li Baiyi snorted coldly, and with a flick of his wrist, he grabbed Mu Lian's wrist, and said ruthlessly, "You forced me to do this! If you want to blame, blame yourself!"

"You..." Mu Lian was trembling with anger from Li Baiyi, unable to say a word.

Li Baiyi's palm strength is not only powerful, but also extremely fast.The last one came first, and in the blink of an eye, he had caught up with the golden light that shot towards the sky and enveloped Wan Dong's soul.Seeing this scene, Li Baiyi's face was covered with a cold smile, just waiting to see Wan Dong's spirit turn into flying ashes.

"No!" Mu Lian was completely desperate, and she fell limply on the ground, her face was already covered with tears.

However, at the moment when Li Baiyi's palm was about to hit the golden light, the golden light suddenly burst out a little white jade light, although it was only a little bit, it was dazzling like a star in the distant sky.

This point of white light burst out, and it directly slammed into Li Baiyi's palm.There was only a loud bang, and Li Baiyi's palm force disappeared in an instant.At the same time, a huge aura rolled back at such a high speed that Li Baiyi couldn't bear it, and retreated three steps in a row.

"What!?" Li Baiyi suppressed the fear that was about to flood in his heart, his handsome face was covered with fine cold sweat, and his eyes were full of disbelief.He could only watch helplessly as the golden light enveloping Wan Dong's spirit broke through the sky and disappeared without a trace.

This scene was obviously something that Mu Lian did not expect, her pretty face was full of astonishment.

"How can a mortal's soul have such powerful power?...No! This power is definitely not that bastard!" Li Baiyi thought for a moment, his eyes sharpened, he glared at Mu Lian viciously, and asked, "You When you left, you took away the treasure of your Mu family 'Ming Shenhun Jade', and you gave it to that bastard, didn't you?"

There was a sneer on Mu Lian's face, she looked at Li Baiyi who was furious, and said quietly: "Why, you thought of it too?"

"You really gave it to him!?" Li Baiyi's eyes widened in disbelief, and the anger in his eyes gathered at a thunderous speed.

Mu Lian didn't hide anything, and said loudly, "That's right! 'Ming Shenhun Jade', I gave it to Brother Dong as a token of love."

"You...you bitch!" Li Baiyi was so furious that he raised his palm high and wanted to hit Mu Lian.

Mu Lian sneered, she was not afraid, she stared straight at Li Baiyi with a pair of clear and distant eyes, which were full of sarcasm and contempt.Faced with such a pair of eyes, Li Baiyi couldn't let go of his raised palm.He hated Li Baiyi, and blasted a huge boulder hundreds of meters away into powder with one palm.

"You gave the 'Ming Shen Soul Jade' to that bastard, how will you explain to your father when you go back?"

Mu Lian chuckled, and said, "If there's anything to explain, I'll accept the punishment!"

"But do you know what kind of punishment you will suffer? You will be thrown into the 'Ice Palace of Silence' and suffer from darkness and loneliness all your life. You will not be able to survive or die!"

"Isn't that just right, I won't have to see you again." Instead of showing fear, Mu Lian smiled happily.

"You... you are willing to suffer such pain, and you don't want to see me? I have worked so hard to find you for so many years. If I hadn't arrived in time, you and that bastard would have been smashed to pieces! Why did you You don't appreciate it at all, why!?" Envious, Li Baiyi almost went crazy.

However, Mu Lian ignored his anger. She looked up at the place where Wan Dong's spirit disappeared, and murmured, "I keep all the good memories of being with Dong Ge in my mind. Even if this world is I am left alone, as long as I have these memories, I will not feel dark or lonely. Li Baiyi, people like you will never truly understand what love is!"

"You are hopeless!" Li Baiyi's face was extremely gloomy.

Mu Lian laughed, and said with a bright expression, "Besides, I believe that one day, my beloved will come to save me!"

"You mean that bastard? Hahaha...don't be kidding, he only has a remnant soul left now, and even his body was destroyed by me, why should he save you?"

"Did you forget that the 'Ming Shen Soul Jade' contains the insights gained from the lifelong training of the number one master of Taoism in ancient times, Xuantian Da Mingshen. You don't know what kind of wealth this is, do you?"

Li Baiyi's handsome face twitched, and he said, "That's just a legend! No one has ever really opened the 'Ming Shenhun Jade', let alone entered it, who knows what's inside. Maybe it's nothing at all. No."

"In this case, why are you so nervous?" Mu Lian's gaze was as sharp as a knife, and Li Baiyi's disguise was completely torn apart with one glance.

"Hmph! Even if the 'Ming Shen Soul Jade' really contains the martial arts essence of the Xuantian Great Ming God, those bastards may not be able to enter it. I advise you, give up your heart!"

Mu Lian just glanced at him lightly, not even interested in rebutting.

Li Baiyi immediately felt bored, gritted his teeth, grabbed Mu Lian's wrist, and it turned into a flash of lightning, disappearing into the sky.


"What place is this?" The heart-piercing pain disappeared without a trace, and when Wan Dong woke up, he found himself in a strange place.

The surroundings were dark and silent, but Wan Dong felt that the space he was in was very wide, like a vast universe without boundaries.His feet were empty, and he didn't step on the ground, but his figure didn't fall down, but just floated like that, as if he had escaped gravity.

"Li Baiyi! Get out!" Wan Dong tried to yell, his voice spread far away, but there was no response at all.

"Lian'er? Lian'er!" Wan Dong called Mu Lian's name again, but what he got was deathly silence.

"Could it be that I'm already dead?" Wan Dong suddenly felt terrified. He was not afraid of death, but that once he died, he would never see Lian Er again.

Just as panic was flooding Wan Dong's heart bit by bit, a bright light suddenly lit up in front of Wan Dong's eyes.Although the bright light seemed to be far away from Wan Dong, against the backdrop of the surrounding darkness, it looked unusually starry.

For those in darkness, light means hope!Wan Dong's mind was lifted, and he rushed towards the bright light recklessly.

"This is..." When he came to Guangguang, Wan Dong was startled.This ball of light was originally emitted by a piece of ancient jade, and Wan Dong is very familiar with this piece of ancient jade. It was the token of love that Lian Er gave him, and he played with it countless times.

But why is this piece of ancient jade here?Wan Dong was full of doubts in his heart, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab Gu Yu.And the moment Wan Dong was about to touch the ancient jade, the ancient jade exploded and turned into countless large and small fragments, each shining brightly.

Suddenly, the darkness that was originally dead and silent suddenly brightened.Countless fragments of ancient jade floated away, like countless sparkling pearls sprinkled on a piece of black cloth.Wherever the pearl rolls, it lights up.In the blink of an eye, the dead darkness turned into a splendid night sky full of stars.

Wan Dong was being dizzy from the sudden beauty, a starlight suddenly lit up in front of his eyes.

Wan Dong took a closer look and found that it was a piece of ancient jade about the size of a fingernail, and the radiance from it was very attractive.Wan Dong couldn't bear this temptation, and slowly reached out his hand, and held this small piece of ancient jade in his palm, feeling slightly chilled.

Just when Wan Dong was about to study it carefully, that small piece of ancient jade jumped up suddenly, with an astonishing speed, Wan Dong didn't even have a chance to react, and the fragments fell from his body. Forehead, drilled straight into his head.

There was a loud bang, and then it exploded in Wan Dong's mind.That small piece of ancient jade shards burst open again, and something in it rushed out crazily, like a flood, stirring in Wan Dong's mind.

Intense pain once again swept through Wan Dong's whole body.Even Wan Dong's will was as strong as iron, but he couldn't resist it, so he wailed loudly.It was really an indescribable pain, as if someone was holding a not-so-sharp knife and scratching your brain crazily; looking at your head.Life is better than death, really life is better than death.

Wan Dong didn't last long and passed out.

When Wan Dong came to his senses, the ancient jade fragments around him like a sea of ​​stars had disappeared, and the darkness and silence before had returned again, as if nothing had happened.

However, Wan Dong's still aching head told him that something definitely happened.

Daomen Great World, Xuantian Great Mingshen, Mingshen Soul Jade, Dao Qi, Martial Skills... These words definitely do not belong to his cognitive category.

"This seems to be a person's memory..." Wan Dong frowned, feeling something, and hurriedly sat down cross-legged, carefully sorting out the massive but messy information that crazily poured into his mind through the ancient jade fragments.

Fortunately, Wan Dong has an advantage since he was a child. He is very able to endure loneliness and has excellent patience. Otherwise, after sorting out such a huge amount of information, ordinary people would have to go crazy.

In this strange dark space, he couldn't feel the passage of time at all, and he didn't know how long he had been sitting there. Suddenly, Wan Dong stood up excitedly, and through his flushed face from excitement, he couldn't help but feel It's hard to imagine that Wan Dong must have made a remarkable discovery.

"Who can believe that in this world, there is someone who can control such a huge power, the sky collapses, the moon shatters and the stars fall, so how can it take the power of billions of phenomena?" Wan Dong's face was full of longing.

"It's no wonder that Li Baiyi's cultivation is so terrifying. It turns out that he is a person from the Daoist Great World. The Daoist Great World should be the fairyland that ordinary people talk about, right? Li Baiyi is actually a god? Hmph..." Wan Dong's expression changed Suddenly, a few cold lights shot out from his eyes, and his fists were clenched tightly.

"Lian'er is also from the great world of Daoism, and she even sealed her Dao roots for me! God, it turns out that you are really kind to me Wan Dong. Lian'er alone in this life is enough!" Thinking of Mu Lian, Wan Dong's expression suddenly softened a lot.

"Mingshen Jade? I should be in the Mingshen Jade at this time, right? Xuantian Great Mingshen is worthy of being an ancient power, who can condense his own soul into a piece of ancient jade, which will never be destroyed and will be immortal. If there is no such Ming Shenhun Jade, I am afraid that it has been in Li Baiyi's hands for a long time, and the spirit is gone? Li Baiyi, from now on, you are my mortal enemy of Wandong! But, now I only have a wisp of it Divine soul, even his body is destroyed, how can he defeat Li Baiyi?"

Wan Dong's brows were tightly wrinkled, with an expression of annoyance.

In the memory of Xuantian Daming God, there are several kinds of cultivation methods in the Daomen Great World, among which the "Xuantian Enlightenment Art" is a top mental method in the Daomen Great World. Xuantian Daming God can have such an amazing His achievements depend on this 'Xuantian Enlightenment Jue'.Wan Dong only took a few glances, and was shocked by its profound and profound meaning.If one can really cultivate according to this, not to mention in the small world of common people, even in the big world of Daoism, one will be able to call the wind and rain and stand at the top.

However, no matter how mysterious and subtle the Xuantian Enlightenment Art is, it is still useless without the magic.At this time, Wan Dong seemed to be standing in front of a huge treasure house, but he couldn't get in.

And just when Wan Dong was restless and almost going crazy, the dark world of Ming Soul Jade in front of him suddenly collapsed, and before Wan Dong could wake up, a golden light enveloped him completely.Although Wan Dong didn't know what was going on, he also knew that he had jumped out of the space of Ming Shenhun Jade.

The lights under his feet were flickering, cities and towns were drifting by, Wan Dong could only watch helplessly, but he couldn't help himself at all, letting Ming Shenhunyu lead him, he didn't know where he was going...

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