"How is that compared to your precious grandson?" Wu Qiujun clearly intended to provoke Xu Wenchuan, but when the topic changed, he led to Xu Yaoting.

Xu Wenchuan's expression immediately became cloudy, and he suddenly raised his head and stared at Wu Qiujun, and said in a deep voice, "The 20-year agreement still has a one-year deadline, and there is still plenty of time, anything can happen!"

"Brother, do you know what I admire most about you? It's your optimistic personality in everything! Hehe... I think, if you weren't such an optimistic personality, you would have been pissed off by your precious grandson a long time ago. Bar?"

"What did you say!?" Xu Wenchuan's complexion became more severe, his eyes could not be wider, and anger was radiating from them.

"Brother, you don't need to get angry, what I said is the truth! Your precious grandson is indeed first-class in eating, drinking, gambling and gambling, but his accomplishments in martial arts are far behind! If I say that, my apprentice will be cold!" Yan only needs one hand to beat your useless grandson to the ground, you should agree, right?"

Xu Wenchuan's expression at this time was already gloomy, as if water was about to drip out. Duan Lengyan was in the realm of four levels of true energy, but Xu Yaoting only had one level of true energy, and that was before he was injured. Now Xu Yaoting's body is empty, even the true heart of duty No gas.Let alone one hand, even if Duan Lengyan tied up both hands, Xu Yaoting can be drunk to the ground with just a loud shout!

"Yao Ting has changed, he is no longer what he used to be." After a while, Xu Wenchuan said in a calm voice.

"Senior brother, I completely understand your wish for your son to become a dragon. But you can't lose your mind just because of this, right? As for your grandson, no matter how much he changes, how can he change? It's clearly hopeless! ..."

"Shut up!" Hearing this, Xu Wenchuan couldn't listen any longer, he yelled angrily, turned around and slapped Wu Qiujun straight.

Wu Qiujun seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and was not at all surprised by Xu Wenchuan's sudden attack. With a soft snort, the true energy in his body surged, and his palms were instantly covered by clouds of white air that were faintly visible.

The two palms collided with each other in an instant, and there was a muffled bang that suddenly exploded, and the surrounding flowers, plants and trees were immediately blown to pieces by a gust of wind.

Xu Wenchuan's brows suddenly tightened, and then his complexion changed, and he couldn't help but took a step back.Looking at Wu Qiujun again, he just shook his shoulders slightly, but his feet didn't move at all.

"You..." Xu Wenchuan's shock was no small matter, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

The two met once three years ago. At that time, both of them were still at the middle level of the eighth level of true qi, but Xu Wenchuan was a little stronger.But it's only been three years since Wu Qiujun broke through to the peak of the eighth level of true qi, and his cultivation base was in turn higher than Xu Wenchuan's. How could Xu Wenchuan not be shocked?

Wu Qiujun chuckled a few times, and said, "Brother, what have you been up to these past few years? Obviously, you haven't made any progress in your cultivation! Oh, by the way, your precious grandson is causing trouble everywhere and causing trouble for you, so he must have divided you." A lot of mind, right? No wonder, hehe..."

"Well, you Wu Qiujun, it seems that you came prepared today!" Xu Wenchuan's heart sank, Xu Yaoting is definitely not Duan Lengyan's opponent, this is enough to make him worry, but unexpectedly, even he himself Lost to Wu Qiujun.Could it be that the "Chengfeng Jue" in his hand is really going to lose to Wu Qiujun?

"Chengfeng Jue" combined with Wu Qiujun's own "Poyun Strategy", it is only a matter of time before Wu Qiujun breaks through the tenth level of true energy.At that time, no one will be able to stop Wu Qiujun's plan. At that time, the Qingyun Empire will be included in the territory of the Iron War Dynasty sooner or later, and the entire Dongxuan Continent will also be plunged into a bloody storm.No one knows better than Xu Wenchuan how ambitious he is as a junior.

"Speaking of this, then I don't need to hide it. The master's two great skills, "Chengfeng Jue" and "Poyun Strategy", were supposed to complement each other, but the old master did not You and I have to pass on one of the two unique skills, so that I will never be able to achieve the tenth level of true qi, it is really unreasonable! I have been struggling for 20 years of the 19-year contract, and I really can’t go on. Senior brother, you Or hand over the "Chengfeng Jue" to me now!"

"What if I refuse? Is it possible that you still dare to snatch it?" Xu Wenchuan snorted coldly and asked.

Wu Qiujun frowned, and said in a deep voice, "This is the Qingyun Empire, and it's your territory. How could I be so stupid as to kill myself? But you must not hand it over now, but you will delay it until a year later, hehe Hmph... Then my disciple Leng Yan will not show mercy, if you are not careful, you will have to bear the pain of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man!"

"Are you threatening me?" Xu Wenchuan asked angrily, holding back his anger.

"Hey... It should be said that I am helping you. You must be very upset to have such a disappointing grandson who has made you lose face? But no matter what, he is your only grandson. You probably couldn't bear to kill him. It's only natural for me, as a junior, to help. But having said that, your Xu family is only a single seedling. If it dies, your Xu Wenchuan's line of incense , but even if it is completely broken!"

"Enough! After a year, come again!"

"Xu Wenchuan, you really don't even want your grandson because of "Chengfeng Jue"?" Wu Qiujun obviously didn't expect Xu Wenchuan to be so stubborn.

"It's still the same sentence, a year is very long, anything can happen!"

"Ha! Even if Leng Yan doesn't move forward in cultivation from today, are you sure that your worthless grandson will raise his cultivation level from the first level of true qi to the fourth level of true qi within a year? Xu Wenchuan, I think you are Are you old and confused?"

"You should keep these nonsense to yourself, I don't want to hear it! Come and see off the guests!"

"Xu Wenchuan, you will regret it!"

"Get lost!" Xu Wenchuan stared at Wu Qiujun with a cold expression on his face.

"Okay! Then I'll wait another year. Just in time, I'll give you a year too, so that you can find a good coffin for your good grandson! Leng Yan, let's go!"

Duan Lengyan responded, but she didn't leave immediately. Instead, she saluted Xu Wenchuan again, saying "Lengyan resigns!" before turning around and leaving calmly.

Looking at Duan Lengyan, Xu Wenchuan felt really depressed.Such a good piece of material, but Wu Qiujun is cheaper, it is really annoying!

Thinking back to Xu Yaoting, Xu Wenchuan couldn't help sighing again.In terms of talent and aptitude, Xu Yaoting is not inferior to Duan Lengyan at all, but Xu Yaoting does not have the perseverance and sincerity of pursuing martial arts, let alone the hardships on the road of martial arts. Even the best physique is in vain !

In one year, if you want to raise Xu Yaoting to the same level as Duan Lengyan, just as Wu Qiujun said, it would be more practical to use this year to build a good coffin for Xu Yaoting...

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