Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 400 Confront Leng Shuangrong head-on!

Wan Dong's demeanor and expression were as if she, Leng Shuangrong, was an ignorant child who only knew how to fool around, and there was no need to pay attention to it at all, which made Leng Shuangrong's old face instantly turn livid.As a woman, she is very strong, and the face of herself and the Leng family is bigger than the sky.Relying on her extraordinary and holy cultivation, the entire Dongxuan Continent will give her face. How can she not be angry if she is directly ignored like today?

"You little bastard who is putting on airs, you should be beaten!" Leng Shuangrong couldn't bear it any longer, and with a snarl, she slashed out with her right palm, a palm force that was scorching hot like lava, gushing straight towards Wan Dong.

"Yao Ting be careful!" Seeing this situation, Xu Wenchuan and the others immediately raised their voices, and they all exclaimed.

"Get out of here!"

At this moment, Wan Dong seemed to be suppressing his anger, seeing Leng Shuangrong slamming his palm, followed by a lion's roar, followed by a golden wave of palm, which did not dodge or evade. Not twisting or twisting, as if the tip of a needle is facing a wheat awn, it goes up to meet it.

Facing a strong man with ten levels of true qi and perfection, if he were any other warrior, he might not even be able to muster the will to fight. Fortunately, Wan Dong came head-to-head, and you will be more fierce than me!All the people present were stunned, and even Leng Shuangrong's heart skipped a beat.


The muffled sound lifted the sky, and the smoke and dust filled the air!Wan Dong's figure stepped back three steps.This is common sense, but what everyone didn't expect was that Leng Shuangrong also took a step back.Although it was only one step, it was enough to make everyone dumbfounded.

To make a strong man in a perfect state retreat, let alone a step, even if it is only an inch, it is already very remarkable!

The entire Dingshan Prince's Mansion fell into a deathly silence in an instant. A very enthusiastic emotion was constantly brewing and seemed to explode at any time.Xu Wenchuan suddenly thought of the original agreement between Wan Dong and Leng Shuangrong, maybe Wan Dong could really defeat Leng Shuangrong!Thinking of this, the enthusiasm in Xu Wenchuan's heart became more and more turbulent.

Leng Shuangrong's eyes widened. The palm she met with Wan Dong just now was so powerful and mighty, it was really like a river hanging upside down, and the sky and the earth hanging upside down, so much so that she couldn't help feeling like she was in a dream. A sense of unreality.

"You..." Leng Yongsi was even more dumbfounded, staring blankly at Wan Dong, her face was sometimes surprised and sometimes excited, and she couldn't even speak.

Wan Dong let out a cold snort, ignored Leng Shuangrong who was stupefied, turned his head to look at Leng Yongsi, and asked in a deep voice, "Tell me quickly, where did Yue Cui go? Yue Cui mentioned it to me more than once. You, she respects and admires you, saying that you are the best sister in the world, so no matter where she goes, she will tell you about it."

"I underestimated you bastard!" Wan Dong desperately wanted to ask Leng Yuecui's whereabouts from Leng Yongsi's mouth, but Leng Shuangrong kept pestering her, and before Leng Yongsi could answer, Don't come up and make noise again.

Wan Dong's face immediately showed a strong look of boredom.This old woman has a surly and arrogant personality, and is more belligerent than a man. The key point is that she is self-righteous and unreasonable. She has taken up all the shortcomings of men and women.It is really sad that Leng Yuecui has such a grandma!

"It seems that you won't shut up until you are knocked down!"

It's no wonder Wan Dong doesn't respect the old and love the young, it's really Leng Shuangrong who relies on the old and sells the old, and doesn't respect the old!Since she had to tear herself apart in order to calm down the incident, Wan Dong decided and granted her wish.

What a domineering tone!Such a confident expression!Looking at the entire Dongxuan Continent, those who dared to say that they would bring down Leng Shuangrong could probably count them on the palm of their hand.

If it was before, Leng Yongsi would have thought Wan Dong was crazy when he heard Wan Dong say such a thing, but now, it's completely different.

"What a reckless little bastard! I want to see how capable you are!" Leng Shuangrong was completely enraged, her feet paused slightly, and the hard rocky ground under her feet instantly covered a radius of several feet. Turned into a powder as fine as sand grains.

Wu Qiujun and Xu Wenchuan couldn't help but looked at each other with nervous expressions.

Although Leng Shuangrong is an unworldly master, she seldom plays cards according to common sense.As soon as the words fell, with a wave of his right palm, he was the first to launch an offensive.A huge palm print with brilliant purple light burst out immediately, almost completely covering the entire Dingshan Palace.

The power like a blizzard and the murderous aura like a sea of ​​blood rolled around and spread out. Not to mention Wan Dong, even Xu Wenchuan and the others felt a great threat and pressure, and all the hairs on their bodies stood on end.

"Xu Yaoting, this..." Seeing that Leng Shuangrong was really angry, Leng Yongsi was full of worry.

Wan Dong nodded slightly at her, and with a push, an invisible soft force immediately wrapped around Leng Yongsi's figure, and flitted back to the side.Who knew that Leng Shuangrong, a crazy woman, would do crazy things once her eyes became red?

"Little bastard, today is your death day!"

Accompanied by Leng Shuangrong's coquettish scolding, the shadow of the palm that lifted the sky immediately rolled down towards Wan Dong.The thunder-like power caused a sensation in all directions, as if Wan Dong was about to be crushed into meatloaf.

Wan Dong, who was shrouded in the shadow of a huge palm, raised his sword eyebrows sharply, his body remained motionless, his body was spinning wildly, and golden rays of light came out through his body, like a peacock spreading its tail. , Gathered behind him a sacred and vast golden curtain of light that one dare not look directly at.

"Break!" Wan Dong's tongue burst into spring thunder, and he pointed out with both hands. The golden light curtain behind him immediately turned into a rain of thousands of arrows. Palm Shadow ran.

Both of their moves are majestic, powerful and breathtaking!Not only in the Dingshan Palace, but also many people outside the palace discovered this frightening confrontation, causing quite a commotion on the ground.


A streak of golden light kept bumping into the shadow of the palm, and then turned into golden light spots, scattering in all directions.That scene, like the waves hitting the rocks, was extraordinarily spectacular.

The huge purple palm shadow released by Leng Shuangrong seemed like a rock, unmoving, but with a little attention, it could be seen that the palm shadow was constantly shrinking, and its power was also constantly weakening.The trend of non-stop downward pressure had to come to a halt.

"He...he really blocked the gun attack!" Leng Yongsi couldn't help but gasped, her expression changed three times in an instant, and her brows were full of disbelief.

Although Leng Shuangrong didn't use all her strength at this time, at least she used [-]% of her strength.The previous fight with Wan Dong had already given Leng Shuangrong a good idea of ​​Wan Dong's cultivation, and she had already put away her contempt for Wan Dong.

With [-]% of Leng Shuangrong's cultivation base, she could kill almost any ninth-level middle-level powerhouse in seconds.Could it be said that Wan Dong's cultivation has already surpassed the Jiuzhong Intermediate?Leng Yongsi felt incredible because of this!

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