"Leng Shuangrong, Yaoting is the only blood of my Xu family, and it will be the glory of my Xu family in the future. If you kill him, I will make you pay the price even if I risk my life!" In Xu Wenchuan's mind , Xu Yaoting is a baby bump.It was when he was not up to date in the past, and it goes without saying now!

Leng Shuangrong snorted, not even trying to talk to Xu Wenchuan.It made Xu Wenchuan gnash his teeth angrily, but there was nothing he could do.Without a strong enough cultivation base to rely on, what you say will only be regarded as fart by others.

"Hahaha..." Just as everyone was worried about Wan Dong's situation, Wan Dong suddenly burst out laughing.The laughter was bold and hearty, straight into the sky, making Leng Shuangrong's heart skip a beat.

"Boy, you are dying, can you still laugh?"

As soon as Wan Dong stopped laughing, he looked Leng Shuangrong up and down with piercing eyes, and said in a condensed voice, "The true qi is very great and complete, it really is no small matter, today I really opened my eyes!"

"Since this is the case, then you should understand that in front of me, Leng Shuangrong, you have no chance at all! It's better to obediently restrain your hands, and I can still look at your grandpa's face and give you a good time!"

"No chance at all? I'm afraid it's not likely! Don't think that you can gain the upper hand because your cultivation base is slightly higher than mine! Today, I will completely defeat you and change your self-righteousness. Overbearing and unreasonable temperament!"

"Boy, you must have lost your mind, right? If you want to defeat me, you are still too early!"

Leng Shuangrong narrowed her eyes, and suddenly swept out her right palm. The strong palm force, like a huge wave swept by a strong wind, covered the sky and covered the earth. Not even the dross is left.

"Lang Bengzhang!?" Seeing this, Leng Yongsi was immediately taken aback.Leng Shuangrong was right, she really wanted to take Wan Dong's life.

"Damn old woman!" Xu Wenchuan was more anxious than Leng Yongsi, his eyes widened and his teeth were clenched. If Wu Qiujun hadn't held him down, he might have rushed up by now.

"Be safe and don't be impatient! I have confidence in Yao Ting!" Wu Qiujun snorted.

Xu Wenchuan was refreshed, and looked up at Wan Dong.Sure enough, in the face of Leng Shuangrong's terrific offensive, Wan Dong's face showed no trace of tension, calm and calm, as if everything was under his control.

Xu Wenchuan couldn't help feeling embarrassed for a while, Wan Dong seemed to be better than him in this composure.

Seeing Leng Shuangrong's palm approaching, Wan Dong's mouth suddenly turned up. He didn't collide with Leng Shuangrong head-on. Instead, his shoulders swayed slightly, and his figure disappeared in the local area like a ghost, avoiding Leng Shuangrong. Rong's sharpness.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!" Leng Shuangrong yelled coldly, folded her wrist, and suddenly changed her palm force. She immediately turned around and chased after Wan Dong with a frightening wave-like force. A posture of immortality.

"Escape? Hahaha..." Wan Dong, who was galloping ahead, let out a series of wild laughs, stood still suddenly, with his arms outstretched, and his palms swam away, drawing a circular trajectory in the air.A large piece of golden light erupted suddenly, like an indestructible shield, forcibly resisting Leng Shuangrong's palm strength.

"Hmph!" Leng Shuangrong seemed to have been on guard for a long time, she let out a cold snort, her true energy was blown away, and her offensive instantly increased by more than [-]%.The golden shield that Wan Dong offered was defeated in an instant.

"Boy, take your life!" As soon as the light shield was smashed, Leng Shuangrong's figure did not stop, and with a loud shout, Wan Dong was about to be turned into dust.

However, when the golden light had completely disappeared and Leng Shuangrong had no obstacles in front of her, she was shocked to find that Wan Dong's people had disappeared.

"Blindfolding!?" Leng Shuangrong couldn't help trembling, she never thought that Wan Dong would be so cunning, and he would calmly put her aside in such a difficult and dangerous situation just now.

Before Leng Shuangrong's exclamation fell to the ground, a clear laughter suddenly sounded from her right side. Leng Shuangrong hurriedly looked back, a pair of eyeballs almost jumped out of the eye sockets, Wan Dong pointed at her anxiously. With a wave, he was stabbing towards an acupuncture point on her waist.

The golden Dao Qi turned into finger wind and split the sky, causing Leng Shuangrong to feel a bit of chill in his heart immediately.

"Beautiful job!" Although, like Leng Shuangrong, he didn't see Wan Dong's moves and movements clearly, it can be seen that Wan Dong has changed from passive to active in this way, Xu Wenchuan couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted heavily.

"Unbelievable, really unbelievable..." Wu Qiujun was completely stunned, as if in a daze, he kept shaking his head and mumbling endlessly.

As for Duan Lengyan and Leng Yongsi, Wang Yangde was already dumbfounded, looking at Wan Dong was no different from looking at a god!

At this time, Leng Shuangrong was not only shocked, but also a little scared.The acupoint that Wan Dong's sword pointed at might be just an insignificant and common acupoint to others, but on Leng Shuangrong's body, it was a real fatal acupoint!

"Did he see something?" Leng Shuangrong shuddered a few times, only feeling that her whole body seemed to be wrapped in ice. "No... no, this kid is not that godly!"

Leng Shuangrong shook her head again and again, trying her best to calm down her mind.While hastily retracting the palm force that hit the air, he twisted his body vigorously, trying to avoid Wan Dong's finger.

After all, Leng Shuangrong is a martial artist in the realm of consummation, her reflexes are frighteningly fast, and her body skills are even more flexible. Even if she is passive, it is not easy for her to be restrained.There was an unimaginable twist in her figure, and Leng Shuangrong managed to avoid Wan Dong's fingering wind.

However, just when Leng Shuangrong was about to breathe a sigh of relief, that golden finger wind suddenly exploded without warning, turning into dozens of golden lights, which sputtered out, and the speed increased several times in an instant. times.

"This kid actually has backhands!?" Leng Shuangrong was so shocked by this situation that she almost fainted on the spot, and her face and eyes were completely occupied by an extremely intense inconceivable.

And Leng Shuangrong was even more shocked, even terrified, what was yet to come!

The dozens of golden lights that sputtered out, without exception, all aimed at the acupuncture points in her body that contained another kind of power.

At first, Leng Shuangrong thought that all of this was just a coincidence, and Wan Dong would never see through the secrets of her body, but in the current situation, Leng Shuangrong had no choice but to put away her luck. Also completely stunned.

"Why was Xu Yaoting able to see through his secrets? This stinky brat is so terrifying?!" A series of extremely violent explosions seemed to have occurred in Leng Shuangrong's mind, which made her a little dazed.

It was the death threat that came quickly that made her wake up quickly.If she was hit by these golden lights, her old life would be [-]% buried here.Leng Shuangrong had imagined countless ways to die, but she never thought that her life would end at the hands of a stinky kid. It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a taunt, or even a punishment!

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