"Not good!" But soon, everyone changed their faces again, and Xu Wenchuan couldn't help but let out a loud exclamation.

Wan Dong stood up again, which is a great thing, but the problem is that Wan Dong's position at this time is very wrong.He protected Leng Shuangrong, but could his flesh and blood bear the silver needles?

Wan Dong's behavior, no matter how you look at it, is suspected of self-sacrifice!

"Get out of the way!" Leng Shuangrong is indeed a master of the realm of perfection. When everyone was surprised, she was the first to react. With a cry of surprise, she stretched out her hand to forcefully pull Wan Dong away.

But before her hand touched Wan Dong, Wan Dong suddenly let out a cold shout, and immediately after that, a golden radiance shot up into the sky.

When the golden light came together, Leng Shuangrong was stunned.She is very close to Wan Dong, so her feeling is the strongest.The golden light that Wan Dong raised was more than twice as powerful as before.It seems... It seems that in this short period of time, Wan Dong has made a huge improvement again.

Leng Shuangrong's feeling is really correct, Wan Dong has really improved, and speaking of it, I have to thank Ping Feipeng.

The reason why Wan Dong dared to take Ping Feipeng's head-on blow head-on was because he had no other choice and was helpless, but also because he had something to rely on in his heart.And the biggest reliance is the unique characteristic of the Dao Qi he harbors - devouring!

The reason why Wan Dong's cultivation was able to improve so much is largely because he swallowed up the true energy of a large number of martial artists.Especially the Twelve Beast Kings and Jin Xidao benefited him the most.

Wan Dong's dao qi can swallow true qi, and quickly transform it for his own use. This has been verified by Wan Dong several times.But whether he can transform Dao Qi, Wan Dong has no idea in his heart.Frustrated by being bi before, Wan Dong had no choice but to grit his teeth and take a risk.The result surprised him!

Wan Dong's Dao Qi not only completely devoured Ping Feipeng's Dao Qi, but the conversion efficiency was astonishing.In the past, only [-]% or [-]% of true qi can be transformed into half or [-]% of Dao qi.However, Ping Feipeng's Dao Qi can be converted at a ratio of three to one, or even two to one. For Wan Dong, it is simply the best tonic for breaking through the iron shoes.

Only then did Ping Feipeng forcefully slap Wan Dong's cultivation to the peak of the Ninth Layer!This made Wan Dong himself very surprised and pleasantly surprised!

However, Wan Dong also suffered a lot because of this, Ping Feipeng's Dao Qi was very fierce and domineering, rushing into his body, like a crazy trapped animal, rampaging, the pain is really indescribable.

Therefore, even if he knew that Xu Wenchuan rushed towards Ping Feipeng in a fit of anger, he couldn't make a sound to stop him.Because at that time, as long as he was distracted, he might fall short.Not to mention trying to stop Xu Wenchuan.

Just when Leng Shuangrong and everyone were stunned, the golden light released by Wan Dong collided with dozens of silver needle lights.Like floating blood floating into boiling water, those silver glows disappeared in an instant.Not even a single hair of Wan Dong was hurt, and Leng Shuangrong was even more unharmed.

"How...how did this happen?" The relaxation and complacency on Ping Feipeng's face finally froze, and there was an unusually strong look of surprise in his eyes.

"Hmph... Old guy, you didn't expect it? Let me tell you, what you didn't expect is still to come!" Facing Ping Feipeng again, Wan Dong's confidence skyrocketed like never before. Become extremely strong!In his eyes, Ping Feipeng at this time is not only an enemy, but also an excellent supplement that cannot be missed!

Wan Dong has reached the peak of the Nine Layers, and his actual combat power has already surpassed Leng Shuangrong.At this moment, even if Leng Shuangrong didn't have so many dead spots to exploit, she was no longer Wan Dong's opponent.

Turning his head to look at Leng Shuangrong with a complicated complexion, Wan Dong frowned and said, "Leave this old guy to me, you can take care of everyone."

"You...alone?" Leng Shuangrong was taken aback for a moment.

Wan Dong raised his eyebrows, and said with a sneer, "I am enough!"

I don't know if it was infected by the self-confidence emanating from Wan Dong, but Leng Shuangrong didn't raise any more objections, and retreated happily, returning to the side of Leng Yuecui and Leng Yongsi sisters.

"Grandma, are you okay?" The two sisters hurriedly supported Leng Shuangrong, one on the left and the other on the right.

Leng Shuangrong couldn't help exhaling a long breath, shook her head with a bitter expression, and murmured, "If it wasn't because of that kid, I'm afraid it would be hard to say."

Glancing at Wan Dong, Leng Shuangrong couldn't help showing a smile on her face, and thought to herself, this kid is not forgiving, but his intentions are good, otherwise he wouldn't save me.

"Grandma, Yao Ting...can he defeat that old guy?" Leng Yuecui looked worried.The scene of Wan Dong being sent flying by Ping Feipeng's palm just now was still shaking in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but not worry.

Leng Shuangrong shook her head lightly, and said slowly, "I don't know, but I believe him!"

"Grandma, you..." In Leng Yuecui's memory, it was the first time Leng Shuangrong said such words, and she was slightly surprised.But then a gentle smile appeared on his face.Although her grandma is surly, she is also very simple.As long as she is strong, she can get her respect!Presumably Wan Dong has used his own strength to obtain her approval!

"Boy, you just escaped a catastrophe by chance, and you still want to come to die?" Ping Feipeng's eyes were gloomy, and his expression was extremely serious.

Ping Feipeng would never have imagined that he was so serious about a nameless boy in a small mundane world.

"Death? Soon you will know who died!"

"Very good! Let me see if you have nine lives!"

As soon as the words fell, Ping Feipeng's figure turned into a silver thread and shot towards Wan Dong.Ping Feipeng, who became serious, became even more terrifying.Among other things, this speed alone is enough to shock the people present!


Even though Wan Dong was quite prepared, his reaction was still a beat slow, and he was swept away by Ping Feipeng's palm.Streams of vigor shone with silver light, rushing towards Wan Dong's body like a flood of beasts.

In this scene, only Leng Shuangrong and the others were shocked and inexplicably horrified!

Leng Shuangrong, Xu Wenchuan, and Wu Qiujun have all personally experienced how domineering Ping Feipeng's Dao Qi is.With such a domineering power pouring into the body crazily, I am afraid that the meridians and internal organs will be turned into powder in a matter of minutes?

"This... this old guy is too poisonous, right?" Seeing Wan Dong fell to the ground, Leng Yuecui couldn't help cursing bitterly.

Leng Shuangrong sighed, and said, "Ping Feipeng is not ruthless, he regards the lives of us ordinary people as worthless! He kills at every turn and has no mercy! I have seen through these things a long time ago, but I don't know What kind of evil was caught, not only refused to rein in the precipice, but seemed to be in a daze, and wanted to cling to them with all my heart. Speaking of it, I would like to thank Xu Yaoting, if he didn't wake me up, I don't know what to do next, what will I do? What went wrong!"

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