Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 413 The way of the ancient 1 person's promotion!

" are you guys, my fists are delicious enough?" Ping Feipeng seemed to have gotten infinite pleasure from the process of torturing Wan Dong, and his face was almost covered with a ferocious smile.

While shaking his hands, Wan Dong patted his chest lightly, as if dusting off.He said faintly, "You don't put gold on your face anymore. With this little strength, are you going to slap me in the ashes?"

"What a stubborn kid! How many punches can you hold?"


With a muffled sound, Wan Dong flew out again.

Ping Feipeng's punch hit Wan Dong's body and Xu Wenchuan's heart at the same time.Such a heavy fist, even just one punch, he couldn't bear it, but Wan Dong didn't know how many punches he had suffered until now.I don't know how many tears I have shed from heartache.Even Wu Qiujun, who was holding onto him tightly, seemed to have reached his limit, holding onto Xu Wenchuan's hand, trembling all the time.

But Duan Lengyan, Leng Yuecui, Leng Yongsi and the other girls had already turned their heads to the side, unable to bear to look any further.Even the sound of thumping fists hitting flesh was a great torture to their ears.

"Boy, if you beg me now, I'll give you a good time!" Ping Feipeng said coldly, looking at Wan Dong, who had been knocked down countless times by him, and stood up again.

"Ping Feipeng, after all, you are from the Daoist world. How can you act so shamelessly? Are you too unmannered to face the backs of a small, mundane world? If you still have some sense of shame, stop Tortured him, give him a good time, let me fight to the death with you!"

"Grandma, you... what are you talking about?" Leng Shuangrong had just finished speaking, and before Ping Feipeng could answer, Leng Yuecui called out first.

Leng Shuangrong's face was full of bitterness, she shook her head, and murmured, "Yuecui, not only Yaoting is going to die today, I'm afraid that each of us can leave alive. Rather than doing this, it's better to let Yaoting feel happy first Let's go, lest we suffer so much in vain..."

"Ah..." Hearing what Leng Shuangrong said, Leng Yuecui also fell into great conflict and pain.She was reluctant to let Wan Dong die, but watching Wan Dong suffer like this, her heart ached like a knife.

Leng Yuecui felt the cruelty of fate for the first time!

"Shut up! It's not your turn to teach me a lesson!" Ping Feipeng sternly reprimanded, extremely arrogant!

"Yeah! I haven't played enough yet!" As soon as Ping Feipeng finished speaking, Wan Dong also opened his mouth to say something.

At this moment, he really wanted to slap Leng Shuangrong to Siberia. He had worked so hard to play, teased Ping Feipeng, and seeing his cultivation base improve at an astonishing speed, he was enjoying himself, but Leng Shuangrong actually Persuading Ping Feipeng to give himself a good time, what is it if it's not looking for a draw?

Fortunately, she is still a martial artist in the Consummation Realm, so her eyesight is so poor!Ping Feipeng didn't see it, it was because the authorities were fans!You, Leng Shuangrong, a bystander, are also fascinated by it, so it shouldn't be!

If Leng Shuangrong could be more careful, she would definitely discover a strange thing.That is, after Wan Dong was knocked to the ground by Ping Feipeng's punch, he stood up faster and faster.In the past, Wan Dong often had to struggle for a long time before he could stand up again, but now, Wan Dong almost fell to the ground, and stood up again in the next second.If Wan Dong was really dying, how could such a phenomenon happen?

On the contrary, Wan Dongfei has not reached the point where he is dying, but his condition is getting better and better.With the intrusion of a large amount of Dao Qi from Ping Feipeng, Wan Dong's cultivation was growing crazily almost every second, and the speed of Dao Qi transformation increased even more.If it took Wan Dong a minute or two to transform and absorb the Dao Qi contained in Ping Feipeng's punch, now Wan Dong only needs a few breaths.

And with Wan Dong's cultivation soaring, the damage caused by Ping Feipeng's punch has also been greatly reduced.At this moment, Wan Dong was far less miserable than he appeared on the surface!

To improve one's cultivation by being beaten, not to mention the ordinary world, even in the Daoist world, Wan Dong is the same person through the ages!

Wan Dong scolded Leng Shuangrong in his heart, only thought that the bystanders were clear, but ignored the chaos of those who cared!

But it's not Wan Dong's fault, because perhaps even Leng Shuangrong herself would never have imagined that she would care so much about Wan Dong that even her always sharp judgment and insight would be affected.

It's not an easy task for someone who hates him so much to care about him, but Wan Dong managed it with his unyielding will and strength!

"Yao Ting! What Leng Shuangrong said is right. Since there is death in the end, it is better to die vigorously! We all fight side by side with you, and fight this old bastard!" Xu Wenchuan couldn't hold back for a long time, and roared like thunder.

This time, even Wu Qiujun no longer stopped him, but was eager to try.As soon as Wan Dong agreed, he risked his life to fly peacefully!

Duan Lengyan, Wang Yangde, Leng Yuecui, and Leng Yongsi, the four younger generations, have nothing to say, they are gearing up and ready to make a move at any time!

"Wow! Hahaha... Let me get rid of you all at once, so as to save trouble!"

"Don't move!" Wan Dong suddenly yelled, no matter what, he couldn't let Xu Wenchuan and the others come up to his death, and they would give Ping Feipeng a back for nothing!

Seeing everyone's suspicious and earnest expressions, Wan Dong's expression was unprecedentedly resolute, he gritted his teeth word by word and said, "This old guy's life is mine, I'm going to decide it! None of you are allowed to come up to make trouble, all of you will retreat!" back!"

"Yao Ting, don't..."

"Grandpa! If you don't listen to me, I... I will kill myself now!"

"Ah! Don't, don't, I... I can't listen to you!"

Retiring everyone with death, Wan Donghuo turned his head to look at Ping Feipeng, and said coldly, "You and I continue!"

Ping Feipeng frowned, waved his hand violently, and shouted, "Okay! This seat has had enough, this boring game, let's stop here! Go to hell!"

"What!?" Wan Dong was afraid of this, and his complexion suddenly changed.

Ping Feipeng really lost his patience, and before Wan Dong's exclamation fell to the ground, his palms were pushed out at the same time.This palm, to say the least, condensed [-]% of the Dao Qi of Ping Fei Peng. A palm that was as thick as a bucket, shining with a frightening cold light, pierced through the air, and unexpectedly rolled up roads and roads with roars like landslides. Wan Dong's chest hit him.

Wan Dong's mind suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley, the power of this palm, at least to say, could match his previous dozens of punches, and it made his scalp numb.

But at this juncture, Wan Dong has no other choice but to fight recklessly.

His expression tensed up to the extreme in an instant, and the Dao Qi in his body moved wildly like a stormy sea.Pieces of golden light jumped out, changing the color of the entire world.At the same time, a huge and decisive force swept across the whole field, shocking people's hearts!

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