Looking at the two sisters who were tightly hugging each other, Leng Shuangrong felt a wave of fear in her heart.If it was another moment at night... Leng Shuangrong didn't dare to think about it anymore, her whole body seemed to be wrapped in ice, from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, she was constantly breathing cold air.

"Grandma, your injury..." Seeing that Leng Yongsi was safe and sound, Leng Yuecui finally calmed down, and immediately looked at Leng Shuangrong with a bit of concern in her eyes.

Leng Yongsi was no exception, her nervous and concerned eyes looked like someone who had just experienced life and death, not her.This made Leng Shuangrong feel even more embarrassed.Her two granddaughters are not only well-behaved, but also filial!I don't know that it is the blessings that Leng Shuangrong has cultivated in several lifetimes, but she didn't cherish them properly before.

Leng Shuangrong shook her head, and was about to hold the two precious granddaughters together in her arms when Ping Feipeng let out an incomparably shrill scream, which really startled her.

Looking back, I saw a figure that was not considered small, but it was like a ball that was kicked and rushed into the air more than ten feet high.And under Ping Feipeng's body was Wan Dong with a grim and angry face!

From the looks of it, Wan Dong's anger was even three points more intense than Leng Shuangrong's.That angrily kick, to say the least, gathered more than [-]% of his strength, and it's strange that he can bear it with the current half-dead Pingfei Canopy.

The reason why Wan Dong was so angry was because he didn't expect that Ping Feipeng would still be stubborn at this time.If something happened to the Leng family sisters because of his carelessness, I'm afraid he will live in the shadows all his life.

Before the figure of the Pingfei Canopy fell, Wan Dong's five fingers on his right hand snapped together, and a piece of golden light suddenly rose into the sky, like a golden big, covering the Pingfei Canopy entirely.

"No! You can't kill me, no..."

The mid-air was filled with mournful and desperate roars from the Pingfei Peng, but Wan Dong's expression was always icy and unmoved.The golden light was created overnight, like a raging fire engulfing soft silk. In the blink of an eye, the Ping Fei Peng was reduced to nothingness in this golden light, without leaving even a single trace, and was wiped out by Wan Dong in one fell swoop!

"Well done! A bastard like this deserves to end like this!" Xu Wenchuan clenched his fists and shouted loudly.

Although Wu Qiujun and the others didn't make a sound, they all showed a happy expression on their faces.

But Leng Shuangrong frowned slightly, and said in a dignified voice, "Although Ping Feipeng is just a minion, he has a very good relationship with the Ping family in the Tiandao League, so he was given the surname Ping. He is dead, and the Ping family is afraid." I won’t let it go.”

Speaking of this, Leng Shuangrong couldn't help sighing, her face was full of self-blame.If it wasn't for her being too high-minded and wanting to level up Gao Zhi's family, where would there be all these troubles?Really hurt others!

"Senior Leng, what is the origin of the Heavenly Daoist League?" Wan Dong didn't take the Ping family seriously, but he wanted to take this opportunity to learn more about the Daoist world from Leng Shuangrong.

Leng Shuangrong's slightly raised crescent eyebrows tightened again, and then she slowly said, "There is no concept of a country in the Daoist world, but there are independent sects! These sects are based on their power. They are divided into upper, middle and lower classes. According to Ping Feipeng, even the least powerful and inferior sect is enough to easily destroy our entire Qingyun Empire!"

"Aren't you bragging?" Xu Wenchuan was stunned for a moment, and then he said something.

The rest of the people also looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to accept Leng Shuangrong's words for a while.

Leng Shuangrong said with a bitter expression, "At first I also thought it was bragging, but you see, Ping Feipeng is just a little guy, according to the judgment standard of Daomen Great World, his cultivation base is only yellow mid-level, and he is already so powerful. And in a lower sect, there are hundreds or even thousands of people like him."

As soon as Leng Shuangrong said this, everyone immediately fell silent.Hundreds of thousands of flat flying canopies, even if the Qingyun Empire has millions of cavalry, it may not be able to resist.Not to mention, people like Pingfei Peng are just handymen with the weakest cultivation!If there is only one of those real Daoist masters to make a move, it may be enough for the entire Qingyun Empire to drink a pot.

"And the Tiandao League is a mid-level sect! A mid-level sect is at least ten times stronger than a low-level sect!"

As soon as Leng Shuangrong said these words, everyone couldn't help feeling cold in their hearts.Zhentian Daomeng is really a colossal, terrifying existence!

While everyone looked at each other and turned pale, only Wan Dong's face remained calm, without a single ripple.Leng Shuangrong, who was looking directly at him, was speechless. This Wan Dong is so young, but he has cultivated a calm and calm body, which is really amazing!

As everyone knows, Wan Dong is not surprised when the sky falls, but he is used to it.Li Baiyi has already taught him a lesson, he even understands the horror of the Taoist world better than Leng Shuangrong.You know, Ping Feipeng is a minion, but Li Baiyi is not, he is a real strong man in the Daoist world!

In addition to being familiar with it, Wan Dong's heart is filled with infinite confidence and fiery belief.With Xuantian Enlightenment Jue, which is a high-end and high-grade cultivation method, and the persistent belief in reuniting with the one you love, no matter how scary the world of Daomen is, Wan Dong still wants to break through!

"Senior Leng, was the Tiandao League founded by the Ping family?" Wan Dong asked calmly when everyone was terrified.

Leng Shuangrong was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "No! The Heavenly Dao League seems to be founded by several families, and the Ping family is only one of them. However, according to Ping Feipeng, the Ping family plays a very important role in the Tiandao League. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Tiandaomeng to expend huge manpower and material resources to send him to the ordinary world."

Hearing what Leng Shuangrong said, a sneer appeared on Wan Dong's face. Since the Tiandao League was founded by several big families, it cannot be monolithic!

"Senior Leng, you said that the Pingfei Canopy was sent to the mortal world after spending a lot of manpower and material resources from the Tiandao League?"

"Exactly! According to Ping Feipeng, there are only two ways to get from the Daoist world to the ordinary world. One is to find the connecting passages between the two worlds. It's just that these passages are very secret on the one hand, and There are countless super terrifying beasts. Many of these beasts are remnants of ancient times. They are extremely ferocious and terrifying. Some of them can't even be dealt with by the strongest people in the Taoist world. Therefore, I want to use these passages to come to the ordinary world Very dangerous, almost impossible!"

"Could it be... are all the legends true?" Xu Wenchuan and Wu Qiujun looked at each other and murmured.

Regarding the Daomen Great World, it is actually recorded in many classics in the ordinary small world.However, because these records are completely beyond the cognition of ordinary people, and it is not easy for people in the Daoist world to travel to and from the small world, people rarely see these "living gods" to confirm them, making these records even more unfounded Ke Yi, who was finally classified as absurd and misty legend by people, has the right to be used as a source of novelty, but he doesn't believe it.

At this time, I suddenly discovered that these absurd records were all facts. No wonder Wu Qiujun and Xu Wenchuan had such expressions.

Leng Shuangrong nodded, and then said, "The second method, according to Daomen Great World, is to build a teleportation array. This teleportation array has incomparably huge and magical power, which can directly transport people from the Daomen World to ordinary people." Small world. Compared with passing through the passages occupied by fierce beasts, this method is undoubtedly very safe, but it is also extremely expensive! The establishment of the teleportation array requires countless resources of heaven and earth, and a low-level sect It is simply unbearable, and for a middle-level sect, it is definitely not a small burden!"

Teleportation array?Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, all with blank faces.Not to mention the real thing, even the name, they have never heard of it.

However, this teleportation array can directly teleport people from the Daoist world to the ordinary world, which is really amazing, and it is normal to spend some resources!Think about an inferior sect that looks like a colossus to mortals, it can't even afford it, it really is extremely expensive!

"The Ping family has gone through so much trouble and expended so much manpower and material resources. It seems that they don't value Sister Leng in general!" Wan Dong frowned slightly, and said in a concentrated voice.

Leng Shuangrong shook her head, with a look of resentment, and said, "At first, I thought so too, but later Ping Feipeng told the truth when he was drunk. The Lord fell in love with Yongsi, but because of Yongsi's innate special physique, if used to make a cauldron, it will make the young master of the Ping family's cultivation more effective!"

The saying of cauldron furnace is not only found in the big world of Daoism, but also in the small world of mortals!To put it bluntly, it is to collect yin and supplement yang!As a cauldron, like a woman, she has no status at all, and it has nothing to do with love!No wonder Leng Shuangrong looked annoyed when she mentioned this matter!

"The Ping family acted so viciously, it's really abominable! It's a waste of us mortals to regard them as gods and pay homage to them!" Xu Wenchuan clenched his fists and said bitterly.

"What kind of god? The so-called Daoist people are actually no different from us? It's just that when they were born, their starting point was slightly higher than ours!"

Wan Dong looked disdainful!Don't talk about others, just talk about this Pingfei Peng. In terms of qualifications, it is inferior to everyone present!Compared with Wang Yangde, a mortal genius like Duan Lengyan is even worse!The reason why he can have such a high level of cultivation is only because the Taoist world is rich in all kinds of natural materials and treasures, and he has mastered the Dao Qi by relying on the mysterious and superior cultivation formulas.If he was born in a small mundane world, he would at most be an ordinary person digging up grass and dung!

"That's what I said, but if the Ping family really came to trouble us because of Ping Feipeng's death, it would be terrible!" Not only Xu Wenchuan was worried, but everyone else was also worried.

Although everyone is very disdainful of the way people in the Taoist sect behave, the means and supernatural powers of the people in the Taoist sect are really not something that mortals like them can resist...

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