"Xinyi, I don't need him! It's always a one-time death, so what's the difference? Xu Yaoting, if you want to threaten me with this, you've made a mistake!" Bai Die sneered, There is really such a posture of swearing to death.

"Don't you think I dare not?" Wan Dong raised his eyebrows and asked coldly.

"You, Xu Yaoting, dare to do things like rebellious ministers and thieves, what else can you not dare to do?"

"You..." Wan Dong was so annoyed by Bai Die that he couldn't laugh or cry, this smelly and stubborn woman is really not very cute.

As a result, Wan Dong couldn't hold back, and his murderous aura immediately vented.Everyone relaxed, and Wan Dong let Bai Die go.

"Aren't you going to hand me over to Qiu Wanli?" Bai Die asked with a surprised face.

Wan Dong chuckled, and said in a deep voice, "I'm really afraid that I'll become a traitor! I'm fine, but if I tarnish my grandfather's reputation, then I will commit a heinous crime!"

"Yao Ting, you can understand the general situation like this. I am really happy for your grandfather! The Xu family is lucky to have a grandson like you!" Seeing that Wan Dong is no longer in trouble with Bai Die, Sun Daobai is really relieved. in one breath.

"Since you don't want to be a traitor, you should treat my father's illness!" But Princess Baidie brought up the old story at this time, which made Sun Daobai's heart tugged again immediately.He even made a few winks at Baidie, but Baidie didn't pay any attention to it.Once this girl becomes stubborn, she will be really hard to deal with!

Seeing Wan Dong's face obviously showing displeasure, Sun Daobai hurriedly said, "Or else, at worst, I will risk my old life and extend the life of His Majesty the Emperor for another seven days! When the time comes, Yao Ting will be sure of you!" It should be a little bit bigger, right?"

"Grandpa Sun, I think you are at the end of your strength, how can you live another seven days for His Majesty the Emperor?" Wan Dong asked with a frown as he looked at Sun Daobai's pale and weak face.

"Don't worry about it, I have my own way!" Sun Daobai waved his hands, his expression very resolute.

Wan Dong was suspicious, and Sun Xiaoya who was beside him suddenly exclaimed, "Grandpa, don't you want to activate the 'bleeder'!?"

"Hush! Little girl doesn't understand, don't talk nonsense!" Sun Daobai hurriedly turned his head and gave Sun Xiaoya a hard look, and scolded.

"Bleeding?" Sun Daobai scolded Sun Xiaoya, and Wan Dong immediately realized that Sun Xiaoya was right on point.

"Grandpa! Don't lie to me. Apart from this, there is no other way for you to help His Majesty survive. I... I will never promise you to do this, never!" Sun Xiaoya and Sun Daobai have lived together for many years, Knowing Sun Daobai's character very well, he immediately shook his head and said, because he was too anxious, his eyes even had a layer of moisture, as if he was about to cry at any time!

Sun Daobai waved his hands at Sun Xiaoya again and again, signaling her to stop talking, but Sun Xiaoya refused, hugging Sun Daobai's arm, begging continuously.

"Xiaoya, what is hemorrhage?" Wan Dong opened his mouth and asked.

Sun Xiaoya's eyes widened, and she suddenly realized that the only one who could stop Sun Daobai from using the hemorrhage gun was Wan Dong.Immediately replied, "This blood removal method is a special formula designed to stimulate people's potential. Once used, it can transform all the blood essence in the whole body into true energy, thus making a person who has exhausted his true energy , Instant recovery..."

"Xiaoya, it's none of your business here, you are not allowed to say any more, you get out!" Sun Daobai's face turned cold suddenly, and he yelled at Sun Xiaoya sharply.

In Wan Dong's impression, it seemed that Sun Daobai was so strict with Sun Xiaoya for the first time!

"Grandpa, I..."

"Why, how dare you not listen to Grandpa's words?" Before Sun Xiaoya finished speaking, Sun Daobai yelled again, which made Sun Xiaoya's delicate body tremble and weep softly.

Seeing this scene, Wan Dong immediately took a step forward, stood in front of Sun Xiaoya, glanced at Sun Daobai, and then said, "Xiaoya, don't worry about it, just tell me, what is this blood-sucking body? What a name!"

"Yao Ting, you..."

Sun Daobai was about to speak, but Wan Dong's firm gaze forced him to swallow the words that came to his lips.In terms of power and influence, although Wan Dong is young, his ten great and consummate realms are by no means something Sun Daobai can resist.

With Wan Dong relying on her, and because she was worried about Sun Daobai, Sun Xiaoya went on to say, "Although this bleeding gun is overbearing, it will cause endless troubles! Once it is used, it will not exceed three days at most, and the person who uses it will be full of blood. Bleeding to death, directly turning into a mummy!"

"What!" As soon as Sun Xiaoya said this, Princess Baidie and Tang Xinyi shuddered, and even Wan Dong was taken aback.

"Grandpa Sun, this bleeding body is so evil, you... how can you practice?" Wan Dong asked Sun Daobai with a puzzled expression.

Sun Daobai let out a wry smile, and said slowly, "Bleeding blood is just a martial arts formula, and it is not a human being. How can there be any evil or kindness? In fact, after I became a teacher, I learned it the first time. It's this bloody ****!"

"Ah? This...why is this?" Wan Dong became more and more puzzled.Princess Baidie and the others also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Sun Daobai raised his voice and said, "Haven't you heard the words 'sacrifice one's life for benevolence'? As a doctor, if you can't even do the four words 'sacrifice one's life for benevolence', what kind of doctor is it? Back then, my master taught me 'Blood removal' is for today, to use one's own life to continue the lives of others. This is the way of a doctor, and it is also the honor of a doctor! Just like a soldier longing to die on the battlefield, if a doctor can use his own It is also a very happy thing to exchange the life of the patient for the life of the patient!"

After hearing what Sun Daobai said, Wan Dong was at a loss for words for a long time.If what Sun Daobai said is true, this bleeding woman is not only not evil, but on the contrary is supremely noble and admirable!

"So, you all don't need to be sad for me. On the contrary, you should be happy for me, because the old man has finally found his home. If you can save His Majesty the Emperor, it is equivalent to saving the people of the world. With such immeasurable merit, even if the old man dies Jurong! Hahaha..."

"Xu Yaoting, did you hear that? Sun Yisheng is truly great!" Princess Baidie looked at Wan Dong and said sarcastically.

"What qualifications do you have to teach me? All you think about is the life of your father and the ups and downs of the royal family. How have you ever cared about the world? Although I, Xu Yaoting, can't be called great, I have never done it for myself. self-interest, to persecute others!"

"You..." As soon as Wan Dong said this, Bai Die blushed immediately, but she had nothing to refute for a while.

"Okay, okay, stop bickering, you two. Yao Ting, just now Xiaoya also said that once I activate the hemorrhoid, I only have three days to live. In addition, His Majesty the Emperor can still persist for three days." , it adds up to six days! I can only fight for you for six days, and the rest is up to you."

Sun Daobai patted Wan Dong on the shoulder, his eyes full of hope.

Seeing that Sun Daobai was so determined to use the 'bleeding gun', how could Sun Xiaoya agree?He rushed over and hugged Sun Daobai, crying, "No! Grandpa, I don't want you to die, no!"

Sun Daobai gently stroked Sun Xiaoya's beautiful hair, and said with a smile: "Silly girl, didn't I just say that this is God's will, it is Grandpa's home, you should be happy for Grandpa. After Grandpa is gone, how much do you want?" According to Yaoting's words, Grandpa believes that he will take care of you better than me!"

"Grandpa, what are you talking about? Xu Yaoting is a big villain who does all kinds of evil. If you hand me over to her, isn't that pushing me into the pit of fire? I don't care, I won't do it! Woooooo..."

Sun Daobai raised his head to look at Xu Yaoting with some embarrassment and said, "Xiaoya has a bit of a temper, but her intentions are not bad. For my sake, please take more care of her in the future."

"Don't, don't, don't, don't! Your granddaughter is simply a little devil in the world, and I can't take care of you. You have no reason to trick me!" Wan Dong waved his hands and shook his head like a rattle.

Sun Daobai stared, looked at Wan Dong in amazement, and said in disbelief, "You boy, I'm about to die, and you even want to shirk such a trivial matter?"

"Hehe...Grandpa Sun, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately! I see that you, old dragon and horse, are energetic and refreshed. It is not a problem to live another hundred or eighty years. How can you die?"

"Live another hundred and eighty years? Wouldn't that be an old monster?"

"What old monster? He is a living god in the world! Haha..."

"Okay, okay! The old man is not in the mood to joke with you now, you just say, are you willing to take good care of Xiaoya for me?"

"Is there any way you can save my grandpa from dying?" Before Wan Dong could answer, Sun Xiaoya seemed to have realized something suddenly. She ran up to Wan Dong, stared straight into his eyes, and asked tenderly.

"I don't care, you'd better find a way! Otherwise, I'll kill you with one sword!" Sun Xiaoya asked anxiously, and answered faster, and Wan Dong never had a chance to speak.

Looking at Sun Xiaoya's 'murderous' beautiful eyes, Wan Dong really couldn't laugh or cry, daring to love women in the world is one thing.

"Xiaoya, are you messing around again?" Hearing what Sun Xiaoya said, Sun Daobai also smiled wryly.Before, he secretly praised Sun Xiaoya for being more reliable than Baidie at critical moments, but now it seems that he thinks highly of this girl.

"Grandpa, why am I messing around? You see this kid is smiling so wickedly. I guess he must have a plan."

"Oh?" Hearing what Sun Xiaoya said, Sun Daobai came back to his senses, and looked at Wan Dong suspiciously.

Wan Dong raised his voice and said, "Grandpa Sun, I just heard you say that the biggest miracle of this hemorrhage test is that it can make a person recover instantly when the true energy is exhausted! In other words, if you are full of true energy now, grandpa , can extend the life of His Majesty the Emperor for a few more days, right?"

Sun Daobai didn't know why Wan Dong asked this question, but he nodded very seriously, and said, "In the past ten days, His Majesty's illnesses have occurred frequently, which has caused my true energy to be severely depleted, and I have no time to adjust my breath to recover. It is close to the time when the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry. If His Majesty's illness flares up a few more times, and when my true energy is completely exhausted, then I will be powerless. It is not so much that His Majesty can't last three days, it's better It's true that I can't last three days!"

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