Hearing Wu Daozi's angry shout, Xu Wenchuan was moved, but Tang Xinyi was dumbfounded.Never thought that the reason why Wu Daozi was so angry was to stand up for Xu Yaoting. When did Xu Yaoting and Wu Daozi get so close?

Not allowing Tang Xinyi to think about it, Wu Daozi launched an offensive again, walking side by side with Xu Wenchuan, offering tens of thousands of energy intertwined with light and dark, and rolled towards Wu Qiu's army layer by layer.

Although Wu Qiujun's cultivation base is high, it has not yet reached the level of being able to fight against two. Under the joint siege of Wu Daozi and Xu Wenchuan, Wu Qiujun's situation is becoming more and more dangerous every moment. It is difficult for Shanwang Mansion.

After the previous encounter, no matter how anxious Duan Lengyan was at this time, she didn't dare to rush forward rashly, she just walked around in a hurry like ants on a hot pot.

"Prince Xu, Mr. Wu, today is indeed Leng Yan's fault. Leng Yan is willing to take out ten blood steel rough stones from the Tianbao Pavilion. It is Leng Yan's kindness as compensation. Please stop quickly , if the quarrel hurts both sides, then Leng Yan's crime will be even greater."

"Prince Xu, what do you think?" Wu Daozi and Xu Wenchuan joined forces to suppress Wu Qiujun. There is no problem, but it will be very difficult to defeat and kill him.What's more, Wu Qiujun didn't want to break his face with Wu Daozi completely, and he always kept a bit of face in his hands. If he was really anxious, Wu Daozi and Xu Wenchuan might not feel well either.Wu Daozi frowned and asked Xu Wenchuan.

"20 yuan!" Xu Wenchuan is not a person who likes to cheat, but Wu Qiujun is an exception.Seize the opportunity, not only to knock, but also to kill!

"Xu Wenchuan, you..." Wu Qiujun's eyes burst into flames from anger.

Duan Lengyan opened her mouth without hesitation and said, "20 yuan is 20 yuan! But this blood steel rough stone, as you all know, if you don't break it, no one knows if it contains the most precious blood steel. For 20 yuan blood steel rough stone, you need two The two seniors choose by themselves, if they are chosen, Leng Yan congratulates them, but if they make a wrong choice, please don't be upset, today's matter will still be written off!"

Xu Wenchuan and Wu Daozi looked at each other, and they couldn't help frowning.

In Dongxuan Continent, blood steel is absolutely the most precious metal, what gold and silver, compared with blood steel, is like a rotten stone, inconspicuous.This blood steel is a kind of magical metal bred by the essence of heaven and earth. As long as a piece of blood steel the size of a baby's fist can instantly turn an ordinary long sword into a magic sword that cuts iron like mud. .Therefore, for martial arts practitioners, blood steel cannot be described as precious.

It’s just that the blood-steel rough stones usually only exist hundreds or even thousands of meters deep underground, so it’s difficult to dig out. In addition, among the ten blood-steel rough stones, there is at best one that can breed blood-steel, and the number is extremely rare. , which makes the value of blood steel extremely precious.Even if it's just a piece of blood steel the size of a baby's fist, it's definitely not something that ordinary warriors can afford.

If you don't buy the ready-made blood steel that has been cut from the original stone, then there is only one way to get the blood steel, which is to gamble.

The price of raw blood steel stones is often only one-tenth of that of blood steel, relatively speaking, it is relatively cheap. An ordinary warrior can save enough money to buy a piece of blood steel rough stone after working hard for a year.

If you gamble with the savings of this year and cut out the blood steel from the blood steel stone, then you have won the bet, and it is a big win.A sword fused with blood and steel, the last ordinary warrior with enough value, worked hard all his life.But if the blood steel rough stone is cut open and there is nothing left in it, then this year's hard work will be in vain. If you want to fight again, you can only come back next year.A year's hard work has at least a tenth chance of being in vain. Such a gamble can be regarded as a gamble.

Xu Wenchuan and Wu Daozi looked at each other and frowned. That's because the blood steel raw stone is the same as ordinary stones in appearance. , even by a notch.

Duan Lengyan opened her mouth to give 20 yuan of blood steel raw stone, which sounds very generous, but in fact it is very scheming. The 20 yuan blood steel rough stone is probably just a pile of ordinary rotten stones that can no longer be ordinary. Even if there is blood steel hidden in it, it is only one or two pieces at best.There are several veins of blood steel in the Iron War Dynasty, and the reserves of blood steel are far more abundant than those of the Qingyun Empire. With only one or two pieces of blood steel, how could Duan Lengyan pay attention to it?

What's more, for so many years, Tianbao Pavilion has used blood steel raw stones to collect a lot of wealth from Qingyun Empire, but the blood steel that Qingyun Empire actually obtained from Tianbao Pavilion is very small. The loss of the empire is by no means ordinary.Thinking of this, Xu Wenchuan's teeth itch.

"Yao Ting, how are you doing?" Xu Wenchuan was hesitating, and saw Wan Dong with a glance, and rushed forward to support him, his face was full of worry.

Xu Wenchuan also knew that Wu Qiujun didn't have the guts to strike hard, but seeing Wan Dong vomit blood in the air, his heart still couldn't help but tugged.

When I came to the front, I looked Wan Dong up and down carefully several times, only to find that although there was still a smear of fresh blood on the corner of Wan Dong's mouth, Wan Dong's spirit was surprisingly good, and there was no trace of blood on his face. Despite the pain, there seemed to be joy in the eyes.It was as if Wu Qiujun's palm made him very comfortable.

How did Xu Wenchuan know that thanks to Wu Qiujun's palm, Wan Dong discovered another wonderful use of Dao Qi.This dao qi can automatically transform the true qi that invaded the body into dao qi. The true qi that could injure the human body has become a tonic for dao qi. It is much faster than Wandong increasing dao qi by absorbing the essence of heaven and earth. ten times.

Just now after taking Wu Qiujun's palm, the Dao Qi in Wan Dong's body increased by a large amount, which surprised and pleased him at the same time.However, there are dangers in using this method to increase Dao Qi.Just now, Wu Qiujun only used less than [-]% of his power, so he let him spurt blood on the spot. If Wu Qiujun used more than [-]% of his power, Wan Dong's internal organs would have been shocked before the Dao Qi in Wan Dong's body could act. He has become a powder, and even lost his life, how can Dao Qi refine the true Qi?

However, if this wonderful function of dao qi can be used well, the accumulation speed of dao qi in Wan Dong's body will double, not to mention, he doesn't have to be afraid of ordinary triple true qi fighters, as long as the method is proper, he can definitely kill the opponent slowly Grind to death.

"Grandpa, I'm fine." Wan Dong gave Xu Wenchuan a comfortable smile, and deliberately punched his chest with his fist to reassure Xu Wenchuan.

Seeing Wan Dong so lively, Xu Wenchuan really laughed and nodded.His grandson surprised him more and more.Miraculously dodging Duan Lengyan's palm just now has already surprised him, but now he has received Wu Qiujun's palm without any damage, it is simply a miracle.

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