He Zhen hurriedly knelt down on the ground, kept kowtowing, and tremblingly knew, "I don't know that Qu Sanping has abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, thinking that he is Qiu Wanli's best friend. Before entering the court today, I have already ordered someone to give him..."

"Kill him?!" Wan Dong raised his sword eyebrows suddenly, and Dao Sen's cold lightning burst out from his eyes, and he asked sharply.

"That... that's not true. I just ordered someone to search his home." After just one sentence, He Zhen was already in a cold sweat, and he was very fortunate in his heart. I really don't know how to explain it.

"He Zhen, He Zhen, who gave you the guts to act without authorization?" Bai Zhenshan's face turned serious, and he immediately showed the power of the emperor, which made He Zhen tremble like chaff.

As an emperor, he naturally hopes that his subjects can share his worries, but he never wants his subjects to skip over him in everything, self-righteous, and make decisions without authorization!

"The emperor forgives the crime, the emperor forgives the crime! If the minister knows that Qu Sanping has betrayed Qiu Wanli, he will never do so, and please forgive the humble minister if the emperor does not know."

Wan Dong shook his head, if this matter is really going to be pursued, then He Zhen is at most eager to do meritorious service, self-righteous, and there is nothing wrong with it.Too lazy to listen to He Zhen's continued 'repentance', Wan Dong said to Bai Zhenshan, "Your Majesty, it's not too late, I'm going to find Qu Sanping."

Bai Zhenshan immediately nodded and said, "Yes, yes, you go right away, don't let Qu Sanping be wronged."

After saying that, Bai Zhenshan glared at He Zhen again, and said in a very stern tone, "It's best that Qu Sanping is fine, otherwise, I will never forgive you!"

Where did He Zhen dare to defend himself again, he just kept nodding his head and kept wiping the sweat dripping from his forehead.Feeling unlucky in his heart, he originally thought that he could make up for his mistakes and win back some points in front of Bai Zhenshan, but unexpectedly, he shot himself in the foot again.

Looking at the back of Wan Dong who was going away quickly, He Zhen groaned in his heart, and muttered to himself, "Could it be that this kid is really my nemesis?"

At this time, Wan Dong didn't care about He Zhen's feelings at all, his mind was full of Qu Sanping's safety.He Zhen is the most vicious person, who knows how he ordered his subordinates?If Qu Sanping was harmed because of this, I'm afraid his conscience will not be at peace for the rest of his life.

At the same time that Wan Dong rushed to Juntian's pawnshop, Juntian's pawnshop was surrounded by a large group of officers and soldiers.The leading commander was a strong man in his thirties with a full beard and a gray-black armor. It seemed that his title was not high, but there was an unconcealable arrogance on his face. Very rude and arrogant.

This person is considered a celebrity in Yunzhong City. His surname is Zhou Mingtai, and he is He Zhen's brother-in-law.He Zhen himself is the Great Situ, an official of the first rank, extremely powerful, and He Zhen is very close to the national teacher, Zhou Tai, as He Zhen's brother-in-law, is even more powerful, and no one dares to provoke him.Although he was just a small general in the army, he was capable of doing things with style, even more majestic than Wu Jinhun and Guo Yi.

Ever since Qu Sanping told Wan Dong all about Qiu Wanli's conspiracy, he never slept even a single peaceful night.He was worried all day long, always feeling that at any moment, people from the national teacher would rush into his house and kill his family.It wasn't until yesterday that he got the news that Qiu Wanli suffered a crushing defeat and died tragically on the spot, and that Qiu Yunchong was imprisoned and would never be free, that his heart was completely broken.

Full of thinking that the next day, the emperor's reward would come, Qu Sanping also specially ordered his servants to clean the courtyard, clean the pawn shop, and sent people to build a high-quality mahogany altar, ready to enshrine the imperial edict of reward.Who knew, Zhou Tai was waiting instead of the imperial decree.

In the past, because of He Zhen's relationship, Zhou Tai was able to haunt the Qiu Mansion frequently, and Qu Sanping had dealings with him several times.Qu Sanping was deeply touched by this person's arrogance and rudeness. After a few encounters, Qu Sanping began to deliberately avoid him.Over time, Zhou Tai was offended.Qu Sanping also knew it in his heart, but he didn't take it seriously.After all, at that time, he was also a celebrity in front of Qiu Wanli, and Zhou Tai had absolutely nothing to do with him.But today is different than in the past, Qiu Wanli fell, and He Zhen, who was supposed to be implicated, miraculously escaped the catastrophe because of Bai Zhenshan's selfishness.Zhou Tai is here, I am afraid that the visitor is not kind!

"Hehe...Master Qu, long time no see, Zhou Tai greets you here." As soon as Zhou Tai jumped off the horse, he walked towards Qu Sanping with a smile.

Qu Sanping frowned, cupped his fists casually, and said indifferently, "General Zhou is too polite, Qumou dare not be..."

"I bother!"

Before Qu Sanping finished speaking, Zhou Tai spit suddenly, and the smile on his face immediately turned into a ruthless expression.



Qu Sanping frowned, and was about to open his mouth to ask questions, but Zhou Tai slapped him across the face.Qu Sanping is not good at martial arts, how can he avoid it?Dang even took Zhou Tai's palm firmly.Poor Qu Sanping's well-maintained skin immediately swelled up with five clearly visible finger marks.

Qu Sanping had already thought that Zhou Tai's visit was most likely to find fault, but he never thought that Zhou Tai would be so direct and rude.She was ashamed and angry at the same time, her face was flushed red.

"Zhou Tai! Why did you hit me?"

"Why hit you? Hehe... why are you pretending to be foolish? Don't you know that your master, Qiu Wanli, was shot to death on the spot for betrayal!"

Zhou Tai is the most narrow-minded person. He has received so many supercilious looks from Qu Sanping in the past, how could he swallow this easily?

Qu Sanping sneered, and said, "Speaking of which, isn't Qiu Wanli also your master? I remember how you flattered Qiu Wanli before. I still remember one time when you bluntly said that you were Qiu Wanli Is there such a thing as a dog that made Qiu Wanli laugh out loud and rewarded you several times?"

"Looking for death!" Qu Sanping brought up the old incident again, which was like a slap in the face. Zhou Tai immediately became furious, roaring, and rushed forward, wanting to beat Qu Sanping violently.

Qu Sanping's subordinates still had a few loyal guards. Seeing this, he rushed up immediately, blocking Zhou Tai's fists and feet without any politeness.

"You group of rebels are so cowardly! Come on, arrest them all. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed on the spot!" Zhou Tai gave an order, and the troops he brought immediately It came like a tide.

Although the guards are not mediocre, the tiger can't hold back the pack of wolves!After a while, they were overturned to the ground one after another, and their necks were strangled by steel knives gleaming with cold light.

"Zhou Tai, how dare you!?" Seeing that the lives of his subordinates were in danger, Qu Sanping became anxious, and a tiger's roar shook the sky.

"Hahaha...a joke! You are all Chou Wanli's rebels and traitors of the Qingyun Empire. If everyone gets it, why should I not dare? Come on, let me kill you all!"

"do not want!"

Qu Sanping only had time to yell, and then he heard the sound of sharp knives piercing into flesh.Five or six guards who were loyal to Qu Sanping immediately ended tragically with their heads on the ground.

Qu Sanping was dizzy for a while, and almost passed out on the spot.

"Hehe...Look at your talent, only a few people died, and you were scared into such a ball. I don't know if Qiu Wanli was out of his head, and I thought you were my confidant. Pooh!"

"Zhou Tai! How dare you disregard human life like this?" Qu Sanping stared, his eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets at any time, he gnashed his teeth, and shouted every word.

"Good question! Let me tell you why, because... I am Zhou Tai! Send me an order to throw the corpses of these rebels on the street. They are not allowed to collect the corpses. This general will expose their corpses for three days!"

"Zhou Tai! You are a beast that is not as good as pigs and dogs, I will rape your ancestors!" I didn't expect Zhou Tai to kill a person and expose the corpse, which is simply devoid of conscience.Qu Sanping's eyes were blood red in the blink of an eye.In his life, he had probably never hated someone so much.

"Hehe...why, do you feel distressed? That's right, these fools all died for you. How about this, this general extrajudicially grants you permission to buy their bodies back."

"What do you mean?" Qu Sanping asked in a deep voice.

"You can't even understand this? If you want your subordinates to go to the ground as soon as possible, just take money!"

"Hmph! After a long time, are you here for money?"

"Nonsense! This general knows that you have collected a lot of good treasures in Juntian's pawn shop. You'd better hand them over to me! Not only can you buy back their corpses, but you can also buy back your life. !"

"What? Could it be that you dare to kill me?" Qu Sanping said coldly.

"Qu Sanping, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? It's not the past anymore, and it's no longer Master Qu, but a traitor from the party who seeks to usurp the throne. Everyone will be punished! You don't even recognize the situation Clearly, I really don't know how you came out to mess around."

"Hmph, I'm afraid it won't be that easy to kill me! I want to see Young Master Xu!"

"Master Xu? Which Master Xu?"

"Master Xu Yaoting, the only grandson of King Dingshan!"

"Hahaha... Qu Sanping, Qu Sanping, why don't you just say that you want to see the emperor?"

"You really told me! If I want to see the emperor, I may not be able to."

"Qu Sanping, you're not so timid, are you? Before I did anything to you, you were scared crazy?"

"Crazy? I think you are the one who is crazy! The surname Zhou, you came to me today to kill people indiscriminately. I, Qu Sanping, will definitely recover this bloody debt from you, and He Zhen can't protect you!"

"I think you are just looking for a draw!"

As soon as Qu Sanping's words fell to the ground, Zhou Tai rushed up fiercely, without saying a word, he rounded his arms and hit him.This time, there was no one to escort Qu Sanping, and Zhou Tai's fists and kicks were fierce again, and Qu Sanping fell to the ground with his head broken and bleeding.

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