"You... who are you?" Although Zhou Tai had never dealt with Xu Yaoting before, he had already vaguely guessed Wan Dong's identity after listening to the conversation between Wan Dong and Qu Sanping. Lack of confidence, the voice of speaking is very weak.

"Who are you?" Wan Dong asked coldly.

"I am General Zhou Tai!"

"You are a general? Hmph... people who don't know think you are a bandit! Let me ask you, why did you attack Master Qu?"

"Murder? You made a mistake. I didn't commit a murder. I was chasing the rebels!"

"Who is the rebellious party?" Wan Dong asked coldly.

"Of course it's Qu Sanping! He colluded with Qiu Wanli and is Qiu Wanli's henchman, everyone knows that!" Zhou Taili said confidently.

"Isn't it common knowledge that He Zhen flatters and flatters Qiu Wanli?"

"How can he be compared with my uncle? My uncle is bearing humiliation and pretending to be flattering, but he is actually an undercover agent!"

"As long as your uncle is allowed to be an undercover agent, don't others be allowed to be undercover? How do you know that Master Qu committed himself to Qiu Wanli, and you are not pretending to be flattering? You keep saying that Master Qu is a rebellious party. Let me ask you, do you have any? evidence?"

"I..." As soon as Zhou Tai heard He Zhen say that he was going to arrest Qu Sanping, he immediately acted impatiently. How could he have the heart to collect any evidence?Wan Dong's question immediately stopped him.

"I'm asking you something, why don't you answer? Are you deaf or dumb?!"

In front of so many people, being scolded by Wan Dong like this, Zhou Tai felt so humiliated and immediately became angry.He yelled at Wan Dong, "What's so great about you? Don't think that you can be so arrogant and domineering because you have King Ding Shan backing you up!"

"Arrogant and domineering? Hehe... You're right, I'm just arrogant and domineering!" After saying that, Wan Dong suddenly leaned forward, slid out with his feet, his right palm stretched like a horse, towards Zhou Tai's. The face was slapped.

With Zhou Tai's level of cultivation, it's okay to bully Qu Sanping, but in front of Wan Dong, it's worse than a newborn baby.There was no chance to dodge and resist at all, and with a snap, he was hit directly.

Wan Dong's slap was many times more severe than Zhou Tai's.This slap flashed past, Zhou Tai's face was not only swollen, half of his teeth were broken, and he vomited up with a mouthful of blood.Zhou Tai even turned around three times in the same place before he stood still stupidly.

After rubbing his palms together, Wan Dong enjoyed it very much!After careful calculation, it's been a long time since he slapped someone like this.Not to mention, although the Thai people are not very good this week, their face still feels a little twitchy.

"You...you dare to hit me? Brothers, give it to me, kill this bastard!" Zhou Tai is also a fierce man, and when he got annoyed, he didn't care about Wan Dong's identity, so he yelled on the spot, non-stop There were bursts of hysterical roars.

The officers and soldiers under him habitually obeyed orders and moved forward. Wan Dong stood coldly, hugging and stretching his arms, and forced a gust of wind on the flat ground. In an instant, the dozens of officers and soldiers who rushed forward Rolled out more than ten feet, fell heavily to the ground, and passed out countless times.

"Blind your dog eyes! This is the only grandson of King Dingshan, how many heads do you have?" Qu Sanping snarled, clarifying Wan Dong's identity.

Those officers and soldiers who were already frightened by Wan Dong's power were even more dumbfounded when they heard Wan Dong's identity.This time, no matter how loud Zhou Tai's throat was, no one dared to move forward.

What Qu Sanping said was not wrong at all. It might not be enough to move Dingshanwang's grandson and pay them and their family's heads together.

"The ones surnamed Xu and the ones surnamed Qu are ruthless against you today! But I will ask you to settle this account sooner or later!" Seeing Wan Dong here, it is already difficult to get a bargain.Zhou Tai snorted angrily, said a harsh word, and wanted to get away.

It's just that Zhou Tai underestimated Wan Dong's character, and even ignored the murderous intent in Wan Dong's eyes.

"Want to go?" As soon as Zhou Tai got on the horse, before he could swing the whip, Wan Dong suddenly rushed forward, grabbed his skirt, and directly pulled him off the tall horse.

"Xu, what else do you want to do?" Zhou Tai felt as if his whole body fell apart, so he was naturally furious and yelled at Wan Dong.

Wan Dong sneered, pointed at the guards of Qu Sanping who were killed by Zhou Tai, and asked sharply, "Did you kill these people?"

"So what if I killed it?" Zhou Tai came up with a bad temper, and replied without thinking.

"Very good! So, what crime did they commit, and you want to kill them?"

"Collude with the rebellious party and plot rebellion!"

"Where's the evidence?"

Zhou Tai sneered, and said, "If you want evidence, just go to my uncle for it, and he will give you as much as you want for safekeeping!"

"In other words, you have no evidence?"

Wan Dong's cold expression made Zhou Tai's heart suddenly chill.In terms of his previous experience, as long as he mentioned He Zhen's name, there would be no injustice.But now he found that his uncle didn't seem to have much weight in others' eyes.

Zhou Tai began to feel faintly uneasy in his heart, and argued, "They are all Qu Sanping's subordinates, isn't this considered evidence?"

"But I've already said, Master Qu is not a rebel!"

"Hmph, this may not be up to you!"

"Of course what I said doesn't count! But Mr. Qu is not a chaotic party, but a hero. This is what the emperor said himself. Could it be that what he said is not counted?"

"You...what did you say? I don't believe it. I'm going to see my uncle and ask him personally!" Zhou Tairu tremblingly said after being struck by lightning.

"You want to see your uncle, but I'm afraid you won't have the chance."

As soon as Wan Dong said this, Zhou Tai's heart sank suddenly as if he had fallen into an abyss.He asked anxiously with a sudden change in his face, "What do you mean by that?"

Wan Dong raised his eyebrows, and said coldly, "You are an official of the imperial court, but you killed innocent people in the street. According to the laws of my Qingyun Empire, what crime should you bear?"

"You...you have no right to condemn me!" Zhou Tai roared.

Wan Dong smiled coldly, and said faintly, "I really don't have the qualifications today. You are unlucky, the emperor has made me a Young Marquis at the court today. As a Marquis, I should have the right to convict you, right? "

"Young man?!" Zhou Tai's eyes widened immediately, and his face was filled with astonishment.

Not only Zhou Tai, even Qu Sanping was surprised and delighted.Although he thought that the emperor would definitely reward Wan Dong for his great contribution this time, but he did not expect that the emperor would be so generous.Young man, what an honor is this? !

"Beating heroes, killing innocent people indiscriminately, if you don't die, who will die?" Ignoring Zhou Tai's increasingly pale complexion, Wan Dong stared into his eyes, and shouted tightly step by step.

"You...you dare not kill me! My uncle will never let you kill me, never!"

"Your uncle? Not to mention that your uncle is not here, even if he is here, you will definitely die!"

"I don't believe you dare to kill me! I'm going to see my uncle!" He Zhen shook his head vigorously and got on his horse again.

Wan Dong snorted coldly, and suddenly his right palm swept out from his chest, a golden light, like the light of a knife, was extremely sharp and unstoppable, with a whistling sound, the head on Zhou Tai's neck had left his neck like a ball. rolled to the ground.But Zhou Tai's body on the horse didn't have the strength to get off the horse until he ran several feet away.

The mighty Zhou Tai died in Wan Dong's hands just like that. All the officers and soldiers under him looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one dared to come forward to trouble Wan Dong.

Even Qu Sanping was startled by Wan Dong's methods, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, and said worriedly, "Yao Ting, you shouldn't have killed Zhou Tai."

Wan Dongdao: "Then Zhou Tai humiliated you, Master Qu, if I didn't kill him, how could I be worthy of you and your wife? Even my conscience will not be at peace."

Wan Dong's words can be said to be affectionate, which moved Qu Sanping and Mrs. Qu greatly.

Qu Sanping said emotionally, "Yao Ting, I, Qu Sanping, can meet a friend like you in this life, even though I die, I have no regrets!"

Mrs. Qu also bowed to Wan Dong, saying, "I have heard Sanping talk about Young Master Xu's character and heart. Seeing him today, I really am fascinated! Young Master Xu's kindness to my husband, our family will always remember it of."

Wan Dong hurriedly waved his hands, and said with a smile, "Master Xu is not Mr. Xu, Madam is out! If you don't mind, just be like Master Qu, just call me Yaoting."

"Yao Ting, if you killed Zhou Tai today, I'm afraid He Zhen won't let you go."

Wan Dong sneered, and said, "I am Zhou Tai who was beheaded according to the laws of the Qingyun Empire. He Zhen, as a first-rank member of the imperial court, should know the pros and cons! If he gets into trouble with me because of this, it is enough to prove that he is not I won't give up on any good things with him!"

Qu Sanping admired Wan Dong's pride and courage, and nodded in praise.Thinking that Xu Wenchuan was still standing behind Wan Dong, and Wan Dong himself was a young man now, and He Zhen, though a first-rank official, might not be able to fight against the Xu family, Qu Sanping relaxed a lot.

"By the way, Master Qu, I have already reported your achievements to the emperor, and the emperor has praised you very much. It has been approved to award the Juntian pawnshop to you, Master Qu. From now on, the Juntian pawnshop will belong to you. I also hope that you, Master Qu, can manage well and repay the people of the empire."

"This... is this true?" Although Wan Dong had already assured Qu Sanping before, when this day came, Qu Sanping still couldn't help feeling unreal like in a dream, and couldn't help asking more questions. said a word.

Wan Dong laughed and said, "Such a big matter, do I still dare to lie to you, Master Qu? However, the emperor said that the Juntian pawnshop must imply paying taxes, otherwise he will take the pawnshop back at any time."

"It should be, it should be! Hehe..." Qu Sanping said with a busy smile, that smile was very bright.

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