Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 484 The magic weapon has become a Chinese cabbage!

Wan Dong frowned and said, "Isn't this embarrassing for me? I can't refuse the gift from Her Royal Highness, and I can't give a corresponding gift in return. What should I do?"

"Who said you can't do it? Not only can you do it, but it's not difficult for you at all." Tang Xinyi said hastily.

"Oh?" Wan Dong narrowed his eyes slightly, he had already thought about what kind of gift he should return.

Seeing Wan Dong's expression, Tang Xinyi was also a little embarrassed, her pretty face flushed slightly.However, he still coughed and said, "Actually, the princess is here today. Apart from visiting the old prince, I also hope that you can pass on the sword technique of 'Going Forward' and the formation map of the Nine Palaces and Nine Curves to Fengxiangwei, so as to improve Fengxiang. Wei's fighting power."

On that day, Qiu Yunchong personally led [-] black armored guards to launch a fierce attack on the palace. Tang Xinyi led the Fengxiang guards to resist desperately.However, the difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides was not even a tiny bit. As soon as they confronted each other, Feng Xiangwei showed signs of being defeated.Just when Tang Xinyi was in despair, the Dingshan Guard led by Luo Xiao, like a heavenly soldier and a general, suddenly killed Tang Xinyi. Although Tang Xinyi was in a desperate situation, she was ecstatic, but the terrifying fighting power displayed by Dingshan Guard was even more impressive. Impress her!

The warriors of Dingshanwei, each holding a ring-headed sword, cast "Indomitable Forward" together, and the shining light of the sword was connected into one piece. From a distance, it was like a vast expanse of white snow, which illuminated people's eyes. Can't open it.Such a mighty and domineering sword technique made the black armored guard taste the taste of death in an instant.In less than a few breaths, Feng Xiangwei's crisis was completely resolved.

When the black armor guard had to completely abandon Feng Xiangwei and attack Ding Shanwei with all his strength, Ding Shanwei's nine palaces and nine songs formation immediately began to show its edge.

The [-] Dingshan guards each stepped on different steps and positions, changing constantly, and turned into floating ghosts one by one, which made people dazzled.How many soldiers of the Black Armored Guards, without even being able to figure out the specific situation, have already become the dead souls of others.

The fierce sword technique of "going forward", combined with the Jiugong Jiuqu formation, turned each Dingshanwei soldier into a gear that bites tightly together to form a huge "ground meat" machine', brought disaster to the Black Armored Guards.

The blank, fearful, and incomprehensible eyes of those black armor guards were still swaying in front of Tang Xinyi's eyes until now.Don't say that Tang Xinyi is an extremely smart and talented general, even a fool, after going through that battle, can realize the great power and value of 'Go Forward' and the Jiugong Jiuqu Formation.

"'Going Forward' and the Nine Palaces and Nine Songs Formation are our Dingshanwei's special skills, and I'm afraid it's inconvenient to spread them to the outside world." Not to mention that Wan Dong is still upset about Wu Daozi's expulsion from Yunzhong City, even if there is no such thing It is impossible for Wan Dong to pass these two things to Feng Xiangwei.

With the eight-door golden lock array, Princess Baidie still refuses to be satisfied, she is a bit greedy.

"Yao Ting, why is this a rumor? Aren't Dingshanwei and Fengxiangwei a family?" Tang Xinyi said hastily.

"A family?" Upon hearing these three words, Wan Dong became a little angry, and said coldly, "Is it really a family? I'm afraid some people don't think so!"

As soon as Wan Dong said this, Tang Xinyi was at a loss for do not say!If it is really a family, why does Bai Zhenshan have to be on guard at all times and restrain them?

In Wan Dong's voice, he made no secret of his dissatisfaction with Bai Zhenshan. Is there any reason that Princess Baidie can't hear?With a bitter look on his face, he said helplessly between his brows, "Actually, my father..."

Wan Dong didn't wait for Bai Die to finish speaking, he waved his hand violently, and said, "Your Highness, there is no need to explain, the emperor is the emperor, no matter what you do, there is nothing wrong with it. 'Going forward' and the Jiugong Jiuqu formation are the lifeblood of Ding Shanwei , It is true that it cannot be spread, I am afraid that you will be disappointed, the princess. This ice sword is also not destined for me, so please take it back, Your Highness the Princess."

"Yao Ting, why are you so stubborn? This ice sword is a magical weapon that you can't come across. Once you miss it, you won't have time to regret it." Tang Xinyi was a little anxious, and shouted at Wan Dong.

Wan Dong smiled slightly, with a look of contempt on his face, he shook his head and said, "For others, this ice sword is indeed precious, but in my eyes, there is nothing unusual about it, and it cannot be compared with 'Indomitable' It is comparable to the Jiugong Jiuqu Formation."

"Yao Ting, please don't say angry words anymore?" Tang Xinyi shook her head and said helplessly.

"Angry words? come with me!" Wan Dong laughed a few times, then turned around and walked away.

Tang Xinyi and Baidie glanced at each other, and subconsciously followed each other.Xu Wenchuan, Sun Daobai and Hu Jingqi also decided to go to see the fun together.A group of people, led by Wan Dong, went straight to his room.

Walking into Wan Dong's room, everyone was immediately attracted by the rows of long swords stacked neatly by the wall.What attracted everyone was the number of these swords. From a rough look, there were hundreds of them.

Wan Dong pointed at the pile of swords, and said, "No matter what quality these swords are, they will not be inferior to the Frost Sword."

"Yaoting, are you bragging?" Tang Xinyi subconsciously shook her head when she heard this.

It is true that Wan Dong is a swordsmith, but he is not an expert in making scabbards.Moreover, with so many magical weapons, Wan Dong really didn't have the energy to find the scabbards that corresponded to their qualities one by one.These scabbards were all bought by him from the sword-making workshops on the street. He only wanted fit and nothing else. It looked a bit shabby, so it was no wonder Tang Xinyi had such a reaction.

"Bragging? Commander Tang, you have known me for so long, when did you see me bragging?" Wan Dong said proudly.

"I don't believe it anymore!" Tang Xinyi's fighting spirit was aroused by Wan Dong's words, and she reached out and randomly picked out one of the swords.Turning to look at Wan Dongdao, "Let's make an agreement, if the quality of this sword is not as good as the Frost Sword, then you have to unconditionally teach us Feng Xiangwei's 'Going Forward' and the Nine Palaces and Nine Songs Formation!"

Wan Dong nodded without thinking, and added, "Okay! But if the quality of this sword is indeed higher than that of the Frost Sword, then don't mention it again in the future!"

"It's a deal!" As if she was afraid that Wan Dong would go back on her word, Tang Xinyi agreed immediately, and at the same time, with a sudden force on her hand, she pulled out the sword she had picked up casually with a bang.

A radiant purple light shot up into the sky immediately, Tang Xinyi was caught off guard, her eyes were pierced with pain, she exclaimed, and hastily closed her eyes.At the same time, bursts of exclamation sounded in her ears.

The Ice Sword is crystal clear, like autumn water, cool and radiant, diffused in all directions, it is indeed the top grade of swords.However, this Zijin Divine Weapon is not inferior in the slightest.The purple air is soaring to the sky, noble and dignified, with the demeanor of a king, it makes people feel fascinated, and it can definitely be regarded as the best in the sword.

When Tang Xinyi's eyes felt better, she opened them slowly, and when she saw clearly the sharpness of the magic weapon in her hand, her face was immediately filled with disbelief, like the shock and trance in a dream.

With a slight flick of the wrist, the Zijin Divine Soldier immediately let out bursts of clear and crisp sounds like the crowing of a phoenix, soaring into the sky and lingering around the beams.It is conceivable that once the sword is swung, what a shocking sound it will make!

" is this possible?" The shabby scabbard and the superb weapon, the contrast between the two is too great.Princess Baidie couldn't believe it at all, she let out a low cry, and hastily reached out her hand from the pile of swords, and pulled out another one.

Can't wait to draw out the sword edge, another purple light filled the surroundings, and the air of luxury multiplied.

At the same time, Hu Jingqi, Xu Wenchuan, and Sun Daobai also each pulled out a handle from the pile of swords, and pulled the blade out of the scabbard.The brilliance of the five purple-gold divine weapons burst out at the same time, reflecting each other, and rendering the entire room grotesque, as if it was no longer in the world.

These days, Xu Wenchuan has been concentrating on state affairs while cultivating Lei Bengjue. He doesn't often go to Wan Dong's room, and he doesn't know that Wan Dong can be so crazy. God soldiers.Could it be that you want to let Dingshan guards have a hand?If so, it would be too crazy!

"This...these swords seem to be made of purple gold!" Sun Daobai had extraordinary eyesight, and he could not help exclaiming in surprise when he saw the material of these magical weapons.

" can't?" Bai Die murmured, even she could hear the trembling of her voice.

Tang Xinyi didn't believe it. She threw herself to the sword pile and pulled out ten or twenty swords in one go. In the end, none of them had the same purple aura, showing their sharpness. In such a situation, Tang Xinyi couldn't believe it or not.

Baidie was completely stunned!

Although she had heard that Wan Dong could forge swords, she never dreamed that Wan Dong's sword-forging skills were so terrifying that she could forge magical weapons in batches.A sword made of cold iron under the sea makes her regard it as a treasure, and even wants to exchange it for Wan Dong's "going forward" sword technique and Jiugong Jiuqu formation. Looking at Wandong in the world, this The Zijin Divine Soldiers were piled up in a pile like Chinese cabbage.Comparing the two, Princess Baidie really has the heart to die, let alone face.

"Yao Ting, you... why did you forge so many magical soldiers?" Tang Xinyi asked anxiously.

Wan Dong curled his lips and said, "What else can you do? Give it away!" After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Hu Jingqi and Sun Daobai, and said with a smile, "Uncle Hu, Grandpa Sun, if you don't mind, you can choose one Take advantage of your self-defense."

"Is this...suitable?" Although Hu Jingqi was different from martial arts, such a magical weapon was rare to see, and he couldn't help but be moved.

Xu Wenchuan laughed loudly and said, "What's wrong with this? Yao Ting is not Avalokitesvara, so why did he use so many magical weapons, just pick whatever you want!"

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