"This... This is Commander Tang?" Hu Yue is not as familiar with Tang Xinyi as Luo Xiao is, he can recognize Tang Xinyi just from the back, and at this time Tang Xinyi is covered in blood, and she is a person of one blood, especially Hu Yue couldn't recognize him, so he asked blankly.

As soon as Hu Yue finished asking, Luo Xiao's complexion changed drastically and he rushed forward. His heart ached so much that Luo Xiao's seven-foot-tall man couldn't help but tremble all over his body, and even his voice changed completely. "Xinyi, you... what's wrong with you?"

Before he could finish his sentence, tears welled up in Luo Xiao's tiger eyes, and he hated himself for not being able to bear such pain instead of Tang Xinyi.

Tang Xinyi seemed to have fallen into a coma at this time, despite Luo Xiao's eagerness to call, there was no response.

"How did this happen?" Luo Xiao, who was so calm and calm, actually showed child-like helplessness at this moment, looked straight at Zong Qinghe and Ba Ling'er, and asked in a crying voice.

Zong Qinghe shook his head and said, "We don't know what happened. It was a few soldiers who found Commander Tang outside the station. At that time, Commander Tang had already fallen into a coma."

Luo Xiao was completely confused, his expression was full of anxiety, his eyes lost focus for a while, he just held Tang Xinyi's hand tightly, and he would not let go of it no matter what.

"What should I do, what should I do, what should I do?" Luo Xiao, who was completely panicked, his mind went blank at this moment, as if chanting scriptures, muttering non-stop.

Hu Yue raised his sword eyebrows and said, "Brother Luo, the most urgent thing right now is to heal Commander Tang first!"

"Yes! Yes! Healing is the most important thing, hurry up, take Xinyi to Dingshan Palace!" Luo Xiao came back to his senses suddenly, and urged him repeatedly.

Hu Yue said, "Brother Luo, Commander Tang is seriously injured, and I'm afraid he won't be able to withstand the bumps. In this way, let Commander Tang stay here, and I will invite the boss!"

Luo Xiao had almost lost his ability to think at this time, he obeyed Hu Yue's words, and without thinking, he nodded immediately and said, "Xiao Hu, you must be fast, you must be fast, do you understand?"

"Brother Luo, don't worry!" After saying these words, Huyue has already flied out of the handsome tent, like a sharp arrow off the string, and in the blink of an eye, he was already thousands of feet away.

Luo Xiao held Tang Xinyi's hands tightly, not daring to let go of any of them, as if as soon as he let go, Tang Xinyi would completely disappear from his side.Zong Qinghe, Ba Ling'er and Zong Yang, none of them thought that Luo Xiao was such an infatuated man.Looking at his face that was already wet with tears, there were bursts of sadness and emotion in my heart.

At this moment, Tang Xinyi's lips moved suddenly, as if she had said something.Zong Qinghe and the others didn't hear clearly at all, but Luo Xiao seemed to be twisted severely by someone, and shouted suddenly, "Quick, water, Xinyi wants to drink water."

"Ah, oh, I'm going to get it now!" Zong Yang was stunned for a moment, and just now he woke up, and hurriedly left, quickly fetched a bowl of warm water, and handed it to Luo Xiao.

Luo Xiao held Tang Xinyi's hand with one hand, and brought the bowl to Tang Xinyi's lips with the other, with a cautious look, as if Tang Xinyi was a newborn baby.The tenderness on that face made Zong Qinghe and Balinger admire in their hearts, Luo Xiao is indeed a rare good man.

Under Luo Xiao's gentle and careful care, Tang Xinyi managed to drink a few sips of water, and finally opened her eyes with some difficulty.

When Tang Xinyi opened her eyes, Luo Xiao couldn't help but burst into tears. In a pair of tiger eyes, drops of heroic tears gushed endlessly as if a bank had burst.

"You...would cry too?" Tang Xinyi looked at Luo Xiao, who was streaming down her face, without blinking her big eyes. A moment later, a sweet smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she said in a weak but clear voice. .

When Luo Xiao heard it, he wiped his face in a hurry, but the tears could be wiped away, but the tear stains could not be wiped away.

"That's great..." Just as Luo Xiao was in a hurry, Tang Xinyi suddenly said quietly. The smile on her face was not only sweet and happy, but also relaxed, as if she had let go of a heavy burden and ushered in a new life.

"You're hurt like this, you still agree?" Luo Xiao couldn't help but said.

"It's good! No matter how serious the injury is, no matter how painful it is, I still feel good!"

"You...I really don't know what you are thinking? Come, drink some more water." Luo Xiao said helplessly and regretfully.

Tang Xinyi shook her head, gently pushed the bowl away from her mouth, looked straight at Luo Xiao, and said with infinite affection in her eyes, "I don't want to drink water, I just want to look at you like this , have been watching..."

"Silly girl, I won't disappear. You have to watch it. I'll have plenty of time to watch it later." Tang Xinyi's words made Luo Xiao's heart warm and sweet, but at the same time it hurt like a knife.All the defenses, at this moment, completely collapsed, and there was nothing that could stop it, the flood of love.

Tang Xinyi stubbornly shook her head, her gaze persisted and refused to move away.Luo Xiao didn't know how much Tang Xinyi had paid for this moment of gaze.

Zong Qinghe gently pulled the corners of La Zongyang and Balinger's clothes, and the three of them quietly exited the handsome tent together.

"Xinyi, why did you act like this? Tell me who hurt you, and I will make him pay a thousand times the price!" Looking at Tang Xinyi's pale face without the slightest trace of blood, Luo Xiao's body Straight out bursts of murderous aura as cold as iron.

Seeing the person he loves being tossed like this, but who can not be angry if a man?What's more, Luo Xiao is not what he used to be at this time, the commander of Dingshanwei stomped his feet, and the entire Yunzhong City was about to shake.

Tang Xinyi shook her head, the tenderness on her face remained unchanged, and her smile did not diminish, she said faintly, "This is not important, as long as I can be with you, nothing is important."


Luo Xiao wanted to say more, but Tang Xinyi stretched out a slender finger, and pressed it lightly on his lips.

In the handsome tent, there is a lot of affection, but at this moment, the entire Dingshan Palace has exploded.When Hu Yue passed the news of Tang Xinyi's serious injury to Dingshan Prince's Mansion, Wan Dong's brows were immediately furrowed into iron knots, and a wave of hatred surged in his heart like never before.It wasn't until this moment that Wan Dong realized that Tang Xinyi's sister still held a lot of weight in his heart.

If Wan Dong is like this, let alone Xu Wenchuan.Immediately flew into a rage, "Who dared to be sad after eating the bear's heart and leopard's courage? Is this still the Qingyun Empire's world?"

Xu Wenchuan's angry roar spread to almost every corner of Dingshan Palace.Xu Wenchuan still admired and valued Tang Xinyi very much.Although it was impossible for Tang Xinyi to become his granddaughter-in-law, in Xu Wenchuan's mind, Tang Xinyi was his granddaughter.

"This is not the time to get angry, Xinyi's injury is important! Let's go and have a look!" Sun Daobai walked out first with a solemn expression.Xu Wenchuan and Wan Dong followed in silence, their grandparents and grandchildren's faces were equally ashen.She had already made up her mind, no matter who hurt Tang Xinyi, she must pay for it!

"Xinyi? How is that girl Xinyi doing now?" Tang Xinyi really wanted to spend some more time with Luo Xiao, but Xu Wenchuan's eager roar came from a long distance away.Immediately, the curtain of the handsome tent was raised, and Xu Wenchuan was the first to stride in.Behind them are Sun Daobai, Wan Dong, Hu Yue, and Zong Yang.

Xu Wenchuan and Wan Dong only heard Hu Yue say that Tang Xinyi was seriously injured, but they didn't expect that Tang Xinyi's appearance would be so tragic.Especially the back that was almost completely soaked in blood was really shocking, and Xu Wenchuan couldn't help but gasp.

It's definitely not that Xu Wenchuan has never seen the world, it's Tang Xinyi, a girl, who is hurt so badly, it's too frightening.He also couldn't think of anyone in this world who would be so cruel, who could deal such a cruel hand to a delicate beauty.

"How could it be like this? What bastard did it? I have to peel off his skin and tear his bones!" Xu Wenchuan was already furious, but when he saw Tang Xinyi's miserable state, the anger in his heart became even stronger. It erupted like a volcano, if the murderer was right in front of him right now, the end would be very miserable!

"My lord, I..." Xu Wenchuan's fury made Tang Xinyi feel a little warm. Compared with Bai Zhenshan, Xu Wenchuan was more respected by Tang Xinyi.

Seeing Tang Xinyi struggling as if she was about to get up, Xu Wenchuan hurried forward to hold her down, and said repeatedly, "Get down quickly, you are so badly injured, don't move around. Say goodbye, Yao Ting, you two Qihuang sages are still in a daze What are you doing there, hurry up and take a look!"

Without Xu Wenchuan's urging, Sun Daobai and Wan Dong had already leaned forward, and when they took a look, they frowned together, and Wan Dong said doubtfully, "This seems to be a stick wound, did someone torture you? "

Looking at Wan Dong who was frowning tightly, Tang Xinyi smiled wryly, and said, "Yes, someone tortured you, now you should feel relieved a lot, right?"

Wan Dong smiled wryly, "You are my sister, what did you say?"

"Pull it down. I'm very clear about the weight of my cheap sister in your heart. Hey, but I can't blame you. Thinking about it, I really have a lot to say sorry to you."

"Sister, if you said this before, I would have nothing to say, but what you say now is really unacceptable to me. You know, you are in my heart, and your status as a sister has never been never wavered."

"Bah! You sound so good! I just want to ask you, your purple gold soldiers, Luo Xiao and the others all have a share, why don't they have my share? Isn't this enough to explain that I Does the so-called elder sister mean nothing to you at all?" Tang Xinyi murmured with frustration.


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