When Wan Dong said this, Tang Xinyi was pleasantly surprised.In her opinion, Wan Dong is more impulsive and mighty than Hu Yue and Zong Yang. Maybe with a wave of his hand, he really led Ding Shanwei into the palace.But when she heard Wan Dong's words, she was so calm and rational that Tang Xinyi once thought she was hallucinating.

Hu Yue and Zong Yang looked surprised, and they also secretly wondered if they heard it wrong.What kind of rebellious officials and thieves, who have been infamous through the ages, when did the boss they know well get caught by these things?

"Boss, you... are you confused?" Hu Yue was stunned for a moment before asking Wan Dong with uncertainty.

"I think Yao Ting's words make sense. Bai Zhenshan is not a foolish king, at least so far, what he has done cannot be called a foolish king." Sun Daobai accepted the words and opened his mouth.

Hu Yue was very upset when he heard it, and said, "Bai Zhenshan beat Sister Tang like this for no reason, isn't he a fool?"

Hu Yue was too subjective. If Tang Xinyi was just a stranger to him, he would never be as angry as he is now.This is a common problem among young people. Because of lack of experience and experience, they often don't have a good overall view, let alone look at the problem from the overall perspective.Of course, a mutant like Wan Dong is an exception.

Bai Zhenshan was indeed unfair to Tang Xinyi, but compared to the entire empire and the entire community, Tang Xinyi was too small.To overthrow a regime for the sake of a woman, in the eyes of most people, is a treasonous act, and will not receive support and sympathy.

What's more, Bai Zhenshan is by no means a faint king.Without his hard work and hard work, there would be no super empire today!Among the common people, among the civil and military ministers, Bai Zhenshan still has considerable prestige.This is also the reason why, when Qiu Wanli rebelled, Wan Dong could ignore other things, but he must cure Bai Zhenshan's illness.Because relying on Bai Zhenshan's prestige, he will definitely be able to turn the tide.Even if Qiu Wanli has thousands of troops and horses, he is just waiting!

Hu Yue and Zong Yang led Ding Shanwei to enter the palace, and even killed Bai Zhenshan, I'm afraid it would not be difficult.But after killing Bai Zhenshan, how would he face the world?At that time, it would be trivial to be accused of being a rebellious official and traitor, and bear the eternal infamy.

"Whether Bai Zhenshan is a fool or not is not for us to decide, but for the world to judge! However, once you really march into the palace with your troops, you will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history and follow in the footsteps of thousands of miles of revenge. Moreover, even Xinyi will be implicated. Since ancient times, it has been said that confidantes are disasters, but who knows, how many concubines can't help themselves and are implicated by others?"

Sun Daobai's words made Huyue speechless, but he was still unconvinced, and said through gritted teeth, "Could it be... Is that the way to forget it, sister Xinyi's beating is for nothing? Brother Luo, you have to say something." ?”

"Me? I'm just like you, wishing to tear Bai Zhenshan into pieces! But..." Luo Xiao looked up at Tang Xinyi, his eyes were full of guilt.

As a man, he couldn't even avenge the woman he loves the most. This kind of feeling is definitely not good.

"Don't worry! This matter is absolutely impossible to just let it go! Xinyi has done so much for their Bai family, and in the end, I will never agree to being kicked out like this! Xinyi, you can stay here and heal your wounds." , I will seek justice for you." Xu Wenchuan raised his voice.

"My lord, what are you going to do?" Tang Xinyi asked worriedly.

Xu Wenchuan smiled, but didn't answer, turned around and walked out of the handsome tent.

Tang Xinyi turned her head to look at Wan Dong, and said, "Yao Ting, go and tell the old prince to stop worrying about me. In fact, it's just a little injury, nothing serious..."

Before Tang Xinyi could finish speaking, Wan Dong shook his head and said with a smile, "Don't you know my grandpa's temper? Once he has made up his mind, no one can persuade him to turn back. You should rest easy and recuperate."

On the second day of the court, the civil and military officials were divided into left and right, and they only waited for the emperor to arrive, and then began to discuss politics for a day.

If it is normal, at this time, all civil and military officials will wait and chat, and occasionally talk about some interesting things, once the atmosphere is more active.But today, as if a storm was coming, the atmosphere at the scene was unprecedentedly oppressive, and no one dared to speak casually.

The gazes of all civil and military ministers glanced at Xu Wenchuan who was sitting on the grand master's chair from time to time.

Today's Xu Wenchuan was obviously not quite right, sitting there without saying a word, his expression was even more stern.It's like a big lump of human-shaped ice, constantly emitting air-conditioning, and no one dares to come forward at all.

Iron Hat Ding Shanwang, is he going to get mad today?When all civil and military officials thought of this, they all shuddered.Once Xu Wenchuan launched his power, it would not be unusual to pierce a hole in the sky.I just don't know, who is going to be unlucky today?

Bai Zhenshan was always very punctual when he went to court, and after a while, the eunuch Gao Xuan, the emperor arrived.

After Bai Zhenshan was seated on the great treasure, and all civil and military officials finished paying respects, Bai Zhenshan smiled slightly and said, "My love, what's the matter today?"

When Bai Zhenshan asked such a question, several civil and military ministers immediately subconsciously took out the memorial written last night and prepared to play.But before they took out the memorial, they saw Xu Wenchuan standing up with a cold face.These civil and military ministers seemed to have rehearsed in advance, and they took out half of the memorials in unison, and took them back again.The movements are neat and uniform, which is called a beauty.

"I have my own play!" Xu Wenchuan's voice was already resonant, but combined with his current expression, it made people's ears ring.

Bai Zhenshan also saw that something was wrong with Xu Wenchuan, frowned slightly, and asked, "King Dingshan, please tell me!"

Xu Wenchuan didn't talk too much, just opened his mouth and said, "Tang Xinyi, the commander of Fengxiangwei, is loyal, upright and diligent, and has made countless contributions to the country and society. It is really commendable! I invite the emperor to promote the Tang commander to three ranks, and to honor her as a heroine. Thanks for it!"

Xu Wenchuan didn't speak much at all, but every word was like a grenade, and it exploded in the hearts of all the civil and military officials. The civil and military officials who were directly bombarded were dripping with cold sweat and their faces were like dirt!

Although it happened yesterday that Bai Zhenshan removed Tang Xinyi from all official positions and expelled her from the palace, and Bai Zhenshan did not issue an edict, but the news had already spread to the ears of civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty.If they didn't even have the ability to gather intelligence, it would be impossible for these civil and military officials to stand here.

Bai Zhenshan dismissed all Tang Xinyi's official posts yesterday, and today Xu Wenchuan asked the emperor to promote Tang Xinyi to be a Marquis, what rhythm is this?Are you in the ring?

Bai Zhenshan was also stunned. Although he had expected that Xu Wenchuan would be dissatisfied with his handling of Tang Xinyi, he never expected that Xu Wenchuan's counterattack would be so fierce and fierce.

All the officials, civil and military, have only come to their senses so far, no wonder Xu Wenchuan's complexion is so ugly, I dare to ask the emperor for justice for Tang Xinyi today.It really was a storm, and it was the kind that happens once in a thousand years.

Bai Zhenshan rubbed his nose, coughed lightly, and said with a smile, "Prince Dingshan may not know something. Tang Xinyi was dismissed from all official positions and expelled from the palace yesterday because of her resistance to the decree..."

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, I wonder what purpose Tang Xinyi is resisting?" Xu Wenchuan didn't wait for Bai Zhenshan to finish speaking, interrupted him bluntly, and asked directly.

"This..." Bai Zhenshan was at a loss for words for a while, if he was telling the truth, it would definitely involve the content of the imperial decree that Bai Zhenshan drew up yesterday.If the contents of that imperial decree were made public here, I'm afraid it would immediately cause an uproar.

"Oh, this... is not a special purpose..."

"Since it's not a special order, why did Tang Xinyi resist the order? As we all know, Tang Xinyi is loyal to the empire and to the emperor. Even if you let her die, she will not frown."

"That's right!" As soon as Xu Wenchuan finished speaking, Hu Jingqi stood up and said to Bai Zhenshan, "Your Majesty, Tang Xinyi is loyal, but you dismissed her as an official and expelled her from the palace. If there is no reasonable explanation, I'm afraid Civil and military officials will feel chilled."

Xu Wenchuan and Hu Jingqi pressed on with every step, showing no intention of showing mercy, which annoyed Bai Zhenshan, especially in front of all the civil and military officials, was it to make him unable to step down?

"Hu Jingqi, you are so courageous! What are you doing? Are you blaming the emperor? The emperor is wise and powerful, and there must be a reason for the emperor to dismiss Tang Xinyi. Is it your turn to ask?" Hu Jingqi teamed up with Bi to ask, it was a bit ugly, He Zhen immediately regarded this as an opportunity to make meritorious service, and jumped out impatiently.

"Bastard!" Unexpectedly, as soon as He Zhen's words fell to the ground, Xu Wenchuan let out a loud shout, almost collapsing He Zhen to the ground in shock.

When He Zhen looked at Xu Wenchuan with a pale face, Xu Wenchuan had already arrived in front of him, his eyes were staring like cowbells, and his face was as cold as iron, which made He Zhen's throat dry for a while, not to mention his two strands. They all started trembling.

"He Zhen, as a great Situ and a first-rank official, you only know how to flatter and flatter all day long, and you never think about making good plans for the society. You are simply a villain who eats vegetarian meals!"

"Ding Shanwang, you... how did you say that, I..."

He Zhen wanted to defend himself, but Xu Wenchuan didn't give him a chance at all, and continued to roar, "If, as you said, the emperor is wise, everything must be reasonable, then what do we ministers do? Just go home and herd sheep and cattle! It also saves you from taking the imperial salary every day, doing nothing, and being condemned by conscience in vain!"

"Ding Shanwang, are you... are you crazy? You are..."

He Zhen opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe his ears.Xu Wenchuan's words sounded like he was scolding him, but in fact, the target was directed at Bai Zhenshan!No wonder He Zhen had such a big reaction.

Bai Zhenshan's expression also immediately collapsed, the ugly words are indescribable.

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