"This... is something wrong? Tang Xinyi is a woman after all. Since ancient times, it seems that there has never been a precedent for a woman to be a marquis." Bai Zhenshan coughed and decided to struggle again.

"That's right! Since the establishment of Qingyun Empire, there has never been a precedent for a woman to be a marquis, but similarly, there is no precedent for a woman to be an emperor in our Qingyun Empire!" Xu Wenchuan seemed to have expected Bai Zhenshan to say this, Said a sentence unhurriedly.

But as soon as Xu Wenchuan said this, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty fell silent, and everyone showed shock.Bai Zhenshan's complexion changed wildly in an instant, and his eyes were filled with unconcealable anger.

What does Xu Wenchuan mean by saying this?This is clearly the threat of **luo!Okay, didn't you, Bai Zhenshan, refuse to grant Tang Xinyi the Marquis under the pretext that there was no precedent?Then your daughter, Princess Baidie, will never want to inherit the throne after a hundred years from you.Why?There is no precedent!

Xu Wenchuan's blow really hit Bai Zhenshan's weakness.Which emperor doesn't want the country to be handed down forever in the hands of his descendants?Bai Zhenshan only had one daughter, Baidie. If Baidie couldn't be the emperor because she was a woman, then wouldn't the power of his Bai family be handed over to others for nothing?This is something Bai Zhenshan cannot accept no matter what!

"Your Majesty, I would like to say that not everything in this world must follow precedents? Moreover, our Qingyun Empire has always paid attention to the equality of men and women. Now there are many women in various positions in the empire. Take on heavy responsibilities. And it turns out that they are no worse than men. So I think that the emperor doesn't need to have any concerns about making Tang Xinyi a Marquis."

"What King Dingshan said is true! According to the laws of our empire, there has always been only one rule for conferring marquises and titles, and that is to reward meritorious deeds! Tang Xinyi's attack is well known to all civil and military courts. Hou, it really deserves its name!"

In the past few years of Bai Zhenshan's illness, Tang Xinyi and Princess Baidie fought against Qiu Wanli together. What kind of hardships and difficulties did they face?But Tang Xinyi has never backed down, and based on this alone, it is not an exaggeration to be named a 'Marquis of the Heroine'.But after Bai Zhenshan recovered from his illness, instead of rewarding Tang Xinyi for his meritorious service, he beat Tang Xinyi severely, dismissed him from all official posts, and expelled him from the palace.Xu Wenchuan stood up to do this for Tang Xinyi, and most of the ministers still agreed in their hearts.

As expected by Bai Zhenshan, Wu Jinhun, Guo Yi and other Xu family all agreed with Hu Jingqi's statement, and soon, most of the civil and military forces of the Manchu dynasty were on Xu Wenchuan's side.

With Xu Wenchuan as the leader, Wu Jinhun and Hu Jingqi as the right arm, this almost formed an iron triangle, unbreakable!

Ever since Bai Zhenshan became the emperor, he has never been so useless.Being bi'd again and again like this, what has he become, a puppet?As a king, what could be more humiliating than being a puppet at the mercy of others?

Shame to shame?But Bai Zhenshan had to knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

"Okay! I should be clear about rewards and punishments, otherwise, I will be denounced as unfair. I will issue an edict, Tang Xinyi will be promoted to the third rank, promoted to 'Marquis of Women', rewarded with a reward of [-] liang, and a marquis mansion! I hope she will do her best." Do your best to protect the country and the people!"

After all, Bai Zhenshan is not a faint king, and his thoughts are still very clear.Since this is a loss, you have to eat as much as you eat, and you have to eat as much as you don’t eat, so it’s better to be more magnanimous, not only to be a marquis, but also to be rewarded heavily, so that you can look better and earn more word of mouth by the way.

"So, on behalf of the heroine, I thank the emperor Long En!" Bai Zhenshan said this, but he didn't really mean to thank him.In Xu Wenchuan's view, this is what Tang Xinyi deserved, and there is nothing to thank.

Looking at Xu Wenchuan's expression, Bai Zhenshan knew what was on his mind.It's not that Xu Wenchuan doesn't have a city mansion, and his face is full of joy and anger. It's just that Xu Wenchuan is so domineering. He just wants to show your emperor's face. Can your emperor not look at it?

"Since Tang Xinyi has been conferred the title of Marquis, it will be inconvenient for her to assume the position of Fengxiang Guard Commander. I have decided to appoint Hu An as Feng Xiang Guard Commander. What do you ministers think?"

Bai Zhenshan suffered a loss, so he wanted to get it back from other places.Although the position of commander of the Fengxiang Guard is not very great, it is a real lack of being able to control the military power, and it is also related to the safety of the royal family. It is naturally Bai Zhenshan's wish to appoint a trustworthy person as the commander.

Bai Zhenshan thought that he had given Xu Wenchuan face twice before, first by expelling He Zhen from the Palace of Political Affairs, and then by agreeing to make Tang Xinyi a heroine. No matter how you say it, he was benevolent. If Xu Wenchuan was sensible, he should reciprocate and agree. Regarding Juan's appointment.

But Bai Zhenshan was obviously wrong, Xu Wenchuan not only wanted to smash the scene today, but also seemed to want to smash it to the end.

As soon as Bai Zhenshan finished speaking, Xu Wenchuan shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, no!"

As soon as the words Xu Wenchuan came out, Bai Zhenshan was so annoyed that he almost jumped up from the dragon chair and had a fight with Xu Wenchuan to the death.I promised you both such two big things, but you, Xu Wenchuan, blocked such a small thing, what do you mean?

"King Dingshan, tell me the reason!" Bai Zhenshan's voice was so deep and terrifying that it could make people shiver.

Xu Wenchuan ignored it, and said loudly, "Feng Xiangwei is the imperial guard guarding the palace. There are not many people, but the burden they bear is not light. It is reasonable to find someone who has both prestige, integrity and ability as the commander. Although Hu An has certain talents, he is not from Fengxiangwei after all, he has no prestige in Fengxiangwei at all, how can he lead Fengxiangwei to protect the royal family?"

"Prestige? Juan is my relative, isn't that enough?" Bai Zhenshan's expression became more and more gloomy.

Xu Wenchuan smiled slightly, and said: "Because Juan was appointed by the emperor himself, the result may be even worse. Your majesty, you must know that Feng Xiangwei was brought out by the heroine, and they have an extremely deep affection for the heroine." Comparing your heart to your heart, if you, the emperor, are also a member of Fengxiangwei, how would you treat Juan?"

"What King Dingshan said is..." As soon as Xu Wenchuan finished speaking, Hu Jingqi stood up again.

Bai Zhenshan's head buzzed, and it almost exploded.Hastily waved his hands and said, "Okay, ok, Lord Hu needn't say anything, I also think what King Dingshan said makes sense. Then King Dingshan, in your opinion, who is the most suitable person to be the commander of Fengxiangwei?"

"Di Xiang, the former deputy commander of Fengxiang Guard, is calm and cautious, and has a certain prestige in Fengxiang Guard, so he can take on this important task!" Xu Wenchuan blurted out without hesitation.It seems that the candidate for the commander of Fengxiangwei has been wandering around in his mind for not a day or two.

When Bai Zhenshan heard this, he couldn't help cursing his mother.He devised a clever trick to drive Tang Xinyi out of Fengxiangwei's position. He originally wanted to replace Fengxiangwei with someone he could trust, rebuild Fengxiangwei, and make it a strong team that was completely loyal to him, but now, everything It's all gone.

Who is Di Xiang?He is Tang Xinyi's follower at all, and he can be said to be devoted to Tang Xinyi.Let Di Xiang be the commander of Fengxiang Guard, and let Tang Xinyi be the leader, there is no difference at all.

"En! Di Xiang is indeed a good person, and he should be able to take on this important task!" Wu Jinhun said solemnly.

Bai Zhenshan's brain couldn't help but feel a sharp pain.I'm afraid that the same situation will happen again for the third time.

Sure enough, as soon as Wu Jinhun spoke, he and the officials expressed their approval.It seems that if you express your opinion too late, it seems that you are not close to Xu Wenchuan.It was the first time that Bai Zhenshan discovered that the civil and martial arts of the Manchu dynasty were so united, they were like a family!

Many people are envious of the ancient emperors, thinking that they are what they say, and they control all the powers of life and death in the world, so majestic.But in fact, the emperor's helplessness is far more painful than that of ordinary people.Just like the current Bai Zhenshan, he is the emperor, but what matters can he really have the final say on?

Today, Xu Wenchuan taught him a real lesson, the topic is - if you make the Xu family anxious, even if you are the emperor, you can only stare in anger!

"Okay! If that's the case, then listen to King Dingshan and make Dixiang the commander of Fengxiang Guard!"

Bai Zhenshan suddenly felt a little tired, and even more bored.

Going to court this time really opened the eyes of the officials.Bai Zhenshan and the Xu family clashed three times, but in the end they lost three times in a row, completely at a disadvantage.If it is not the witness of all this, I am afraid that no one will believe it.Why, has the Xu family become so powerful now?

"Your Majesty, I still have to play!" Xu Wenchuan spoke again when the officials were shocked.

The group of officials who were still talking about it just now held their breath again.Why, the smoke of the third battle has not yet cleared, and Xu Wenchuan is about to launch a fourth attack soon?What kind of rhythm is this, the rhythm of life and death for the emperor Bai Zhenshan?

When Bai Zhenshan heard that Xu Wenchuan still had to play, he was stunned.There must be a limit to this slap in the face, again and again, do you have to beat me into a pig's head? Is there anyone like you who is a courtier?The emperor let you sit here, okay?

"Xu Aiqing, what else do you want to play?" Bai Zhenshan's voice was full of trepidation, almost making people feel a little pitiful.

"Your Majesty, after Xuanyou's death, the army under his command has been supervised by General Guo Yiguo. After all, this is not a long-term solution. I think that we should send someone to fill in Xuanyou's vacancy as soon as possible." Xu Wenchuan didn't care What kind of expression did Bai Zhenshan have, it was not pitiful, he opened his mouth and said.

Not to mention, the incident that Xu Wenchuan played was exactly what Bai Zhenshan had been thinking about recently, which made him unable to sleep.The three armies defending Gyeonggi are really important.Whoever controls these three armies is equivalent to controlling Cloud City.Wu Jinhun has completely turned to Xu Wenchuan, and Guo Yi is getting closer to Xu Wenchuan. If he doesn't hold the army that originally belonged to Xuanyou in the palm of his hand, he, Bai Zhenshan, will completely become Xu Wenchuan's swordsman. of fish.

This relationship is so strong, it is reasonable for Bai Zhenshan to be unable to sleep.

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