The eunuch who delivered the decree to Tang Xinyi was the same eunuch who delivered the decree to Wan Dong before.I thought that today I would be able to get a big reward, but Wan Dong stood aside like a black-faced ghost, and the eunuch immediately gave up the idea of ​​asking for a reward.His attitude was even more humble. After reading the imperial decree, he congratulated Tang Xinyi like a dog, and then turned around and left in a very sensible manner, appearing very sensible.

But no matter how sensible and well-behaved the eunuch was, no one had time to talk to him.As soon as he finished reading the imperial edict, everyone immediately rushed forward. If Tang Xinyi wasn't still injured, she would have been thrown up.But even so, all kinds of congratulatory voices drowned her out.

Surrounded by everyone, Tang Xinyi really felt like she was in a dream.Yesterday, he was still a criminal minister who was dismissed from all official positions, but today he became a majestic heroine, on an equal footing with Wan Dong, a young man.It is said that life is like a play, and this play is too entertaining, right?

"Come on, order me down. Today the whole army has extra meals and enough wine. Let's celebrate the heroine!" The current Dingshanwei can be said to be very rich, and Luo Xiao is even more wealthy. With a wave of his hand, he looks very handsome.

Also, to celebrate your girlfriend, how can you be stingy, you have to be a rich man!

The entire Dingshanwei garrison immediately fell into a sea of ​​jubilation.Looking at the Ding Shanwei soldiers who mingled with Luo Xiao, Huyue and the others, laughing loudly and shouting loudly, Tang Xinyi couldn't help feeling sour, thinking of her Feng Xiangwei.I'm afraid it will be difficult for her to have another chance to get together with those familiar faces, right?

"Princess is here!" Just as everyone was chatting and drinking, and the joyous atmosphere reached its peak, a clear shout, like some kind of magical spell, suddenly silenced the jubilant atmosphere.

They all followed the prestige, and saw Princess Baidie, dressed in casual clothes, riding lightly, with only Di Xiang, walking slowly with a smile on her face.

"Princess..." Seeing Bai Die, Tang Xinyi immediately stood up from her seat and walked over quickly.

"Xinyi!" Baidie called softly, and couldn't help but quicken her pace.

"Hmph!" Seeing that the two were about to hug each other, Hu Yue suddenly let out a cold snort heavily. In an instant, the atmosphere around him changed dramatically, and his cold gazes made Bai Bai Butterfly shivered involuntarily.

Baidie even doubted that if she was not a princess, the pairs of cold eyes around her would rush up and tear her to pieces.

When the princess arrived, everyone should kneel down to greet her, but everyone present, let alone kneel down, refused to show Bai Die a good face.Looking at the world, I am afraid that only Dingshanwei will be so 'arrogant'.

How could Tang Xinyi not feel the weird atmosphere around her?He hurriedly gave Luo Xiao a wink.

Although Luo Xiao was equally displeased with Baidie, Tang Xinyi seemed to be getting angry, so she shouted unwillingly, "Minister Luo Xiao, welcome the princess Luanjia!"

With Luo Xiao taking the lead, there were waves of chaotic greetings from all around, even deaf people could hear it, the greetings were actually full of dissatisfaction.Although Princess Baidie didn't feel very well, who can be blamed for this?

"Xinyi, is your injury better?" Baidie turned her head to look at Tang Xinyi, the concern in her expression and eyes was sincere and unaffected, which made Luo Xiao and others feel a little comforted. The hostility has weakened a bit.

As far as the matter is concerned, Bai Zhenshan was responsible for Tang Xinyi's expulsion from the palace, and Bai Die tried her best to stop it. She was not at fault in this matter.But since she is Bai Zhenshan's daughter, it is only natural that she has been treated on behalf of her father.

"Skin injuries like this are nothing serious, and with Sun Yisheng's rejuvenating skills, there is no need to worry at all." Tang Xinyi waved her hands again and again with a smile.

"Flesh injury? There are eighty army sticks. If I were an ordinary person, I'm afraid I'd be beaten to death." Tang Xinyi's downplaying attitude made Luo Xiao a little dissatisfied.He couldn't help but said with three points of resentment.

"Okay, Luo Xiao, I don't care about this matter anymore, why are you still worrying about it? As a man, this is not good." Tang Xinyi turned around and taught Luo Xiao a serious lesson.

"I..." Luo Xiao was about to argue, but seeing Tang Xinyi beseechingly cast him a look, he could only suppress the dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Princess, do you have any orders for your visit today?" Tang Xinyi hugged Bai Die's arm, her intimacy remained the same as before, without any change.But this made Baidie feel more and more guilty, feeling that she couldn't face it.

" order, father asked me to come, he asked me to say sorry to you, what happened yesterday was his fault."

"Ah? The emperor asked... the princess to apologize to me on his behalf? did this happen?" Tang Xinyi is really not an ordinary loyal girl. As soon as Baidie said this, the whole person immediately became excited. Tears seemed to glisten in his eyes.

This made Wan Dong on the side frown, not knowing whether to admire Tang Xinyi's loyalty, or to reprimand her for being a boner.Looking at her current appearance, not only did she not hate Bai Zhenshan, but she was a little grateful to him, which left Wan Dong speechless.

However, Wan Dong also thought that maybe he still didn't understand the relationship and relationship between Tang Xinyi and the Bai family.Tang Xinyi lost her parents since she was a child, and Bai Zhenshan single-handedly raised her. Perhaps in her mind, Bai Zhenshan was her biological father.After being beaten by his biological father, do you still want to hold grudges?Thinking of this, Wan Dong felt a little helpless, and couldn't say anything about Tang Xinyi.Tang Xinyi is already an adult, so it's better to let her handle the relationship matters by herself.

However, Bai Zhenshan asked Baidie to apologize to Tang Xinyi on his behalf, which surprised Wan Dong.It seemed that Xu Wenchuan's beating on him really had an effect, and it was very good.

As soon as Bai Die said that Bai Zhenshan wanted to apologize to Tang Xinyi, Tang Xinyi became even more intimate with Bai Die, excluded everyone, and dragged Bai Die into the handsome tent. After a while, the two sisters flew out of the handsome tent Crisp and sweet laughter.

"This...what's going on here?" Such a situation made Luo Xiao feel the most helpless, with his hands spread out, his face full of annoyance.

Wan Dong took a wine jar casually, raised his neck and drank heavily, and said, "Let nature take its course!"

Luo Xiao smiled wryly, nodded and said, "That's the only way to go! Come on, let's continue drinking!"

In the handsome tent, Baidie and Tang Xinyi chatted enthusiastically, outside the handsome tent, Wan Dong, Luo Xiao and others were also drinking lively, and the entire Dingshanwei garrison immediately returned to a scene of jubilation.

Everyone came and went, drinking happily, Tang Xinyi suddenly took Bai Die's hand, got out from the handsome tent, and sat down directly between Wan Dong, Luo Xiao and the others.

Tang Xinyi looked at everyone's puzzled eyes, and said with a smile, "What are you looking at? The princess said that she wants to have a drink with everyone. Why, you are not welcome?"

Everyone really didn't welcome Bai Die very much. It can be seen that Tang Xinyi's interest was so high that she couldn't bear to refute her face, so she nodded her head to express her welcome.

Bai Die was also refreshing, took the wine jar, poured a bowl full for herself, held it up, swept it around, and said, "When Qiu Yunchong led twenty thousand black armored guards to besiege the palace, if it weren't for the warriors of Dingshan guards , Fighting hard to kill the enemy, the consequences are really unimaginable. I have never had the opportunity to thank everyone, today, I will use this bowl of wine to express my gratitude to everyone!"

As soon as the words fell, Baidie didn't care how everyone reacted, and poured a bowl full of wine into her stomach in one breath, her heroic appearance was comparable to that of any man!

When everyone came back to their senses, they found that the bowl that Baidie had just emptied was full again.

"This second bowl of wine, I want to say sorry to everyone. I..." Baidie's voice suddenly choked up, and tears glistened in her eyes.After adjusting my emotions, I continued, "I didn't take good care of and protect Xinyi, and caused her to suffer such great harm and grievances. I am useless!"

After saying that, she raised her neck and poured the second bowl of wine down Bai Die's throat. At the same time, a crystal clear tear slipped down her cheek.

It wasn't until this moment that Luo Xiao and the others realized that the relationship between Princess Baidie and Tang Xinyi was much more real and deeper than they had imagined.

"Princess..." Baidie's voice choked up, and Tang Xinyi was even more moved to tears.After experiencing this ordeal, the relationship between the two sisters seems to have deepened a bit.

"I'll have a drink with the princess!" Luo Xiao suddenly stood up, grabbed the wine in front of him, and drank it in a big gulp.

When Luo Xiao moved, Hu Leaped, Zong Yang and the others got up one after another, and drank all the fine wine in their bowls together.

Wan Dong also knew that Baidie's life was not easy, and he didn't really blame her very much.Seeing that Luo Xiao, Hu Yue and others had already forgiven Bai Die, he had nothing to say.Just as Wan Dong also picked up the wine in front of him and was about to drink it, Tang Xinyi suddenly looked at him eagerly.

Wan Dong's heart trembled violently, and he immediately realized what Tang Xinyi was going to say, his brows furrowed immediately, and he put down the wine bowl he just raised.

"Yao Ting, the battle with the Black Armored Guards fully exposed Feng Xiangwei's lack of fighting power. Today, even if my sister begs you, you will pass the 'Going Forward' and the Nine Palaces and Nine Songs Formation to Feng Xiangwei, okay? ?”

Sure enough, as Wan Dong expected, Tang Xinyi was completely moved by Bai Die, and she was going to reciprocate with 'Move Forward' and Jiugong Jiuquzhen.

Wan Dong's complexion suddenly darkened, and his gaze towards Princess Baidie also sharpened immediately.

Luo Xiao, Hu Yue and the others didn't expect that Tang Xinyi would suddenly bring up this matter, and they looked at each other in blank dismay.

At first, Wan Dong thought that Bai Die had asked Tang Xinyi when Bai Die and Tang Xinyi were talking alone in the handsome tent, but seeing the astonishment on Bai Die's face, Wan Dong realized that it was probably Tang Xinyi herself. the meaning of……

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