Although the hotel where Wan Youqi and the others stayed is a bit small, the room is not very tidy, and the food can only be eaten alive, but for Wan Youqi and the others who have been trekking for several months, it is already like heaven.

After dinner, the group couldn't wait to go back to their rooms to rest.

After Wan Youqi settled down with Shangguan Qing, she also returned to her room. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Shangguan Yunzhu sitting on her bed pitifully surrounded by a quilt, shivering.His face was pale and he looked terrified.

Seeing Wan Youqi walking in, Shangguan Yunzhu leaped off the bed like a plane being ejected, rushed to Wan Youqi's side, hugged her tightly, and the whole body People also burst into tears with a wow.

Wan Youqi was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "Yunzhu, what's wrong with you?"

"Auntie, there are cockroaches, there are cockroaches..." Shangguan Yunzhu shouted repeatedly while choking on his sobs.

Wan Youqi couldn't help laughing a few times at first, but later she couldn't help feeling sad.Shangguan Yunzhu is a princess, why has she ever been wronged like this?Thinking back on this journey, Wan Youqi herself was fine, but she really felt sorry for Shangguan Yunzhu.This journey, Shangguan Yunzhu may be more difficult than her.

"Silly girl, why are you afraid of cockroaches?" Wan Youqi stroked Shangguan Yunzhu's hair and smiled.

"Dirty, how dirty it is, how disgusting!" Shangguan Yunzhu said excitedly. "I don't care, I'm going to sleep with my aunt tonight." After finishing speaking, Shangguan Yunzhu jumped onto the bed regardless of Sanqi 21, and got into the bed.

Wan Youqi shook her head helplessly, and while taking off her clothes, she smiled and said, "Aren't you ashamed to crawl into other people's beds for such a big girl?"

"Not ashamed, not ashamed!" Shangguan Yunzhu said cheerfully, while rushing up, hugging Wan Youqi tightly.

Wan Youqi embraced Shangguan Yunzhu in her arms, sighed softly, and said, "Yunzhu, originally we could have changed to a hotel with a better environment, but after this journey, our money has already been spent almost the same amount." I don’t know when I will be able to confirm my identity and meet the emperor of the Qingyun Empire, so I have to save some money and let you be wronged.”

Shangguan Yunzhu leaned against Wan Youqi's arms, shook her head vigorously and said, "No grievances! Compared to what Father Emperor and Wan Shuai are enduring right now, what is this? At least we haven't slept in the open Street, isn't it?"

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Yunzhu would say such things, Wan Youqi suddenly found that her princess seemed to have grown up after going through all the hardships along the way.

When Wan Youqi was feeling relieved by this, suddenly, there was a burst of wet coolness from her chest.Wan Youqi was startled, and hurriedly lowered her head to look at Shangguan Yunzhu, only to find that Shangguan Yunzhu was in tears, crying sadly.

Wan Youqi wiped away her tears in a hurry, and asked repeatedly, "Silly girl, that's a good point, why are you crying?"

It's okay if Wan Youqi didn't ask, but when she asked, Shangguan Yunzhu couldn't control it, and burst into tears, crying, "Auntie, I miss him...I miss him so much..."

Hearing Shangguan Yunzhu's cry, Wan Youqi's eyes couldn't help but become moist.Apart from Wan Dong, who else could be the person Shangguan Yunzhu was talking about?

It has been more than a year, but Shangguan Yunzhu has never really forgotten Wan Dong, and Wan Youqi knows this better than anyone else.In fact, it's not just Shangguan Yunzhu who can't forget, isn't she, Wan Youqi, also thinking about it all the time?

"Auntie, do you think he really dead?" Shangguan Yunzhu asked with a choked voice.

Wan Youqi shook her head, she didn't know how many times she had asked herself this question in her heart.Every time, Wan Youqi tried her best to convince herself that Wan Dongfu was destined to die.But... But if he really didn't die, why didn't he hear from him for more than a year?

How much Wan Youqi hopes that she can see Wan Dong again in this life, even if she loses ten or twenty years of her life because of this, she will never care.

"No...Xiaodong must still be alive, and we will definitely see him again!" Wan Youqi's words sounded like an answer to Shangguan Yunzhu, but in fact, she didn't say this to Shangguan Yunzhu. What did you hear?

"Auntie, I regret it so much. If only he and Mu Lian could be fulfilled. In that case, he wouldn't die..."

"But if that's the case, aren't you sad?"

"Sad! But no matter how sad you are, it can't compare to the pain of never seeing him again. I'd rather see him live happily with others. At least when I miss him, I can sneak a look at him."

"Silly girl! I didn't expect you to love Xiaodong so deeply..."

"I think, in my life, I will never fall in love with someone else the way I love him."


"Hey, Yunzhu, why are your eyes so red and swollen, did you not sleep well last night?" When Wan Youqi and Shangguan Yunzhu finished packing and walked out of the room, Shangguan Qing was already having breakfast.Seeing Shangguan Yunzhu's red and swollen eyes, he couldn't help asking with concern.

Shangguan Yunzhu hurriedly covered up, "It's nothing, maybe... the bed is not very comfortable."

Shangguan Qing sighed and said, "Hey! You girl, you probably have never suffered such hardship before, right?"

"It's not bitter, it's not bitter. Being able to be with everyone and do something for Tiandu Kingdom is not bitter at all! Auntie, let's eat." Worried that Shangguan Qing would keep asking, Shangguan Yunzhu hurriedly turned to Wan You Qi said.

Wan Youqi nodded and said, "Well! Eat first! After eating, I will take you to Qingyun Martial Arts Academy."

"How can I do that? Auntie, let's go to Honglu Temple first today. I will go to Qingyun Martial Academy after I see the Qingyun Emperor." Shangguan Yunzhu immediately shook his head and said.

Wan Youqi said, "It's my mission to seek help from the Qingyun Empire, and it has nothing to do with you. Your mission is to practice hard in the Qingyun Martial Academy!"


"Stop talking! After sending you to Qingyun Martial Academy, I will go to Honglu Temple again, without delay."

Seeing that Wan Youqi had made up her mind, Shangguan Yunzhu knew that it was useless to say anything else, so she sighed and agreed.

"Youqi, I'll accompany you to Honglu Temple later." Shangguan Qing said.

"No need, it's important for Elder Qing to concentrate on recuperating his wounds. Going to Honglu Temple is nothing more than going through some formalities, and you don't need to go out." Wan Youqi laughed.

Shangguan Qing didn't insist anymore, Wan Youqi was right, for him right now, there was nothing more important than healing his injuries.Except for him, no one here is Wei Chunqiu's all-in-one enemy.

Qingyun Martial Arts Academy is the best academy in the entire Dongxuan Continent, so naturally you can't get in if you want to, even if Shangguan Yunzhu is a princess, it won't work.If you want to become a student of Qingyun Wuyuan, there is only one way to go, and that is to pass the admission test of Qingyun Wuyuan.

The admission test of Qingyun Martial Academy is notoriously strict.Not only relying on cultivation, but also relying on wisdom, it has always been both civil and military!But this test is not difficult for Shangguan Yunzhu.

After Wan Dong jumped off the cliff, whether it was Shangguan Feiyun, Wan Haoxiong, Wan Youqi, almost all their hopes were pinned on Shangguan Yunzhu.There are so many strong people as her masters, and Shangguan Yunzhu's talent is really good. Although she is still young, her cultivation is among the top among her peers.

Qingyun Wuyuan has a special place for admission tests. This place will select three months every year to recruit fresh blood for Qingyun Wuyuan. Now is the right time.

When the admitted students were taking the test, family members were absolutely not allowed to be present, so Wan Youqi had to let Shangguan Yunzhu in alone.Fortunately, although the test at Qingyun Martial Academy was difficult, it was not complicated. Wan Youqi waited outside for about half an hour, and then she saw Shangguan Yunzhu walking out with a happy face.

"Hehe... Auntie, I've passed!" Shangguan Yunzhu couldn't wait to shout at Wan Youqi across Shangyuan.

Although Wan Youqi was [-]% sure that Shangguan Yunzhu could pass the test, when Shangguan Yunzhu really passed, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"Auntie, from now on, I will be a student of Qingyun Martial Academy!"

"Yes, yes, our little princess is about to soar into the sky and become a powerful heroine!" Wan Youqi was also very happy, and gently pinched Shangguan Yunzhu's Qiong's nose and said.

Qingyun Martial Arts Academy has dormitories for foreign students.The dormitories are not all the same, there are one-person, two-person, and even four-person rooms.The less a natural person lives, the higher the fee.

Shangguan Yunzhu came all the way to Yunzhong City, and she has already suffered a lot, which made Wan Youqi feel very distressed. Wan Youqi would never let Shangguan Yunzhu be wronged again when staying in Qingyun Martial Academy.Regardless of Shangguan Yunzhu's objection, he insisted on asking for a private room for her.

The dormitory of Qingyun Martial Arts Academy is much better than the hotel where Wan Youqi and the others stayed. Wan Youqi immediately decided that Shangguan Yunzhu would live in the dormitory from this moment on and would not accompany her back to the hotel.

Shangguan Yunzhu didn't agree, she begged immediately, but Wan Youqi said very resolutely, "Yuzhu, you must know that Wei Chunqiu and Duan Xuan have already arrived in Yunzhong City. It's not too difficult to find someone. Elder Qing is injured again, and everyone really can't separate their minds and strength to protect you. Living here is not only good for you, but also for me and me. Elder Qing, it is also a good thing, can you understand?"

"But..." With tears in his eyes, Shangguan Yunzhu held Wan Youqi's hand, but refused to let go.

Wan Youqi smiled, and said softly, "Silly girl, sooner or later I will leave Yunzhong City and return to Tiandu Kingdom, and sooner or later you will have to adapt to a life alone. Listen to Auntie, from now on, Be strong. Don't forget, on your shoulders, we still bear the future of our Heavenly Capital Kingdom!"

"But I... I can't bear my aunt, I can't bear to bear with you. Maybe... maybe after this farewell, I will... never see you again, I..." These words have always been deeply hidden in Shangguan Yunzhu's heart In her heart, she dared not and was unwilling to face it.Saying it at this time, it hurts like someone is stabbing her heart out with a knife.

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